A cheerful, attentive and honest woman-Pig always has a smile on her face. Her friendliness attracts people, and if you become her friend, you can always count on her support for the rest of your life. She is always ready to help a friend, even if it involves some inconvenience and she has to sacrifice her own interests.
She likes to help others, but when she has problems herself, she can show character and refuse help. It will take her time to learn how to share her troubles. But can you blame her? She has been deceived and betrayed so often that now she is not as trusting as before.
She is quite shy and reserved in love. The Pig woman hides her true feelings until she is sure that the object of her dreams loves her back. She prefers to remain passive. She is a romantic who needs to be courted and spoiled.
She is pure, compassionate, and generous, which makes her an easy target for less noble people. Close friends of the Pig woman know this. She constantly shares her experiences with them. Friends of the Pig woman truly have a tough time: they foresee her disappointments, but cannot prevent them.
Despite her failures in relationships, the Pig woman is very intelligent overall. She loves social gatherings and knows how to have fun. She adores going shopping. She takes everything she likes off the shelf and puts it in her bag without even looking at the price.
The Pig woman will have a relatively easy life because luck always accompanies her. Her financial situation will also be quite stable if she learns to control her desire to go shopping. As for her personal life, she simply needs to occasionally listen to her friends who are trying to protect her.