Twins Born on May 21

21-2 Twins, whose birthday falls on May 21, can be compared to squirrels in a wheel. You rush from place to place, constantly meeting people, picking up crumbs of information here and there. A great conversationalist, you are always ready to share with others what you have learned. Preferring to skim the surface, you still grasp the essence of the problem and the most important points, understanding people better and discerning situations more finely than even those who delve into the details.

The biggest danger to the health of people born on May 21 lies in their unrestrained energy and greatest dedication to their work. Tireless in achieving their goal, they simply torture themselves and notice their illness too late. Those born on this day often do not recognize the fact of the limitations of physical abilities, not only their own, but also those around them.

So if they want to live more than fifty years, they should listen to both the signals sent by the body and the advice of friends, relatives, and loved ones. Those born on May 21 often strain their nervous system; fortunately, it is the most enduring organ. Since those born on May 21 spend a huge amount of energy, they should eat regularly. A short nap after lunch works wonders, as long as it doesn’t cause insomnia at night.

Born on May 21, not only do they see far ahead, but they also have the ability to achieve their goals. Once they get involved in a fight, they remain its participants for a long time, no matter how difficult its course may be. In this sense, they are completely unlike people with ideas who easily give up, lose interest, or continue to move forward only because they don’t know peace.

Born on May 21 simply burn with desire to bring their ideas to life in order to demonstrate them in working condition. They have a special intuition for the tangible, sensitive, and physical aspects of human existence. And yet, the transformation of crude physical matter into other, much more refined forms often constitutes the essence of their worldview.

For those who were born on the Day of Clear Vision, a special attachment to public interests is characteristic. Those born on this day do not belong to the category of idealistic dreamers, they prefer to be in the thick of the crowd, in the center of the battle, and fight together with society or, on the contrary, against society for their convictions.

However, often the slogans of such people turn out to be not without self-interest, but it happens that they stand up for others. Nevertheless, the majority of those born on May 21 belong to those who are more likely to give than to take. They even have problems accepting gifts or help from others.

In this sense, it can be said that the lives of these people are a show of one actor: those born on May 21 do not need a manager or a public relations specialist. They prefer to do all the work themselves – from start to finish. Somehow it naturally happens that the money for the implementation of their projects is often found at the very last moment.

Apparently, the confidence of these people in the correctness of the chosen course is so great that the attention and support they need never pass them by. However, it often happens that they have to work in vain for years, becoming the object of ridicule and contemptuous reproaches, but even this does not deter those who were born on this day from the intended goal.

Dominant personalities, they are happy when others are under their control. However, some may remain silent throughout their lives, never voicing their brilliant ideas; they simply lose their voice, sitting behind the backs of partners, relatives, or children.

Such people inevitably face the agonies of conscience and self-abasement, and yet all they need is the courage to act, and then success would be assured. In general, the Day of Clear Vision predisposes to significant achievements. However, those born on May 21 should beware of arrogance and selfishness, and it is also not worth pretending to be great martyrs or innocent victims.

It is necessary to periodically rethink personal motives in order to ensure one’s own blamelessness and selflessness. Those born on May 21 should also understand that giving and receiving are two sides of the same coin and that accepting help from others is not shameful at all.

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