Gardening according to the zodiac sign

As soon as the sun starts to shine, people actively head to the countryside and their country plots.

For Russian people, this is not just a tradition, but also a real pleasure.

What to do at the country plot for the zodiac signs – plant a generous garden or relax to the fullest? Everyone has their own preferences on this matter.

Gardening according to the zodiac sign

But here’s the mystery, the plots seem to be the same, but they look different from the outside?

For example, one is a model of order and a gorgeous flower bed, while another has a flat lawn and a hanging hammock.

It would seem that vegetable crops and trees are planted at the same time, but they bear fruit differently.

Someone’s favorite hundred square meters are overgrown with weeds and thistles, even though they didn’t miss a day – they went, watered, and hoed. So what’s the problem?

It turns out that much depends on the zodiac sign under which the owner of the plot was born.

The stars will help you figure it out and indicate what to do in the garden for each zodiac sign to get a rich harvest.

If you pay attention to the advice of astrologers, you can become an outstanding selector and gardener.

What to do in the garden for Aries

Patience and calmness are what Aries lacks in the process of gardening.

He wants everything at once, and also to chat with his neighbors. When it comes to repairs, construction, or bringing inventory in order, he is a pro here.

If he notices that someone accidentally trampled his flowerbed or broke the fence, then Aries will get seriously angry. No strangers’ cats or crows on his personal land!

What should Aries do at the dacha to get a good harvest and not regret wasting time? First of all, get rid of excessive weeds, bring the garden inventory into proper condition, and clean up.

Well, in terms of planting crops, the focus should be on juniper and barberry.

These shrubs “listen” to him and grow beautifully. It is good to plant garlic, rosemary, onions, cucumbers, parsley, and marjoram.

What to do at the dacha for Taurus

Taurus is by nature hardworking and caring, so he values his personal possessions.

This is an innate owner who will not allow anyone to dispose of his plot of land. All by himself!

He may have few hundred square meters, but he is capable of growing all the crops from the “Red Book” on them. What does Taurus do at the dacha to feel comfortable?

First and foremost, he adorns the inside of the dacha house with all sorts of attributes – a bear skin on the wall, and a carpet from the time of Louis XIV on the floor. Well, and furniture made of natural wood – definitely.

Taurus loves the land, strives to build a house and plant trees.

He can dream about it for a long time, but in the end, he will definitely fulfill his desire. Everything he sows will grow in his garden.

Eggplants, cucumbers, tomatoes, and celery!

It’s better to avoid exotics, but pumpkin should be planted every year. It brings happiness to Taurus.

Gardening according to the zodiac sign

What to do at the dacha for Gemini

For Gemini, the dacha is a place for a full rest. The word “farming” makes them shudder. It’s one thing to invite friends, make shish kebabs and have fun.

In their opinion, this is what dacha plots were invented for. Naturally, after such an attitude towards their own hundred square meters, one should not count on a harvest. But here’s what’s surprising.

The garden blooms for Gemini as if for the first time, and vegetables and fruits ripen “before the eyes” of envious neighbors.

What do Gemini do at the dacha that it rewards them with beauty and blossoms? Well, nothing special.

They just engage in design, construction, and approach gardening creatively. The beds are even and neat, the lawn is mowed, and everything else can grow and enjoy.

According to the horoscope, they are best off planting arugula, zucchini, and lettuce. Attention can be focused on vertical greening.

This applies to honeysuckle, grapes, and vines. Well, if Gemini comes across strawberries, it will ripen juicy and sweet.

What to do in the country for Cancer

The sign of Cancer is the most fertile in the entire horoscope. He only likes to work on the plot with someone, not alone.

He can’t stand boredom during gardening, caring for crops, and harvesting.

Although if he doesn’t have his own piece of land, he won’t die of sorrow. Cancer feels great in an apartment.

Sensitive and slightly old-fashioned Cancer will strive for coziness and comfort. A country house is a haven for his soul, without any glamour and luxury.

He will fill it with pillows, rocking chairs, quilts, and antique items.

What to do in the Cancer country house to get a good harvest? Plant any varieties of plants, vegetables and berries – everything will grow.

The main thing is to plant apple and pear trees. Well, in terms of garden equipment, he is unpretentious. Innovation is out of place here, he respects centuries-old traditions.

Gardening according to the zodiac sign

What to do at the Lion’s dacha

The most important thing for the Lion is to have his own dacha, not what will grow on it. Prestige and reputation of a worthy gardener are the most important for him.

The more expensive, the better! He definitely won’t be interested in an unkempt and small piece of land.

The fence at the Lion’s dacha is a sight to behold! And if you look inside the house, everything is done to the highest degree.

Neighbors and friends are amazed – what does the Lion do at his dacha that everything looks so luxurious?

Of course, he is not alone in achieving such splendor. A bathhouse, painted gazebos, and an almost gilded barbecue grill are bright attributes of the plot.

There are many plantings in the garden and vegetable garden, the Lion is not stingy about it. The main thing is not to forget about the rose bushes.

Ambitious by nature, he will not forget to boast of the merits of those who worked harder than him on the plot.

But if you plant spicy plants and greens yourself, you will get a splendid harvest.

What to do at the Virgo’s dacha

What should you do at the Virgo’s dacha to achieve a decent result? Unfortunately, its sign cannot be called fertile.

She is more engaged in design, construction, and planning of the plot.

Everything should be according to feng shui, and nothing else. Although even this rarely leads to a generous harvest.

A lawn, decorative hedges, an original fence – that’s the “element” of Virgo. They will decorate the plot and give it a unique style.

As for the plants, they should be spicy and medicinal. The main thing is to plant them on a hill made of stones.

Virgo has a “green thumb” for planting guelder rose, wild rose, rowan, and hawthorn. Well, and let’s not forget about turnips, carrots, and potatoes.

These crops truly “obey” her, and as a result, they grow juicy and large.

Gardening according to the zodiac sign

What to do for Libra at the country house

For Libra, everything depends on the mood, so the harvest can be either abundant or poor.

The plot can be a complete mess, as well as almost military order. If we consider the house, it is also not in perfect condition.

However, if Libra take up construction and design seriously, they will eventually build a real palace.

Well, they don’t have specifics in working on the land. They want something unusual, original, and something that will make their neighbors gasp.

Maybe they can create a luxurious flower garden? Or engage in breeding work?

After all, for Libra, the plot is not just land with crops, but a zone of comfort and a part of their nature.

What to do for Libra at the country house to delight themselves and their relatives with a harvest?

Be sure to plant currant bushes, lettuce, radishes, and plants that do not require careful care.

What to do in the country for Scorpio

Mystical by nature, Scorpios choose a plot for a long time and carefully.

They need not only to look at the future area, but also to hold the soil in their hands. To feel – is it his “place”, or is it better to refuse it right away.

After all, in the country he will rest his soul and body, reflect and, perhaps, create.

Well, if someone feels uncomfortable on his personal territory, it’s not his fault. He chose it for himself.

Scorpio does everything possible for comfort and a rich harvest in the country.

First, he will deal with construction, technology, and then choose the best varieties of crops for planting. The main thing is to have a house, a fence, and a bathhouse!

Scorpio is allowed to plant exotic crops in the garden and vegetable garden.

They will definitely grow and please the eye. But taking care of them will require regular and proper gardening.

Planting a walnut tree, fir tree, and decorative shrubs is a good idea.

It’s also worth experimenting with white eggplants and black tomatoes.

Gardening according to the zodiac sign

What to do at the country house for Sagittarius

You can’t attribute fertile signs to Sagittarius, but if he takes up a country house, then hold on, great gardeners.

These will be plantations with all sorts of varieties of vegetables and fruit trees. However, taking care of them is laziness… Is that the main thing?

Sagittarius perceives the country house as a pastime with friends, shish kebabs, and a sauna.

You can sit by the fire, sing along with the guitar, and dance the hopak. There is plenty of space on the plot – kilometers!

With such an attitude towards the plot, there is no need to hope for a harvest or order.

Most likely, all this fuss will quickly tire Sagittarius. He will leave for the city, and the garden will eventually be overgrown with weeds.

What should Sagittarius do at the country house to somehow rehabilitate himself in the eyes of conscientious neighbors?

First of all, purchase seeds of plants that have sharp leaves. For example, plant garlic, leeks, and ramsons. It is favorable to plant fruit bushes.

What to do at the dacha for Capricorn

Thorough and traditional Capricorn will not hesitate for long and will immediately start arranging the dacha plot.

Stone, brick, antique cobblestones, and English-style rock gardens – all of this will be present.

He enjoys working with the soil, building and taking care of the ground. Capricorn will find a place for everything – vegetable beds, a gazebo for relaxation, a barbecue, and a greenhouse.

Well, he will put up a tall fence so that no one can gaze at his private property. Let no one know what Capricorn is doing at the dacha – and that’s it.

The Capricorn is indifferent to flowers and flower beds. He prefers to grow berries – raspberries, strawberries, blackberries. Sincerely favors fruit trees, not sparing care for them.

He prefers to grow crops in greenhouses, supplying them with ultraviolet light, irrigation devices, and natural fertilizers.

Gardening according to the zodiac sign

What to Do at the Country House for Aquarius

Aquarius is an innovator, so on his plot he will generously place all the novelties of modern technology, build a house in the style of “modern” and plant exotic crops. Although, Aquarius can have a very decent harvest.

Especially if he approaches planting and care with all his heart. He likes to discover original methods of approach, both to irrigation and fertilizing crops.

It’s understandable, because all of this can be boasted to friends and colleagues.

Aquarius cannot be called an avid gardener. He will not waste valuable time on plowing, construction, and weeding radishes.

He is attracted to distant countries, he loves to travel. Perhaps only in old age will he settle on his land and be happy that loved ones are nearby.

What to do in the country for Aquarius to really attract him? You can plant
plants of the “climbing” variety, unpretentious and quickly ripening.

The main thing is to arrange the beds correctly and not forget about watering.

What to do in the country for Pisces

Pisces treat the country house as an energy snack. That means it’s here that you can create, compose, and spiritually enrich yourself.

Why not? After all, they will even build a house in an unusual style, so that nothing destroys the connection with the Universe.

Those who have seen Pisces’ garden will remember it forever – a real fairy tale, an oasis in the gray and boring world. Well-kept beds, bright fruits, delicious vegetables.

But it’s better if the country plot is inherited by Pisces. It will be easier – there are already plantings, the house is standing, and the land is cultivated and fertilized.

They like to plant, loosen and water, but only briefly and with miniature garden tools.

Fish don’t do much at the dacha, but they are allowed to plant almost all crops. These include root vegetables, leafy greens, and vegetables.

Spices and cabbage are their “thing”. Neighbors wonder how they manage to harvest such a bountiful crop?

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