Everyone has weaknesses. When we meet someone, it’s hard to immediately understand what surprises and disappointments they might bring us.
However, based on the horoscope, we can help ourselves a little in this matter.
Our zodiac signs say a lot about us, and they can show tendencies and major weaknesses.
From the zodiac sign itself, you may find out if your new partner will leave socks everywhere or accuse you of being messy.
Unfortunately, there is another side to this coin… by reading this brief “zodiac guide,” you may see your own sins.
Aries’ Vices and Sins
This zodiac sign can be very impulsive and emotional. It works quickly, often without thinking.
Does not think about the consequences of his actions. This is important here and now, so he often acts on impulse.
Aries can go to the store without hesitation and buy a new TV because he likes it.
He can go out in a sports suit and worn-out shoes to save time for other important things.
His life is not organized, or rather, you can expect it to be full of surprises.
Because of his impulsiveness, Aries often commits crimes and offenses involving the use of force.
Even a bad look from another person can sometimes make him fight. However, these are extreme cases. Aries needs to learn to control his emotions and calm down.
In relationships, take care of developing healthy compromises, but do not limit your passions. Aries should always do what he loves.
Vices and Sins of Taurus
Loves luxury and comfort. Therefore, he seeks opportunities to indulge himself in all possible ways. He loves to go shopping and show off everything he can have in front of others.
Preferably to those whom he does not like. Even men born under this sign willingly use the services of a hairdresser and cosmetologist. The Bull’s sin is usually greed.
Taurus cannot — or simply does not want to — control himself in food and drink. So don’t try to take another slice of cake or favorite dumplings.
His greed manifests itself in other areas of life as well, namely in bodily needs.
They are often selfish people who think they should be the center of attention for everyone else.
Tauruses will always find a way to get what they want. Try to teach them moderation.
Vices and Sins of Gemini
You have to be careful with Geminis – they are intelligent, sociable and interesting. Among the representatives of this sign, we often find insincere people.
They can lie without stuttering – even while looking straight into someone else’s eyes. If the lie is discovered, they will tell you: “I was joking, didn’t you know?”
For them, spreading rumors about colleagues or even their own family is not a problem.
Therefore, they are not the best trusted keepers of secrets, because as soon as the opportunity arises, they can use the information.
Geminis need to understand that they have no right to act this way. Unfortunately, it often happens that it is beyond their power, and the desire for gossip prevails.
Vices and Sins of Cancer
Seeks idols for worship, idolatry is its most frequent sin. Most often, it chooses a partner as an idol.
It seems like it sounds pretty good, especially for the partner.
In reality, however, it can be excessive. For a Cancer partner, Cancer can even jump into fire and cover them with their own body in case of danger. The partner is a deity for them, whom they would like to worship.
Unfortunately, Cancer does not see that they are going too far. In doing so, they can completely forget about themselves, their plans, and dreams.
They want to focus on their love and move heaven and earth for their loved one.
It even happens that they break contacts with friends and family in order to be able to fully dedicate themselves to their partner.
Vices and sins of Leo
Leos often take pride in themselves. They consider themselves to be the best, smartest, and most resourceful.
According to their opinion, they are unique and perfect. They have no flaws, and everyone else should accept and respect them.
Each of their ideas must be the best, and others cannot oppose it. More precisely, everyone should applaud Leo’s ideas and immediately carry out the assigned tasks.
They care about beauty, clothing, and material possessions not only for themselves but also for others to admire. Often, Leos can be arrogant, self-absorbed, and selfish.
So it’s not always necessary to show that they are right. It’s better for them to come down to earth a little and take into account the opinions of others, which is not given to them too easily.
Calm conversations with Leos and informing them about their shortcomings are very important.
Virgo’s Vices and Sins
The biggest flaws of Virgo are envy and criticism. It is often said that Virgo envies everything – the house, the husband, the wife, the children, the dog, or the job.
She cannot accept the fact that someone has achieved more success. Or that she doesn’t have what she wants.
Virgo will always find a “hole in the whole” and say, for example, “he has such a big and beautiful house, but his wife cheats on him” or “he spoils her in love, but he doesn’t have a penny behind him”.
This envy is often irrational, it is directed only at people she doesn’t like. Virgo observes, evaluates, and draws conclusions.
Unfortunately, sometimes – in strong anger – envy and criticism do not stop and she can seek revenge. However, these are extreme cases.
Vices and Sins of Libra
The sin of Libra is its vanity and, as in the case with Virgo, envy. This zodiac sign devotes a lot of time to looking good.
Libras dislike it when someone in their environment looks better than they do, as they do not like competitors.
They want to be the most beautiful. They buy the best, sometimes the most expensive clothes and cosmetics.
They spend hours taking care of their bodies, exercising, and never leaving the house without makeup. When they leave the house, they constantly check if they still look perfect.
To achieve this, they will look at their reflection in puddles, windows, mirrors, and phones.
They happily take selfies and post photos on social media profiles.
Libras must understand that not only appearance matters.
Talk about it calmly, find common interests and topics for conversation, and messy hair will no longer be a problem.
Scorpio’s Vices and Sins
flaw of Scorpio is that he experiences strong lust.
He loves to seduce, flirt, seek new sensations or at least a smile or a fleeting touch.
Regardless of whether he is at home, at work or in a grocery store – he sends a sophisticated look and waits for reciprocity.
However, this is not flirtation for pleasure. Mostly, it concerns satisfying the needs of the body. Scorpios are passionate, impatient, and dislike boredom.
Unfortunately, in the end, monogamy got a little tired of this zodiac sign. Scorpio cannot focus on one partner if they do not meet his expectations.
Rarely enters into relationships, always subconsciously looking for another, perfect half. The best for him are one-day meetings – those without commitment.
In addition, this sign is very vindictive, so think twice before causing him any harm.
Vices and sins of Sagittarius
The sin of Sagittarius is talkativeness and a certain inclination towards infidelity. This zodiac sign is restless.
He loves adventures, conversations, gossip, and seeks opportunities for small or big pleasures.
Sagittarius loves to have his safe space – a real sanctuary – that’s why he is connected to one partner and doesn’t like to let strangers in.
However, there are times when his relationships don’t stop him from seeking new challenges and sensations. When relationships are unsuccessful and the partner doesn’t meet expectations, Sagittarius doesn’t want to give up.
He prefers to stay in the relationship until he finds a worthy candidate.
Vices and sins of Capricorn
The biggest vice or sin of Capricorn is his greed and workaholism.
This zodiac sign would like to have more money than others, drive a better car, and have a more exclusive apartment.
They have to show others that they are worth more than the average person.
Because of this desire, Capricorn often becomes a workaholic and devotes every free day to work.
Only hard work will give them the opportunity to earn more money. Unfortunately, because of all this, Capricorn often neglects their family and friends.
Therefore, they need to learn to relax and think about something other than money.
Vices and sins of Aquarius
The main flaw of Aquarius may be, first of all, that he considers himself an ideal. He is the best, smartest, and most wonderful.
All those around him have some serious or minor flaws, but not Aquarius. His relatives should listen to him, respect him, and fulfill all his whims.
In the opinion of Aquarius, only his ideas are correct, because they are the best.
Others should not hesitate to trust his theories, they should not even ask about anything, but blindly follow him.
Unfortunately, sometimes Aquarius presses on his companions so much that they begin to feel uncomfortable around him.
Aquarius needs to be gently brought back down to earth. There is no need to praise him literally for everything, especially when performing professional duties.
Vices and Sins of Pisces
It can be said that Pisces are lazy. They can do nothing for several days, just lie down and look straight ahead.
They are thinkers of great sensitivity. When they have something to think about, the disorder around them does not bother them. If someone asks them about their well-being, they will hear that they are tired.
Anything: work, home, school, household chores. They just like to dream and be in their world of imagination.
Reality is not good enough for them. Therefore, sometimes they have to come down to Earth a little and take care of their lives because unfortunately, their dreams will not feed their family.
We all have all kinds of vices and we commit sins, it is natural.
Some less, others more. No one is perfect, but we can always try to become better.
Ignorance of oneself is worse than anything. Now you know zodiacal defects — you can think about whether they apply to you and start working on them.
Of course, changes don’t happen right away, so communicate with each other and work to become better.
Perfect zodiac sign
Temperament by zodiac sign