Capricorn born in the first decade has a logical mind, a high sense of responsibility, and deep integrity. In early childhood, Capricorns born in the first decade receive little attention from both teachers and parents.
The child seems excessively independent to them, not in need of help. That is why Capricorn gets used to loneliness, which later becomes part of his nature.
Capricorn usually has few friends, but can rely on each of them. If Capricorn is born in the first decade, then it is likely that from childhood he is very careful in choosing friends, and communication does not bring him joy with every person. Capricorn born in the first decade is very diligent.
In childhood, he usually has no difficulties with studying. But at the same time, Capricorn is not always the top student. He does not strive for outstanding results, adhering to the principle of the golden mean. In his youth, Capricorn quickly finds a job that brings a stable income.
Most often, Capricorn starts working immediately after entering higher education. At the same time, he manages to successfully combine work and studies. Capricorn is extremely ambitious, it is important for him to feel superior to others.
Therefore, he strives for his earnings to allow him to feel in control of life. Capricorns have a very attractive appearance, so they always attract the attention of the opposite sex.
But in their youth, both men and women, born in the first decade, have difficulty in establishing strong relationships. Most often, romances are short-lived because Capricorns have high expectations for their partner.
The first critical age for Capricorns is 25 years old. At this age, they work literally to exhaustion. They strive to achieve high success, but if for some reason they fail, Capricorn can fall into depression.
Capricorns react very painfully when others achieve better results than they do. Capricorns encounter serious illnesses at a very early age. And much depends on their internal resistance in this case.
If he finds enough strength to take care of his health and fight the disease, then he will be able to successfully come to terms with it and lead a full life. It must be said that Capricorns’ lives are very difficult.
From the age of 25 to 30, Capricorns born in the first decade may face many problems. If Capricorn devotes himself entirely to business, there is a high probability of failure.
At the same time, each failure deals a devastating blow to Capricorn, and in some cases, he is capable of falling into depression for a long time. Fortunately, he will definitely find the strength to continue fighting. When Capricorns turn 30, they start thinking about starting a family. Such thoughts come to mind even for those who have already been burned in their youth.
But Capricorns find it difficult to choose a suitable life partner. Firstly, this is explained by the external coldness of Capricorn himself, who seems overly arrogant and introverted.
Quite often, the courtship period for Capricorns lasts a very long time. They can date a partner for up to five years before deciding to live together. That is why most Capricorns start a family when their peers already have teenage children. After 35 years, Capricorns lead a very calm lifestyle. They are fully absorbed in taking care of their family and interests related to their own work.
Capricorns who are already 35 years old find it difficult to make any changes in their own lives. They do not like to travel, move or change their environment.
Therefore, even an event like buying new furniture causes them internal protest. By the age of 35-40, Capricorns manage to achieve significant success. Work means a lot to them, so they have a hard time finding something to do during weekends or vacations. Many Capricorns have children only at the age of 35-40.
Capricorns are excellent but somewhat authoritarian parents. They have very high expectations for their children, which they do not always meet.
Therefore, as children Capricorns often encounter conflicts. Any conflict takes Capricorns of the first decade out of themselves. They do not tolerate condemnation, although they themselves are not averse to criticize someone. For Capricorns of the first decade, the age of 45 is very dangerous. During this period, they are prone to hypertension, the risk of stroke increases. Also, Capricorns of the first decade may have exacerbations of stomach diseases, bone, and joint diseases.
Constant heavy loads have a negative effect, as Capricorns often do not spare themselves, coping with a large volume of work.
Some Capricorns of the first decade, both men and women, at this age decide to make up for the missed pleasures that they were deprived of in their youth due to excessive work. Therefore, they may have an affair on the side, choosing partners who are young enough. But more often than not, such entertainment brings Capricorns much more harm than positive emotions.
Capricorns are reserved, stingy, they even in their youth did not tolerate stormy manifestations of feelings. And by adulthood, they become even more conservative, so they completely do not understand their partners.
For example, a Capricorn man will be extremely unhappy if his young beloved demands frequent entertainment events and expensive walks. Even in his younger years, he strictly adhered to the principle of “time for work, time for play”, so celebrations in his house happened no more often than on New Year’s and his birthday. A Capricorn woman will also be very unhappy if she realizes that her young lover maintains a relationship with her solely for the material benefits she can provide him with.
By the age of 45, Capricorns achieve significant financial well-being, but prefer to lead a very modest lifestyle.
Capricorns of the first decade are quite silent, so they prefer not to talk about their problems at work or health problems. Sometimes, as they age, Capricorns’ character deteriorates, and they begin to avoid even everyday communication with their family members.
Many Capricorns in their 50s-60s prefer to spend their free evenings in their study with a book or a television. They perceive attempts by their family members to disturb their solitude with great discontent.
However, at the same time, they take their responsibility for their children and grandchildren very seriously, even when they become adults and independent.
Capricorns are inclined to provide financial and moral support to their children and grandchildren, so they do not part with their own work until a very old age. The old age of Capricorns from the first decade is usually very calm. Despite poor health, Capricorns are often long-lived. In old age, they are drawn to nature and prefer to live in their own house with a large garden.
Horoscope by decades of other zodiac signs
- Capricorn – second decade (January 3 – January 12)
- Capricorn – third decade (January 13 – January 20)