Sagittarius Business Horoscope


They will not haggle, demand change (sometimes they will take it for free so as not to pay with small change). There are unreasonable expenses (generous spending), they like to splurge and live beyond their means. You know, some Sagittariuses find it hard to imagine “rainy days”… Although people, as a rule, are educated (they graduate from universities), they read about poverty in thick books and sympathize with it sincerely.

Of course, not every Sagittarius has dollars lying around in their wallet, but trends show that they are successful in mastering the tourism business, import-export (currency operations), and international law. That’s where the money will flow (if you roll up your sleeves). Higher education, professional development courses, foreign language faculties – they will do their job – bring you to a secure future.

Amazing guaranteed source of financial well-being – the path of a writer. Memoirs and fees, teaching and students’ material love will make a big contribution to your saving system. However, do not forget about generous-mass charity, otherwise money will not bring happiness.

Do you want happiness? Then start sharing. At least with knowledge that are worth something. By the way, you will also earn – for example, honor and respect (philosophical wealth that you can’t buy with money).

Favorable business sectors

Medicine and education, traveling salesmanship, brokering, insurance, means of communication and information, modeling business.

Zone of risk

Purchase and sale of weapons and ammunition, lubricating materials, transportation, raw material operations.

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