How does Leo feel about money
Leo has not one, but also a fervent goal – to be famous and wealthy. And the second desire helps him to stand firmly on his feet. This zodiac sign adores luxury like no other.
As the money horoscope predicts, Leo prefers to live large, indulge excessively and work where they pay more. These people are not accustomed to settle for less, they want only the best and the most expensive.
How Leo earns money
Leo will not work at a chemical plant or a candy factory. He skillfully manages those who help him get rich.
For example, to uncover someone’s machinations, speculate or create a project where he will be assigned the secondary role. That is, an inspirational leader or a fundraiser. But utmost honesty is required.
If he takes on a new project, he will consider all the pros and cons. The Lion will not take risks without reason, neither with money nor with his own authority. He will anticipate all the pitfalls in advance.
This is a true professional and a manager of a large company, as the Leo financial horoscope describes him. His intuition tells him where the millions are hidden.
He often changes jobs throughout his life. Success is guaranteed for this zodiac sign if he opens his own business, shop, or advertising agency. Leo has never heard of a “sick leave,” he is always working.
He can lead any medical field – a pharmacy, hospital, or cosmetology clinic. And as for “undermining” a sick colleague, that’s easy. After all, Leo will be appointed to his position.
How Leo spends money
Too bad money isn’t elastic… Otherwise, Leo would definitely not stop and spend them on whatever he wants every minute. Are relatives dissatisfied with such extravagance? Yes, he doesn’t care. It’s amazing how the more Leo spends, the faster his income grows.
This is a generous and energetic person who values ??his reputation in society. Leo’s money horoscope predicts wealth for him only if he does not hoard and engages in charity.
He doesn’t spare money on friends, leisure, gifts, and entertainment. After all, you have to live in style! Yes, and impress others with your status. Leo is often found in a gambling establishment, where he is not stingy on bets. By the way, Luck loves him.
Personality of this zodiac sign endows everyone who sincerely likes it. Even if the source of income dries up, the Leo does not lose confidence. He will definitely find something new and profitable.
Money tips for Leo
Leo’s financial horoscope recommends opening a business, but most of the revenue should definitely be invested in goods or their development. It is worth noting that if this zodiac sign receives profit on New Moon, then the entire month will collect a rich harvest of income.
Another advice from the stars – you need to constantly carry a bill (one-dollar bill) in your wallet. Luck in finance is one hundred percent! It is undesirable for Leo to make money through dishonest and easy ways. Especially to step on heads towards the goal.