Often we come across such circumstances when much depends on the outcome of a certain important conversation for us, whether it’s an interview, business negotiations, or a declaration of love…
Unfortunately, the outcome of negotiations is not always obvious to us.
How can we make the other person feel comfortable during a conversation in order to get what we want from them?
How can we find the key to the heart of someone we barely know?
Unfortunately, there is no universal key that can make any person like us during a conversation. Or rather, there is, but not just one – there are twelve of them.
Not in vain have astrologers been studying the relationship between a person’s date of birth and their character for centuries.
Astrologers believe that belonging to a particular zodiac sign directly affects their leading character traits, positive and negative qualities of personality.
Therefore, knowing the characteristics of the zodiac sign that interests you, you will be able to apply this invaluable knowledge for yourself.
You have a business meeting with a Scorpio? To make such an interlocutor inclined towards you, be sure to emphasize the sincerity of your intentions, be consistent and thorough.
Do you have a romantic date with an Aries? Prepare yourself for the fact that the main topic of conversation will be about them, – if, of course, you really need to please them.
If your boss is a Taurus? – Speak briefly and concisely.
And do not even think about pulling the cat by the tail: know that such a manner of communication affects Taurus just like a red rag to a bull.
In other words, each zodiac sign has its own secret, knowing which, you can easily achieve success in communicating with them. What? – Let’s consider below.
Communicating with Aries
If you want to win over Aries, remember that for him the center of the Universe is himself.
Accordingly, the main topic of conversation will be his personality. To interest him, become a good listener, giving the initiative to Aries.
Ask him for advice on something, and he will gladly share his invaluable life experience. In addition, Aries will have the most wonderful opinion of you.
Aries likes to deal with professionals. Use this advice and try to talk to him about things you are knowledgeable about.
But by no means argue with Aries: to fight with a celestial ram is a dubious pleasure.
Communication with Taurus
When talking, do not go around in circles for a long time, but start immediately with the main thing: he cannot stand conversations about nothing.
But restraint, the ability to express thoughts briefly and draw conclusions will make a good impression on Taurus.
He likes order in everything, considers himself fair and appreciates this quality in others.
Therefore, if you manage to convince Taurus that resolving your problem will restore objectivity, the real state of affairs in something, then you will be able to attract him to your side.
However, it is worth remembering that there is a huge gap between banal support and a desire to help for this zodiac sign.
But if Taurus still promised you something, know that he always keeps his word.
Communication with Gemini
When communicating with
Gemini, know that it is easy to catch their attention, but keeping it is a whole problem.
However, it is still possible to achieve this if you are ready to skillfully switch from one topic to another in conversation with them.
Be prepared for the fact that Gemini will constantly get distracted from the conversation with you, greeting other people, or even trying to run away.
Therefore, if you want to discuss something important with Gemini, choose a secluded place for the conversation.
However, in order to impress Gemini with a certain thought and gain their support, this alone will not be enough.
Even if they offer to help you today, there is a high probability that tomorrow Gemini will not even remember their promise.
To really interest a representative of such a zodiac sign, your ideas must be truly new, fresh, and interesting, wrapped in a colorful wrapper.
In addition, when presenting your thoughts to a Gemini, you need to do it quickly so that they don’t get bored.
Communicating with Cancer
When engaging in a conversation with a Cancer, remember that individuals of this zodiac sign are quite sensitive and prone to mood swings.
Therefore, if you feel that a Cancer is feeling down or irritated, it’s unlikely that you should start an important conversation here and now.
When communicating with a Cancer, try not to show strong emotions, and this applies not only to negative ones, but also to positive ones.
You can express joy, excitement, anger or sadness – all of this will equally negatively affect Cancer, making him start to look at you with caution. Even too fast or loud conversation may not please Cancer.
Of course, Cancer is unlikely to engage in open conflict. Instead, he will retreat into himself, hiding behind delicacy.
So if you want to gain Cancer’s trust, do not push him and do not rush to show a storm of emotions. On the contrary, tune in to a calm and peaceful conversation.
And be prepared that even discussing insignificant issues will take a lot of time.
Communication with Leo
When communicating with
Leo, you should remember that representatives of this zodiac sign are quite self-centered.
Therefore, any carelessly dropped word can hurt them and thus spoil your relationship with them.
However, Leo’s self-centeredness is twofold: it is very easy to offend him, but it is also easy to flatter him. Especially since Leos usually have many virtues.
To gain Leo’s support, when talking to him, never try to challenge his authority.
On the contrary, by acknowledging Leo’s authority, you will evoke in him an involuntary sense of responsibility for you, and therefore, a desire to help you.
Admit to Leo your weakness, ask him for valuable advice or friendly assistance, and you will not only receive good advice, but also find a helper and protector in all your endeavors.
Communication with Virgo
When communicating with Virgo, there is hardly any need to resort to any special tricks.
On the contrary, being a good listener and conversationalist, Virgo gladly responds to simple, sincere conversations.
However, refrain from loud phrases and excessive dramatization – this is more likely to cause an opposite reaction.
Having a truly amazing ability to hear not with the mind, but rather with the heart, Virgo will gladly help here and now, if it is in her power.
But there is no need to idealize the image of Virgo too much.
Thus, despite all her merits, when communicating with her from time to time, you will have to patiently endure her dissatisfied grumbling and even reproaches.
Nevertheless, Virgo devotes her time and energy to you, and it is precious for the perpetually busy Virgo.
Communication with Libra
Libras are individuals with a rather changeable disposition. And therefore, the outcome of a conversation with them largely depends on the mood they are in.
There are moments when representatives of this zodiac sign suddenly have a strong desire to be sarcastic or capricious.
In such cases, only a complete masochist can derive pleasure from a conversation with Libra.
At other times, Libras show themselves to be quite friendly and responsive, capable of being a good conversationalist and listener.
In order to gain the support of individuals of this zodiac sign, your story must not only be based on facts, but also be quite emotional, as Libras have the ability to listen not only with their minds, but also with their hearts.
And if you manage to make Libra see things through your eyes, then you will easily gain their support.
Communication with Scorpio
To attract Scorpio to your side and gain their support, be clean and sincere with them.
And under no circumstances should you try to lie to Scorpio or pretend, otherwise, when they find out the truth, you’ll be in trouble.
When communicating with someone of this zodiac sign, be prepared to occasionally tolerate manifestations of their excessively emotional nature.
In return, you will receive an excellent conversationalist who possesses natural insight and wisdom, whose advice is often quite effective.
Communication with Sagittarius
To win over a Sagittarius, offer them something unusual that generates a lot of positive emotions.
For example, go on an exciting hike or visit the zoo together.
If you are interested in Sagittarius as a business partner, try to make them see you as a like-minded person.
Show maximum positivity and friendliness during conversations with them, as for Sagittarius, a positive attitude is often as essential as work experience and education combined.
Communication with Capricorn
If you want to win over a Capricorn, focus on dry facts and cold calculation rather than emotions during communication with them.
And this applies not only to business relationships, but also to cohabitation.
For example, if you want to take a conservative and usually difficult to get up Capricorn on vacation, then you will have to work hard to choose the most advantageous and best offer from numerous tour operators.
Then you need to arm yourself with patience and a lot of facts and arguments to convince Capricorn that the option you have chosen is the most acceptable for both of you.
Someone may think that Capricorn is an impenetrable bore, nevertheless, the habit of weighing all the “pros” and “cons” often prevents both Capricorn himself and his loved ones from making unnecessary mistakes.
Communication with Aquarius
Aquarius is endowed with a very inquisitive and curious mind, as well as an amazing ability to find something interesting in everything around.
Therefore, if you want to impress Aquarius, it is enough to show initiative, and it is possible that after just an hour you will have the impression that you have known Aquarius for almost your entire life.
However, here one can also get burnt, because thanks to the natural friendliness and openness to everything new, Aquarius may show some detachment from you already the next day.
This is not surprising, because during this time there could have been so many new “friends” in his life and so many exciting events could have happened…
Therefore, if you need to discuss something important with
Aquarius, act promptly while you have managed to win his attention.
To convince Aquarius of the success and viability of your idea, present it to Aquarius as some kind of adventure, an exciting adventure that can, among other things, expand life horizons to a sufficient extent.
Communication with Pisces
When going on a date with Pisces, in order to make a good impression on them, take the initiative and organize it yourself.
When talking to Pisces, you may feel that they didn’t appreciate your efforts, but that’s not the case at all. By freeing Pisces from unnecessary worries, you will easily win them over.
As a rule, when talking to a representative of this zodiac sign, the leading role will also be given to you.
It may even seem that at times Pisces are listening to you with some distraction.
But don’t rush to be disappointed: surely your words have evoked responsive images in the soul of the interlocutor, and he, being carried away by them, has drifted into daydreaming a little.
However, you should not abuse the distractibility of Pisces and try to deceive them.
Remember that representatives of this zodiac sign have the ability to intuitively recognize lies.
If you need support from Pisces in any matter, let them know right away that the organizational side of things will not bother them at all.
However, if you hear a clear “yes” or “no” from Pisces, be prepared that they are unlikely to have a coherent argumentation for the decision they made.
As a rule, representatives of this zodiac sign find the only correct solution thanks to their innate intuition.
Temperament by zodiac sign
Vices and sins of zodiac signs