Mercury retrograde in 2024

In 2024, three full periods of Mercury retrograde are expected, which will have an impact on thinking, psychology, relationships, and various aspects of life.

Mercury retrograde in 2024 will create advantages for educational processes – the ability to deeply delve into the subject, memorize large amounts of information, flip through the pages of memory, and fill in gaps in knowledge.

 height=From April 1 to April 25, 2024 Mercury Retrograde in Aries square Pluto

Aries is the hottest and most temperamental abode for planets. Mercury in Aries stimulates the work of intelligence, accelerates thinking processes, gives passion to speeches, and frankness to statements.

In the retrograde phase Mercury in Aries will decrease the level of heat in conflict situations. If desired, participants in verbal battles will be able to direct the dialogue in a constructive direction!

Retrograde Mercury in 2024 in the sign of Aries is especially favorable for people with an explosive temperament – they will be able to communicate and discuss problems more calmly and comprehensively.

Rudeness and open aggression will give way to wit, sarcasm, and a sense of humor. And the inability to adequately react to provocations and attacks from the interlocutor will rather lead to the cessation of communication than to active confrontation.

But, as always, the planet in retrograde phase strengthens the connection with the past. During the rule of retro-Mercury in Aries in 2024, meetings with old opponents and enemies are likely, exacerbation of old grievances, temptation to clarify complex relationships again and prove one’s righteousness.

Processes related to struggle, which are usually accompanied by paperwork, slow down. For example, legal disputes between plaintiffs and defendants, administrative and criminal investigations.

Such cases opened during this period are at risk of becoming protracted and exhausting. Delays are also likely in dealing with state law enforcement agencies.

In social and business life, leaders, talented managers, and strategists become more active. However, an authoritarian management style should become more democratic.

Managers will more often act as mentors rather than strict bosses. Under their guidance, inexperienced employees will gain confidence and have the chance to showcase themselves.

Mercury in Aries – gives way to the young! For them, windows of opportunities will open: to find a job, apply their knowledge in practice, take on a new position, and climb the career ladder.

In the sphere of dating and personal life, the April retrograde Mercury in 2024 favors the boldest and most eloquent people who know how to speak and court beautifully, give compliments, gifts, proposals, and other steps towards the object of their sympathies.

But the desire to possess in the paradigm of “here and now”, so inherent in Aries, will have a direct influence on behavior in love.

Fans will be impatient, and lovers are capable of the most hasty ardent confessions, without needing long foreplay and romance.

However, building long-term plans against the backdrop of emotions is not recommended. After all, many sensual revelations and rainbow promises may become irrelevant in the future.

The urge for risk and high speeds will be a source of increased security threats. It is worth exercising extra caution when operating vehicles, handling equipment, fire, chemicals, and piercing-cutting objects.

Mercury retrograde in 2024From August 5 to 28, 2024, Retrograde Mercury in Virgo and Leo in conjunction with Venus

Retrograde Mercury in 2024 in August moves through the signs of Virgo and Leo. A favorable period for learning and other activities that require perseverance, attention to detail, and good memory. It’s time to expand the encyclopedia of your knowledge with the help of teachers and self-education!

Retrograde Mercury in Virgo from August 5 to 15 helps unpack the necessary memory archives, pass exams and tests.

Encourages economical but intelligent financial management, increases practicality of purchases and rationality of investments. And it is also the patron of perfectionists and people who like to work on their mistakes.

They will be like diligent jewelers, polishing what has been started in an attempt to bring the result to perfection. This quality can exceed reasonable limits, causing dissatisfaction with oneself and one’s work. The fear of making a mistake, doing something wrong or not good enough will slow down the process.

Other people’s flaws and shortcomings will be even more noticeable. It is not surprising if during this period you receive remarks, criticism, and complaints.

If they are unjust, then you should not take them to heart. After all, Mercury in Virgo in aspect with Venus generates excessive meticulousness, bias, subjectivity of opinions.

The object of close attention and criticism can be anything, from actions to details of appearance and clothing.

In business and work, the importance of following rules and norms, performing job duties, and maintaining work discipline will increase.

Tardiness, negligence, and carelessness will not be tolerated. Supervisors will be more observant, demanding, and composed towards their subordinates, and more meticulous when checking and signing documents and reports. 

When hiring, the value of past experience will increase: education and tenure, and work experience in the field will be a definite advantage.

Engineers, programmers, analysts, accountants, economists, financiers, and other employees who are skilled in working with numbers and documents will have an edge.

Partners who can be relied upon will become a valuable resource in many endeavors and joint projects. On the other hand, dealing with frivolous and superficial people may lead to disruptions, unpleasantness, and losses. 

From August 16th, retrograde Mercury moves into the realm of Leo, allowing for not only intellectual but also creative potential to be realized. Bright and talented individuals will be more noticeable. Active advertising and PR will bear fruit.

We cannot fail to mention the influence of Mercury in Leo on psychology, behavior, and relationships. After all, it symbolizes an actor on the stage, requiring more audience and fans.

In their search for approval and praise, people will be inclined to boast and show off, attaching increased importance to their own person and competing with others in the struggle for recognition and applause.

Nevertheless, various rewards and flattering compliments will stimulate them towards real achievements, while criticism can hit their self-esteem and block further motivation.

This should be taken into account in raising and educating children, establishing relationships, in friendship, flirting, love, and other areas. 

Mercury’s retrograde in Leo in 2024 may compensate for your lack of attention and rewards in the past.

For example, receiving rewards for past work and achievements. Delayed transfers and fees will finally reach their rightful recipients! Diligent employees will receive bonuses and opportunities for promotion. 

Old friends, former admirers, and romantic partners may make themselves known again. Retro-Mercury in Leo evokes nostalgia for past connections that left a bright mark on the soul. However, attempting to rebuild relationships may prove futile. 

Mercury retrograde in 2024From November 26 to December 15, 2024 Retrograde Mercury in Sagittarius in opposition to Jupiter

Retrograde Mercury in 2024 in the sign of Sagittarius – the patron of wanderers, philosophers and global thinkers! Gives birth to a desire to go beyond the usual framework and embark on more ambitious projects.

However, it is important to synchronize your desires with real possibilities, and theory with practice. Bright, optimistic and promising ideas will be difficult to materialize without the necessary skills and prior preparation.

Do not recommend improvisation and first steps in an unfamiliar field. The need for auxiliary resources for undertakings will increase: financial position and finances, allies and assistants, comfortable environment, and other suitable conditions. 

Ambitious and goal-oriented, but retrograde Mercury in Sagittarius also has an interesting feature.

Like a false road sign, it can lead into a labyrinth of past problems and restrictions, tempting to turn onto the old “track” and step on the same rake again.

To protect yourself from an unfavorable scenario of repeated events, do not provoke and restart processes that failed in the past. 

The relationship model “Teacher – student” will be the most productive! 

Many pieces of information will “leak” like water from a cracked jug, and secret facts will come out like a skeleton from the closet. 

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