Leo the third decade of August 13-August 23


Since this period is the central, or intermediate, period of the constellation Leo, all its representatives are very brightly combined with both positive and negative traits characteristic of Lions of the other two decades: they are extremely proud and filled with a sense of their own worth, however, their generosity and generosity know no bounds. These positive qualities inherent in Lions more than compensate for their shortcomings: a sense of superiority over others, arrogance, and ambition.

Children-Lions are very cheerful, happy, and playful creatures. It is hard to imagine them being bored and sitting on the sidelines. Even in childhood, Lions become the leaders in games and love to control others. As they grow up, they often become the best students in class and leaders in the company, because it is inherent in all Lions to have a sense of pride and vanity, a desire to be better than others and to rise above everyone else.

Natural pride, hard work, and love of luxury will help the Lion achieve everything he wants in life. Already in their youth, people born in the second decade of this sign begin to think about their future life. They make useful connections, strive to gain as much knowledge as possible, and in their young age, they try to acquire practical skills.

19th birthday is the most important age for Leos in this stage of life. It is during this time, when childhood is already behind, and adulthood is on the doorstep, that a reassessment of life values and priorities takes place, and it is at this stage that young Leos determine their future calling.

Usually Leos of the second decade achieve a high social position, take on the role of a leader or become famous. Those born under the sign of Leo can achieve great success in the field of business and advertising, law and medicine.

These are very talented individuals, and therefore excellent actors and writers come out of them. Leos do not tolerate being commanded over, so they are not willing to settle for the role of subordinates. If a Leo fails to take on a leadership role in one organization, they easily move on to another job where they can achieve better results.

Lions of the second decade quickly climb the career ladder. Thanks to their eloquence, intelligence, and intuition, they often easily take positions as chiefs, leaders. People born in this decade adhere to one motto throughout their lives: to earn and receive what they have earned. Lions are very demanding when it comes to money, they adore everything first-class, luxurious, and expensive. Their “blue” dream is to bathe in luxury and surprise acquaintances with unusual household items.

Thanks to their inexhaustible energy and activity, the Lion takes on any job and never backs down from difficulties. And the more difficult the task before him, the more zeal and excitement he will tackle it. It is these qualities that help Lions achieve everything they desire in life, and their demands are enormous.

Often in organizations, the youngest leaders and managers are Lions born in the second decade. This is because, having set goals for themselves and passionately desiring to achieve a high position, Lions throw themselves into work, forgetting about everything else. For the sake of prestige and the realization of their own ideas, they are ready for any, even the most inhumane working conditions and sacrifice. Therefore, by the age of 30, they become fully established individuals.

A qualitative turning point in the life of Leo of the second decade can occur at the age of 36. At this time, his innate passion for risk and adventures can turn his existence upside down. It is during this period, when Leo has achieved a lot in life – self-realized, reached heights in his career, started a family – that he wakes up to the excitement of new achievements and various adventures. Leo may succumb to temptation and throw himself into the whirlpool of a new love affair, which will result in complications in his relationship with his partner.

It’s quite possible that he will want to engage in a new activity that is completely opposite in nature to the one in which he has already succeeded. Leo of the second decade always strives for new discoveries.

Love holds a special place in the life of Leo born in the second decade. Depending on the state of their love affairs, they either shine like the sun or are devastated as if they were destined to die tomorrow. Being a fire sign, Leo, especially those born in this period, possesses great sensuality. Generally, Leos are romantic, but if they are confident in their feelings, they remain faithful to their partner throughout their life.

As parents, Lions are very demanding of their children, although they shower them with excessive love and attention. A Leo man is very protective of his family. He will never allow his beloved woman to pursue her own career, considering himself the main provider, and she should create a cozy family nest. He loves his children to distraction. The Leo mother, despite all her love for her own children, never sacrifices her own hobbies for them. She will never give up her professional career, but she will successfully combine work with raising the younger generation.

The next important milestone in the life of a Leo of the second decade is the 57th birthday. It is at this age that Leos experience a crisis. They have received everything they wanted from life – successfully built their career, achieved a stable financial position, raised their children. They are scared by the fact that there is nothing more to strive for, and ahead of them lies a calm, measured old age.

But Leos are big optimists, and they are also endowed with tremendous physical energy, so this period of despondency quickly passes. Leo will never stop at the achieved successes, he already has a lot, but he will still strive for more. His whole life is characterized by dynamic intensity in achieving goals, and therefore he keeps jumping into battle again and again, not allowing himself to relax and rest from his affairs even at an old age.

Lions, by nature, are determined and difficult to divert from the chosen path. They are very energetic, but at times they are attacked by: truly royal laziness, and they can lie on the couch all day without the slightest desire to even move a finger. But usually such periods do not last long, because inactivity simply depresses them, and they start working diligently again with great enthusiasm.

In old age, Lions do not lose their vitality and remain cheerful and energetic. In this period, the most important age is 76, when the Lion finally appreciates all his achievements (of which there are many), evaluates his successes and failures from a new perspective. With age, the temperament and character of Lions of the second decade only improve, they become more tolerant, more diplomatic, and able to control their emotions. The only things that remain unchanged are their royal generosity and magnanimity, so even in old age, Lions remain central figures in any company.

Horoscope by decades for other zodiac signs

  • Lion – first decade (July 23 – August 1)
  • Lion – second decade (August 2 – August 12)
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