Woman-Gemini embodies a whole harem, not even ten women can compete with her in virtuosity. Every time she will appear before you in completely different images to entertain you, inspire and enchant. Representatives of this zodiac sign can not only easily attract the attention of men, but also keep it for a long time.
After all, the characteristic of a Gemini woman is that she can be witty, charming, and at the same time a great conversationalist.
In addition, she can be a sympathetic interlocutor who is not alien to the problems of others. Once you tell her about your desires and fears, be prepared to receive sound advice from her.
Someone will call this trait of her character self-activity, because she is always ready to share new advice to solve the problems of others.
But that’s not the case at all, Gemini Woman is capable of analyzing the situation, understands the motives well, and that’s why her advice is always so appropriate.
Gemini Women easily make friends, but they don’t strive for long-lasting and binding relationships. They pay a lot of attention and time to making the people around them happier.
A Gemini woman may want to hide her feelings from others, but she doesn’t know how to do it, so she is ready to open her heart to anyone who decides to be her friend.
Her main desire is to be liked by everyone, but it is not necessary for her to like everyone. She will be furious if someone takes too much of her time or tries to help her solve a problem that she thinks has already been solved.
A Gemini woman will always be looking for an outlet for her turbulent and excessive energy. At the first call, she is ready to go anywhere, regardless of anything, and often she makes the most important decisions without hesitation.
She is inclined to rely more on her own reflexes than on other people’s judgments.
A Gemini woman will never focus on one task for too long, as her interest will already be directed towards a new task. Nothing but novelty can charm her.
Even if she swears to complete all the work from start to finish, and diligently fulfills the tasks set before her, she will not be able to finish it.
For her, the most difficult task is to tie her life to one lover, with one plan and only one job. A Gemini woman is capable of confusing anyone, but she is very peace-loving and cheerful. As much as she is prone to life’s energy, she is also prone to gloomy mood.
And the unknown simply horrifies her. It is in these moments that her need for a strong shoulder, on which she can safely rely, becomes most acute.
Despite the fact that a Gemini woman is very tender and sensitive by nature, she may initially seem too cold to many. This happens because she is used to relying more on intellect than on emotions. After all, it is not for nothing that this sign is ruled by Mercury, which is the planet of reason.
A Gemini woman is a free-spirited individual, not a bird created to sit in a cage for all her life, even if it is a golden one. So never try to tie her down.
To lift her spirits, only being in a place she likes or, on the contrary, not being able to be where she doesn’t like can help. The same goes for her relationships with people, she will never communicate with those she doesn’t like.
Gemini woman strongly needs love compatibility with her partner. In addition, a subordinate position is not for her, so she is more attracted to a career than to housekeeping. But if she wants to, she can succeed in both. But, as a rule, if she combines these two things, she immediately starts to rebel.
In her youth, Gemini woman can get involved with several men at once. When she is not busy working on herself, she easily takes on improving her lover.
This, perhaps, is how you can explain the fact that Gemini Woman remains single for a long time. With this characteristic, it is very difficult for her to cope, and her partner should understand this. The inclination towards changes is the only characteristic that she herself cannot change.
She likes luxury, and she will do everything in her power to get it, using her attractiveness for this purpose. Emotional independence allows her to use lovemaking as a weapon.
And she has everything she needs to make this weapon work effectively: imagination and charm. In relationships with men, a Gemini woman often plays a heartless game. But despite the insults, her lover will be willing to forgive her everything and do everything possible to return to her.
If you are able to stand on equal ground with her, then rest assured, your suffering will pay off with interest. You are unlikely to find another woman with whom your life would be more interesting than spent with a Gemini woman. Only she can bring you to a state of simultaneous irritation and delight.