Presenting the image of a true leader, serious, intelligent, and responsible to the extreme, is Capricorn. He is the one who will not leave his post and will sit in the office “from call to call”.
He knows the answers to all questions, both of subordinates and competitors. He is a walking reference book, an encyclopedia, and a “technical machine”.
The Capricorn boss spends 24 hours a day on the production site, sincerely worrying that he could dedicate this time to his family. But what can you do, loved ones must be provided for? They are sacred to him.
Employees adore their leader, and this is not fiction. He is strict but honest. If he gives instructions, they are precise and restrained. No shouting, yelling, or unjustified criticism. The only thing that can upset him is rudeness and irresponsibility of an employee. He does not allow himself to be like that, and he will not allow you either.
If the CEO is a Capricorn, the company will definitely achieve great success. He skillfully leads the process, knows how to negotiate and provides the team with everything needed. Bonuses and salary increases? That’s a must.
Unfortunately, Capricorn often forgets about himself, personal interests, and rest. He is externally modest, both in clothing and behavior. If he puts on a suit from the 70s, he will wear it until it falls apart.
A traditional leader, similar to those whose portraits are displayed for years in the offices of government agencies. He makes comments to subordinates, but calmly and “to the point”. You are unlikely to hear flattery or a rude tirade from him, that’s definitely nonsense.
Vasily Petrovich, no less. That’s how employees should address him, even if he confided in someone about his family, dacha, and beloved dog. Subordination is a useful thing, and it must be respected.