Zodiac sign Capricorn characteristics

m-kozerog-3Cautious, reserved, prudent, ambitious, intelligent, and disciplined – these are the key words that describe Capricorn. Capricorn symbolizes bravery and perseverance. Courage, common sense, and industriousness allow Capricorns to tackle any task, no matter how impossible it may seem at first glance.

Capricorns are always ready to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals. Until the age of 40, they rarely manage to achieve satisfaction and success. Typically, in their youth, they find it difficult to obey rules and restrictions. They deserve prosperity because they possess all the qualities necessary for this: strong will, independence, conscientiousness, sincerity, and endurance. They have a very realistic attitude towards life and possess many talents that ensure success in life.

Wonderful friends, reliable and loyal, at work Capricorns are so ambitious that they rise very high on the career ladder. But, once becoming a boss, Capricorns don’t always remain as kind and soft. Capricorns also lack flexibility. It’s difficult to get along with a Capricorn boss. If they say something needs to be done, it means it needs to be done yesterday, even if the results won’t be needed until next week.

Capricorns are very wise in a financial sense. They save and spend money very wisely. They always have something for a rainy day and enjoy feeling secure. However, sometimes they give in to some madness. But overall, Capricorns remain the most reasonable and level-headed signs of the Zodiac. They have a wonderful, albeit sometimes unconventional, sense of humor that those who interact with Capricorns can’t help but appreciate.

Truth be told, Capricorns sometimes need to be reminded of this beautiful quality. Capricorns often worry about trivial things. They are especially concerned about their own health and the health of their loved ones. But they know how to hide their worries from the world, pretending that nothing has happened. Comedian Capricorn Jim Carrey has achieved true perfection in this art. His face never loses its wide smile, but behind him lies a whole story of unhappy love and broken engagements. Capricorns are made for great things, the only thing they need is a partner they can trust.

These guys don’t recognize half-measures. They know exactly what they love and what they can’t stand. They are able to control themselves and know how to keep themselves in check. You will be surprised to learn that, despite all their down-to-earth nature, Capricorns are big romantics. A Capricorn can only enter into a marriage out of love. No matter who they marry, Capricorns are capable of maintaining passion until the very end.

If you ask a Capricorn a question, be prepared that you may not like the answer. If you talk about your problems, a Capricorn may very well take you under their wing until you take the actions that, in their opinion, are necessary for your complete happiness. Capricorns are very ambitious, they want to achieve success not only for themselves but also to bring success to those who are close and dear to them.

They have a very sober and modern view of the world, but deep down they remain traditionalists. They want everything to be right and by the book. They love to have fun, but only at designated times. If you deviate from the schedule, it is bound to surprise a Capricorn. Even the strongest signs lose self-control in the presence of this powerful earth sign.

To have a good relationship with a Capricorn, treat them the way you would like to be treated. Don’t try to fool them. It’s not easy to make a Capricorn open up about their feelings. They are very sensitive, but they have a pretty thick protective layer that is not easy to break. If you manage to do so, you will find a loyal and reliable partner who will love you for many years.

Whenever you meet a Capricorn, at first you won’t like them. These people have a talent for showing their tough side to others when they think it’s necessary. If you don’t get to know them, this behavior can shock and push you away. Capricorns have to work hard to get what they have, and they don’t like intrusion into their territory. Common sense is their main quality, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t prone to bouts of mild madness. They just always do things their own way.

You may be surprised that Capricorns are so passionate about being bosses. They literally strive for this with all their might. To convince them of the need for any changes, you will have to train them for a long time and carefully choose the time to talk about it. Capricorns must think that the idea came to their own mind.

Capricorns are often a valuable acquisition, although sometimes they can become an annoying hindrance – but are you really interested in a person who never changes? By letting a Capricorn into your life, you will feel that they have entered it forever. And even if you lose them, you will never forget them. Capricorns have such a strong individuality that you will soon start copying their habits, especially in domestic life. Unfortunately, Capricorns tend to overeat. They love to eat well, preferring fatty and high-calorie foods. If you can, try to convince a Capricorn to switch to a healthier diet.

Capricorns are capable of surprising everyone around them and themselves with their choice of partner. Sometimes their partners may seem completely unsuitable to everyone, but outsiders do not understand that behind their external calmness is a passionate creature, striving to live a full life. Earth signs are often drawn to water signs, capable of fulfilling their dreams and helping them in life.

Cancers, Scorpios, and Pisces are the most likely companions for Capricorns. Representatives of these signs are very often seen (and even more often heard due to their passion for loud conversations) next to Capricorns. Capricorns love their home and are not too obsessed with their career to forget about their parental duties. Mel Gibson, a father of seven children, is a typical example of a Capricorn.

Capricorns don’t rush into close relationships with anyone. However, they never rush in general. It’s amazing because they always look like they’re rushing headlong somewhere. In line, a Capricorn will constantly push the person in front of them and hurry everyone around. But once they reach the counter, they will spend as much time as they deem necessary, even if it’s about a completely insignificant purchase. (I can imagine how much time it would take a Capricorn to buy, for example, a house!)

Whatever role Capricorn plays in your life, give them time and don’t push them. If you try to nudge them, they will surely turn around and give you a good shove with their horns.

Don’t worry if Capricorn doesn’t talk about their feelings for you for a long time. When the time comes, they won’t hide them. Don’t expect them to reveal their innermost secrets to you. Capricorns need time to learn to trust people. Don’t ask them questions. Eventually, they will be surprised why you don’t ask them anything and they will tell you everything themselves, sometimes even more than you wanted to know at the beginning of your relationship.

Yes, sometimes Capricorns may seem somewhat distant even towards those they love and trust, but let them doubt – and time will answer all your questions. Capricorns won’t stay with those they don’t love. They carefully plan their lives, and if you don’t fit into their plan, it’s unlikely that you will be able to stay close to them for long.

Some say that becoming a Capricorn’s chosen one is like winning an “Oscar”. Capricorns always consider their partner to be perfection, so you can be proud, hold your head up high, and not take any criticism to heart. Capricorns will never harm you. They know everything perfectly. Or they think they do.

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