Chief Gemini


The Chief Gemini will not monitor every minute of your work. But it is not possible to abuse such a whim. Today he is in a great mood, but tomorrow he may remind you of sins from a hundred years ago. By nature, he is a leader, but passive and not as strict as he seems to many.

Often, Gemini hold high positions, but they lack diligence and internal balance to hold onto them. The leader’s chair can quickly turn into a computer chair in a regular office. By nature, he is restless and too active, which often hinders his career.

The Twin boss would be more suited to a position that does not require a strict schedule. They are a creative, inspired, and visionary individual who is looking for a systematic rationalizer for their plans. They sweep away all familiar stereotypes, adore uniqueness and creativity in any work. In a word, an innovator! Forget about traditions, boredom, and routine if you come to work at their company.

They will even rearrange the furniture in the office as they please. Convenient? Oh, that’s not in their rules. They are a swift wind, difficult to catch up with. It is difficult for them to focus on just one thing, as there are plenty of questions, projects, and unconventional tasks in their portfolio. A vibrant personality who only considers their own opinion. Yes, they will listen attentively to their opponent, but they will make the decision independently.

The Gemini boss has an excellent sense of humor, but don’t expect to have a spiritual connection with him. Crying on his shoulder? Well, you started that in vain, he is emotionally restrained by nature. But he loves to argue on any topic, so rely on intelligence and experience to outdo him in discussions.

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