Chief of Pisces


Single swimming and a Pisces boss are incompatible things. The conclusion suggests itself – people of this sign are not often “exposed” to the chairman’s chair. These are free writers, artists, musicians, DJs, and actors.

Can a creative nature manage a whole team of technicians or social workers? Their rich imagination cannot squeeze this ignorant program into itself. One thing is ballet or theater stages, directing or a musical tour. Or here! A charity event that Pisces will engage in sincerely.

Of course, Pisces are capable of managing a small company, an orchestra, or an advertising agency, but not for long. Overnight, all of this can become tiresome or exhaust itself, what to do then?

Nature is always creative and always seeks an outlet for energy. The position of a Pisces leader is responsible and stable. It requires not only discipline but also adherence to a schedule. Moreover, one must keep subordinates in a tight “leash” so that they do not run away from the dreamy immaturity of their boss.

Pisces are delicate and peaceful by nature, and for them, it is difficult to be dictators. In their opinion, a leader is already an usurper. Here is a noble mission – to serve people, spread goodness, and surround everyone with care.

Well, let everything else be in the hands of others. If you are a leader, you will have to reprimand someone, deprive someone of a bonus, and even show someone the door. What a nightmare, Pisces cannot imagine themselves in such a role.

The only joy in this status is business trips. That’s where one can unfold their soul and relax from the leadership position.

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