The Spring Eclipse Corridor 2024 will occur on the trajectory of Libra – Aries, which symbolizes relationships in any sphere. Finding like-minded people, reaching agreement and compromises will not be easy.
Occasionally, you will have to balance on the edge of peace and struggle, bypass sharp corners and extinguish the fires of conflicts. Friendship, love, cooperation, the ability to show loyalty to others’ views and tastes will be tested.
Lunar Eclipse on March 25, 2024, 07:53 MSK
Full Moon in Libra opposite Neptune in Pisces
The Spring Eclipse Corridor 2024 will open with the Moon in Libra – the patroness of harmony and elegance.
This event will cast a shadow on any endeavor where the ultimate goal is to create harmonious forms and enjoy the beauty – of the surrounding space, appearance, things, relationships.
An eclipse in Libra, like a stain on white clothes, is capable of spoiling a good mood at the most unexpected moment!
Creating a masterpiece on the day of the lunar eclipse on March 25, 2024 is an impossible task. Any creation will have its flaws, and sometimes irreparable mistakes and disappointments.
Therefore, it is worth postponing hairdressing and cosmetic procedures, plastic surgery, buying outfits and jewelry, exhibitions, presentations, art, and design.
Until the end of March, radical changes in appearance are not recommended: haircut, new hairstyle, new hair color, nail design, piercing, tattoo. Beauty industry services are unlikely to meet individual needs.
It will be problematic to fulfill desires in the field of relationships, for example: constructive dialogue, successful outcome of negotiations, conflict resolution, promising acquaintance, beautiful romantic date.
An unfavorable period for important meetings and fateful ceremonial ceremonies, such as engagement and wedding.
If an acquaintance took place on the day of the lunar eclipse on March 25, 2024, then in the future there will be factors that hinder people from understanding each other, enjoying communication and cooperation.
A new acquaintance can soon fall out of favor for various reasons: incompatibility of views, insincerity of feelings, manifestation of negative character traits.
The aspect of the dark Moon in Libra with the hazy Neptune also provokes self-deception, when a person prefers to remain ignorant rather than confront the harsh reality.
Wearing “rose-colored glasses” on this day, you can get trapped in illusions and delusions for a long time!
However, the lunar aspect of the March eclipse will be a trump card for experienced manipulators and cunning seducers. The thing is that the ability to objectively evaluate people by their appearance and manners will decrease.
Carriers of secret intentions and nefarious purposes will be able to achieve their goals faster. They will seem better than they really are, create a fog, charm with sweet words and skillfully weave intrigues.
Additional influence the lunar eclipse in Libra on March 25, 2024 will have on representatives of the zodiac elements:
Sociable Air signs (Libra, Gemini, Aquarius) will be inclined to formal relationships, where distance is maintained, do not want to delve into other people’s problems, talk about personal things and raise the bar of trust.
On the one hand, this is insurance against intrusive people, on the other hand, it is an obstacle to establishing strong and trusting relationships. In relationships with friends and loved ones, you will have to show interest, not ignore their feelings and requests.
Sensitive Water signs (Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio) will be inclined to idealize everything they like. It is worth avoiding decisions under the influence of sympathies, joy, and enthusiasm.
People, inherently prone to temptations and temptations, will be particularly vulnerable. They will be met with the sweetness of enticing offers and the rainbow soap bubbles of promises.
And the one who recently declared war on a bad habit will pass the test of willpower and intentions. One cannot indulge in one’s weaknesses and violate one’s own principles.
Fiery signs (Leo, Aries, Sagittarius) will not be able to adapt to people and situations that emit negativity.
It is recommended to avoid them or suppress the desire to criticize, speak out sharply or settle scores with the offender in full. Emotional outbursts and open confrontation will lead to a protracted conflict.
Rational Earth signs (Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus) can engage in careful weighing of the “pros” and “cons” on an important issue, while they should have enough logic and intuition to postpone the decision for later.
After all, soon new factors will appear that can influence the final conclusion, or even completely change the opposite opinion.
Solar eclipse on April 8, 2024, 18:42 MSK
Sun in Aries in conjunction with retrograde Mercury in Aries
The spring solar eclipse of 2024 will target thinking and speech processes. Memory and attention will weaken, especially during intensive learning. And when raising children, unforeseen difficulties are possible.
Lovers of passionately defending their point of view will face stubborn opponents. You can take part in dialogues and discussions in the style of “hitting a snag”.
Opinions on the same issue will often diverge, provoking verbal fencing that smoothly transitions into threats and insults.
The solar eclipse on April 8, 2024 in Aries inspires a fight for and protection of one’s own interests through legitimate and civilized means.
However, legal issues will be resolved slowly for various reasons: lack of facts and evidence, delays in investigations, difficulties in document processing.
If you are not ready for extra worries and waiting, do not rush to file lawsuits and other claims in search of justice in April.
Safety rules for life and health will be very relevant. After all, the energy of Aries is a potential source of risks, injuries, and violence.
Increased caution will be required when driving a car, handling fire, and manipulating sharp objects, engaging in sports, working with equipment and machinery. Technical and mechanical devices may break down.
Unbalanced personalities, trolls, provocateurs, and people with abusive tendencies will manifest themselves more often, violate boundaries, dictate their will, and assert themselves at the expense of others.
However, under certain circumstances, the Aries eclipse can awaken similar qualities in anyone.
The solar eclipse on April 8, 2024 in Aries, in aspect with Mercury, will add individual touches to the picture of reality for different zodiac signs:
The most stubborn and scandalous individuals born under the fiery sign of Aries will be in the spotlight.
Other favorites of the Fire element – Leo and Sagittarius – may also feel the need to fight for the throne of power and influence in any sphere. They will not get along well with each other, and it will be harder for other people to come to any agreement with them.
Virgo, Capricorn, and Taurus can compete with Fire signs in debates and competitions. However, there will be no winners in a verbal duel. The result will be a waste of time and energy leakage, leading to apathy and fatigue.
Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio will have vulnerable psyche and nervous system. Rest, reducing intellectual and physical stress is relevant.
Leaders of enterprises, group leaders, project organizers, and heads of families will feel particularly uncomfortable.
Insomnia, migraines, and symptoms of chronic stress are possible. And to avoid unnecessary headaches in the future, it is not worth taking on new obligations and responsibilities.
Gemini, Aquarius, and Libra will be able to redirect the energy of the April eclipse into a positive channel if they show the gift of eloquence.
Their ideas and suggestions will be the most convincing, advertising of goods and services will be bright and enticing, and arguments in disputes can knock out a strong opponent.
The potential of writers, screenwriters, journalists, lawyers, public figures and politicians will increase.