People born in the first decade under the constellation of Sagittarius cannot be called anything but unique individuals. These people are particularly influenced by Saturn, and under the influence of this planet, representatives of this sign gain strong willpower and pronounced intellect.
The main characteristic of these passionate and positive personalities is their desire for independence, which is why they can often react sharply to attempts to interfere in their own lives. Sagittarians of the first decade have a very negative attitude towards injustice, both towards themselves and towards sometimes completely unrelated people.
In childhood, Sagittarius begin to show the qualities of a leader, instilled in them by the stars: they are very curious, especially in preschool age, and literally pester their parents and teachers with questions.
Sometimes they have difficulties in communicating with their peers and can be not very polite when they have to share their toys. In some cases, it can even lead to a fight with a knowingly stronger opponent.
So in childhood, Sagittarius can create a lot of problems for their relatives and loved ones, especially parents. It is in childhood that Sagittarius form their perception of the world.
They perceive their surroundings with a frightening sobriety, characteristic of older generations; it is equally not characteristic of them to either see everything through rose-colored glasses, noticing only the good, floating in the clouds, or to paint reality in the color of a raven’s wing, fully focusing only on the negative.
At the same time, memory is well developed in Sagittarians, they absorb everything they see and hear, like spring water is absorbed into depleted soil, and accumulated knowledge can unexpectedly resurface many years later. Childhood is a period when the character of a future leader is especially actively formed.
School time becomes the beginning of a new life for Sagittarians. First and foremost, their curiosity is now satisfied through gaining knowledge. Due to their natural abilities, they have far fewer problems with understanding unfamiliar material than their peers.
The main problem is that after such an easy start, Sagittarians can relax and become complacent, thinking that success in their studies will continue without effort. And if they become lazy, they will quickly transition from being leaders to outsiders if they don’t pull themselves together in time.
This decade for Sagittarians is characterized by a strong inclination towards various forms of entertainment combined with physical activity; they are passionate about sports, and many of them have a love for hunting and fishing in their blood.
Therefore, from childhood, it is necessary to teach a child to engage in regular sports. Perhaps it is not necessary to set the goal of turning a young Sagittarius into a hope of the Russian Olympic team, but by the transitional period, a representative of this sign should be physically developed enough to continue their path, engaging in professional sports, moving to the amateur class – or, heroically waving it all away, forgetting about physical improvement.
And again, during training, Sagittarians face the same temptation as in mental activities – success comes too easily for them to fully appreciate the fruits of their labor.
Sagittarius often settles for a few months of training, only to consider themselves “in good shape” a year later. Yes, they quickly achieve success, but few are able to consolidate the results they have achieved.
They have the ability not only to objectively assess the situation they find themselves in for the first time in their lives, which is important in itself, but Sagittarians also know how to act based on the program they have formulated themselves. Thanks to these qualities, they quickly gain authority and recognition in the eyes of others.
Therefore, they easily adapt to a new team if they happen to move from one educational institution to another. When entering university, a Sagittarius born in the first decade also feels at home in the broad and open student community.
But despite all the communication with a wide circle of people who consider themselves close friends of Sagittarians, and despite the numerous love affairs that often accompany the mature period, these people often lack friendly care, involvement, and understanding.
They need not just a friendly hand to support them in difficult times, or a beautiful girlfriend, but people with whom they can talk about their problems or just be silent together.
And it is very sad when in search of their girlfriend or life partner, the Sagittarius forgets about this – about their sensitive soul – and is guided by considerations of a lower order. If a Sagittarius of the first decade enters into a marriage for calculation – it is doomed to collapse from the first minute.
These years are crucial for Sagittarius, and it is here that the foundation is laid for either a happy life or endless reproaches and attempts to escape through lively parties with plenty of alcoholic beverages. Their future existence will be greatly influenced by their work and the daily routine in the appropriate collective. For Sagittarius, the question of salary will also be important here.
But a pragmatic approach, nevertheless, will not be able to overshadow the desire of Sagittarius to find “their own” company, where Sagittarius can simply relax, take off the mask of a hero and the soul of the company, which he periodically puts on himself and just be himself , no matter how banal this phrase may sound.
In old age, Sagittarians will warm themselves by the warmth of the family hearth if, as already mentioned, they are able to choose not only a worthy but also a pleasant partner in all respects.
If they can arrange their lives not only materially prosperous but also emotionally comfortable, then the atmosphere of home warmth will be a welcome refuge from the hardships associated with transitioning into older age categories.
However, in contrast, the entire lives of Sagittarians born in this decade are devoted to actively enjoying life, and the corresponding consequences will manifest themselves around the age of 40.
As for the elderly age of those born in the first decade of Sagittarius, not much can be said – this is a time for reaping the fruits, and only a few can withstand the pressure of aging and continue active activities despite the years.
Horoscope by decades of other zodiac signs
- Sagittarius – second decade (December 3 – December 12)
- Sagittarius – third decade (December 13 – December 21)