Subordinate Scales


This sign needs attention and respect. In something, Libra are similar to Lions: they also need recognition of their merits. Libra is proactive as a subordinate only if they see a human attitude towards themselves.

If he feels ignored or unfairness, work efficiency will be low. Working on inertia makes Libra sad, they cannot exist for a long time in such a mode. The work horoscope notes that rather the sign will find a new place than endure the authoritarianism of the leader.

Libra in a team

Libra employee functions equally successfully with colleagues and independently. He adheres to the position of equality and responsibility. Therefore, the sign is unlikely to try to shift his duties onto others, except in situations where he feels his interests are being infringed.

In this case, the subordinate Libra easily distribute the excess work to others in proportions that they consider overly unfair. In the team, this sign maintains friendly relationships, values a comfortable atmosphere, and tries to avoid conflict situations. Gossip or backstage wars are not for them, as they contradict the priorities of Libra.

How to approach Libra subordinates

As already mentioned, this sign values fairness. Libra employees do not tolerate a condescending approach, especially if they are being pointed out mistakes in such a format.

It is much more effective to clearly and specifically point out the flaws without raising your voice and without demeaning them in the presence of other team members. Libra prefer diplomacy and expect corresponding treatment.

For maximum performance, a sign requires a comfortable environment and the ability to concentrate. Therefore, favorable working conditions are very important for Libra, as they can fully realize their deep potential.

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