Gemini’s Character

  • Planet – Mercury.
  • Opposite sign – Sagittarius.
  • Element – air.
  • Category – mutable.
  • Influence – shoulders, arms, lungs, nervous system.
  • Diseases – bronchitis, asthma, nervous disorders, pneumonia, tuberculosis.
  • Need – for food containing potassium chloride.
  • Herbs – celery, hops, valerian.
  • Vitamins – B, C, E, D.
  • Mineral – mercury (externally).
  • Recommended diet – lean meat, nuts, celery, grains, apricots, cheese.
  • Should develop – calmness, self-discipline, determination.
  • Should avoid – nervous exhaustion, dispersion of energy.


Gemini is the most difficult to understand of all the signs of the Zodiac, as typical bearers of this sign are multifaceted. Each of them has a different character and type.

It is not easy to recognize them, as many people are united in one person. Traditional textbooks give the following characteristics to Gemini: smart, resourceful, curious, often fickle, loving entertainment and irresponsible.

One astrologer states: there is no warmth in Gemini. Perhaps he was rebuffed or ignored by a representative of this sign. Another generalizes: those born under the sign of Gemini can stun you with their hot attachment and then throw you into an icy iceberg a minute later.

Most Geminis like to talk. If there are no unfavorable planetary arrangements, they usually have something to say. They should not interrupt others or show impatience and rudeness towards more slow and diligent types of people.

Gemini rarely has an obvious influence on others and he understands this himself. But very often a dropped word, phrase, comment, which he immediately forgot, can leave a lasting impression on someone from his listeners.

He is a messenger of the Gods, this is one of the types of spiritual mediation. Gemini has the ability to uplift people’s mood, when he appears society comes to life, infected with enthusiasm, fun and excited conversation.

Authorities in occult astrology say that when Gemini first invade the life of a person of any other sign, changes are in store. Tyrens adds: “He may be one of those who reveals either the merits or the weaknesses of your work”.

Whatever role Gemini plays in society, they are tactful and easy to communicate with. They should remember that sharp remarks and sarcastic wit may show a brilliant mind, but will not fulfill the cosmic mission and will not affect the moral image of others.

The nature and destiny of Gemini can be described in the ancient language of alchemy. Mercury, the symbol of Mercury – the planet of Gemini, is elusive and changeable, like their character.

The purpose of Gemini is to connect their “Self” with matter. To do this, they need a sufficient amount of sun, rest, lots of light and air, and a constantly changing landscape – spiritual or physical.

Changes are necessary for them like air, a constant home is contraindicated, it can undermine health and lead to diseases. This can be avoided by changing their place of residence, work or marital partner. Almost without exception, Gemini are always on guard and mentally exhaust themselves.

To the inexperienced observer, as well as to some astrologers, it seems that Gemini is afraid of losing something. Externally, they want to be everywhere, read all the books, discuss everything known to humanity, and do it as quickly as possible.

However, in this complex intellect there is something more than just a simple desire to “get it done while it’s being done.” The flow of nervous energy and constantly shifting focus is caused by finely balanced sensitivity, which in Indian astrology is called “openness to knowledge.”

This attribute can be called a wonderful sign of artisticness. People with this position of the Sun are inclined to hear and see more than an ordinary person. They are very impressionable and, with the help of Mercury, able to record impressions with delicate devotion.

Continuous state of super awareness exhausts the nervous system. Therefore, Gemini needs more sleep than the average person, as well as daily outdoor exercises that stimulate blood circulation and strengthen the lungs (one of the potentially weak organs of Gemini).

Although Gemini is usually considered the strongest sign of the zodiac, they are not all known for robust health. There are exceptions in cases where certain stimulating planets are present in the horoscope, favorably located on the ascending line and in the Sixth House of the horoscope.

Gemini often are indifferent to their health, and therefore we often find tuberculosis among Gemini more than in any other sign of the zodiac. Thirty years of research by the Brotherhood of Light have shown that Saturn, Neptune, Jupiter, and Pluto were the main planets in the horoscope of all tuberculosis patients.

Mercury – the planet of Gemini – prevailed in 96% of horoscopes of individuals suffering from nervous disorders. In addition, Geminis are prone to: bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, neuritis, liver sluggishness, abscesses in the lungs, and skin diseases.

Some authorities in medical astrology say that Gemini, being a sign consisting of two bodies, subject their wearers to two diseases at the same time.

Since the health problems of Gemini arise from mental depression when they are suppressed in their desire for intellectual self-expression or are subjected to monotonous daily routine, they should seek work with constantly changing events.

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