Tiger-Libra by horoscope is a born altruist with a strongly developed sense of justice. Outwardly, they are attractive individuals who love to work and empathize with others.
They have a vivid imagination and a great sense of humor. Tiger-Libras are creative and witty by nature. Such people quickly change their opinion about others and the world around them. They are kind-hearted and responsive friends who always rush to help.
Tiger-Libras quickly adapt to a new work environment. They feel comfortable in any team, but prefer not to make friends with colleagues. They are sociable and polite, but know how to communicate with people in moderation.
Above all, Tiger-Libras value their home. They spend an equal amount of time at work and with their family. But if there is an opportunity, they gladly work from home. They protect their loved ones from problems and spend a lot of time with their close circle. Tiger-Libras think for a long time before starting something new. This also applies to their personal life. They need a partner who is as gentle and loving as they are.
A minus in the character of Tiger-Libras can be considered that they are touchy and doubting by nature. Sometimes, such people can be too pensive. Many do not understand them, thinking that Tiger-Libras are “acting out” over something. But they are simply planning their future actions.
These people attract the attention of others with their appearance and unique voice timbre. They are charming, have excellent taste and a sense of style. They have a good understanding of fashion trends.
Tiger-Libras are artistic by nature. They love being in public, showing emotions brightly, and adoring compliments in their address. Without a “stage” life, they quickly get bored and fall into depression. Tiger-Libras achieve success in show business, art, and creative professions.
They become great actors, who are prone to take risks, flirt, and gesture. Tiger-Libras are used to playing roles, eloquently speaking about their desires. They make vows and promises that they often do not fulfill.
Being passionate personalities, they are often in search of something new. They can be inspired by something original and stylishly unique.
Scales-Tiger can be superficial and frivolous in communication. These people should not be taken seriously. They are capable of revenge, so it is not advisable to engage in conflict with them.
Scales-Tiger can be superficial and frivolous in communication. These people should not be taken seriously. They are capable of revenge, so it is not advisable to engage in conflict with them.