Although Libras born on October 16 are friendly and sociable, like most of their fellow Zodiac sign comrades, they understand the dark side of human nature much better and know what to expect from people. Outwardly, you give the impression of a soft person, but that’s not true.
An enthusiast in all your endeavors, you can be a passionate fan of art, engage in politics, dedicate yourself to religion, fall head over heels in love and romantic relationships. You don’t want to step on anyone’s toes, but if you encounter problems, you show a maximum of what you are capable of.
Those born on October 16 should be wary of tendencies towards acquiring various types of dependence, especially alcohol dependence, which can have detrimental effects on their nervous system and internal organs (especially the liver).
In addition, since those born on October 16 can be workaholics, they need to learn to enjoy life more and regularly take breaks from work. Since they usually have common sense, it is easy to convince them of the need for a balanced diet, regular sleep, and physical exercise.
If they truly believe in any type of physical exercise (aerobics, martial arts, or yoga) or diet (vegetarianism, macrobiotics, or other restrictive diets), they usually become committed to them.
The theme of judgment is central in the lives of people born on October 16. They often contemplate decisions of a professional or personal nature. The ability to assess a situation and see its essence is perceived by them as a completely natural quality.
Those born on October 16 do not have biased ideas or deeply rooted prejudices, they never require following their personal morality and are by no means closed to perceive the outside world. On the contrary, those born on this day are generally quite liberal and are open to any new ideas and discussions of the most fantastic projects.
However, the analysis of the surrounding is rather an objective assessment for them, i.e. an assessment of what is proposed from the point of view of suitability in real categories. Born on October 16th, they highly value old good common sense. But their imagination is so well developed that they can see ordinary life in a very unexpected light.
Such an interesting combination of realism and fantasy is a distinctive feature of this day. For example, in confirmation of the above, those born on October 16th have a strong intuition, but when expressing their opinion, they very often resort to the use of allegories and analogies.
Most people born on October 16th try to live by the rules they preach. Therefore, their belief system is very important to them, and its axioms must be clearly defined. They may have a dislike for people who say one thing and do another or use religion to defend their own moral weakness and spiritual poverty.
A distinctive feature of the career of those born on this day is their iron logic in oral or written expression of their thoughts. In their personal life, those born on October 16th do not always act as rationally, and this is manifested not only in their strange behavior but also in the fact that they act and react very impulsively.
Many of those born on this day are accustomed to evaluating themselves only to the extent that is required of them, and therefore they can be difficult and somewhat unpredictable companions in life. Those born on October 16 tend to first defend, and then criticize the social system in which they live.
In this regard, they seem ungrateful, moreover, they prefer to criticize their own family, company, city, etc., rather than if someone else does it for them.
If they are asked to express their opinion about someone, they will do so diplomatically as a whole if they have a negative attitude towards them. If asked, they can speak publicly, but without much enthusiasm.
Very often, those born on this day prefer to withdraw from everything when they reflect and feel strong indignation when they are annoyed or disturbed at such moments. They should learn to restrain themselves and avoid situations that provoke a strong emotional reaction.
The talent of those born on October 16 is to critically evaluate and be insightful should not be wasted only on the world around them, sometimes it needs to be used towards themselves.