People born in this decade are strongly influenced by the planet closest to the Sun – Mercury. Among all people, there are also those whose very existence can be difficult to notice because they are so quiet, unobtrusive, and afraid to express their own opinion.
Sagittarians of the third decade in no way belong to this category, it is simply impossible to ignore them. Mercury endows them with stubbornness and a heightened sense of justice, especially Sagittarians are unhappy with the injustice done to them. Among the fundamental qualities, it is worth noting the ability to achieve their own – persistence, which occasionally turns into stubbornness.
Stubbornness combined with curiosity makes a highly explosive combination and can cause a lot of trouble even at a young age. Although Sagittarians are interesting individuals who attract attention from those around them and can often give their parents a reason to be proud of them, stubbornness and persistence can sometimes turn them into unbearable people.
Fortunately, this does not happen so often, and Sagittarians do not feel the need to assert themselves in this way every day. In addition, knowing their character, those around them try not to interfere too often in the lives of these confident, maturing children.
From an early age, Sagittarians stand out among their peers as leaders who take responsibility for most of the events happening in their group.
Therefore, having learned from bitter experience, the governess, appalled that the children had initiated a third world war during quiet time using heavy artillery — pillows, and several years later, the teacher, in search of the culprit for a disrupted lesson, invariably points to the Sagittarius, because who else but this mischief-maker would come up with the most varied pranks.
In school, they easily find their circle of communication among similar pranksters and slackers. The Sagittarius themselves, unlike most of their friends, have great potential and can receive excellent grades, which they often do in class.
But doing homework, solving the same monotonous problems — this is not an activity for Sagittariuses born in the third decade. They are more attracted to work that requires at least a small spark of creativity.
They are often influenced by a company that does not make any effort to improve performance, or they may succumb to a much more dangerous opponent – laziness. Similar troubles can await Sagittarius on the sports field.
Excessive confidence in their own abilities, combined with reluctance to adhere to a strict schedule necessary for regular training, can lead to the fact that the former athlete will soon lose his former form and gain weight.
Therefore, at the age of 13-15, Sagittarius should make special efforts to work on themselves and their body, striving to achieve high results. Attitude towards life, ways of spending time are formed in the minds of Sagittarius precisely in these years, and therefore it is especially important for them to develop the right attitudes that allow them to have fun with friends, devote time to studying, and sports.
Then, in the following years, Sagittarians reap the fruits of their righteous or unrighteous labors. Habits that formed in childhood and adolescence begin to influence their character, affecting their destiny.
The stars and the ruling planet of Sagittarius’ third decade – Mercury – generously bestow upon them many diverse blessings, and if desired, Sagittarians can reach the heights of this life. But for such gifts, it is necessary to pay with diligence in realizing one’s own potential.
What representatives of other signs can achieve through years of hard work sometimes falls into the hands of restless Sagittarians, and such a state of affairs can become a cause of illusion.
At the same time, a lucky player sometimes thinks that success will always accompany him. But luck has a habit of leaving and coming back, with years the body that does not know the loads weakens and turns into a weak, unable to withstand the trials body. And the once lively mind, not finding its application, slowly fades.
Therefore, youth, young years are crucial for Sagittarians, when the foundations of their understanding of the world are laid, their character is tempered. And if in these important years one does not show the necessary firmness in studying, developing intellect and body, then the further into the forest, the harder it will be to change the received result even with a strong desire.
Very important for Sagittarius marks the period between 40 and 43 years. At this time, the body begins to gradually lose the vibrant energy of youth. If you do not take proper care of your body, you may end up with not very pleasant consequences of hypodynamia and other diseases of modern humans, which the body that does not know the load easily succumbs to.
Therefore, Sagittarius is recommended to occasionally visit the gym or pool. In this aspect, the most important thing is not the intensity and exhausting nature of the workouts, but their regular repetition.
But more important than taking care of the body is taking care of the spirit. In these years, some negative traits of character of Sagittarius of the third decade are exacerbated, among which pride and greed are not the last places.
What representatives of the ninth sign of the zodiac themselves are exceptional, bright, original personalities, undeniably, but this does not give them the right to consider everyone around them only as a means to achieve their own comfort.
A sense of self-worth is wonderful, but in its exaggerated form it resembles a cancerous tumor that destroys once warm relationships between closest friends. Of course, not all Sagittarians are offensively proud, but this unpleasant quality is inherent in many representatives of this sign.
Focus on material goods can sometimes be a drawback for Sagittarians of the third decade. Although these people are fine connoisseurs of beauty, able to notice and appreciate the beauty of a good car, a picturesque landscape, and a lovely woman, the monetary equivalent of a work of art can mean more to them than the work itself.
But, summing up, it is necessary to note that the numerous advantages of Sagittarians help them overcome their weaknesses, and they, courageously overcoming the obstacles in their way, become leaders, leading the rest of the team. And the best proof of a life well lived for them is the love and recognition of numerous friends and relatives, whose lives have been filled with warmth thanks to the presence of Sagittarius in them.
Horoscope by decades of other zodiac signs
- Sagittarius – first decade (November 23 – December 2)
- Sagittarius – second decade (December 3 – December 12)