Cancer Woman Horoscope

w-rak-3If a man wants to understand in what kind of relationship he is with a Cancer woman, it is unlikely that he will succeed. The more he tries to understand this, the more he will become confused. Emotionally, she is a closed person – that is the main characteristic of a Cancer woman.

A Cancer woman is so shy that she never admits that she desperately lacks the support of those around her, and you should always remember this when you are in a close relationship with her.

She cannot stand criticism. And the only thing that can hurt her and offend her deeply is if someone starts teasing her. If this happens, you better beware, because she will remember it for a very long time until she gets the opportunity to retaliate against the offender.

You will be greatly surprised by her phenomenal memory, as she will recall some phrases from a conversation that you have long forgotten, which took place several years ago.

A Cancer woman has acquired this ability because she knows how to value the past. And most likely, she would prefer to live there if it were possible.

She truly believes that in a past life, she actually lived, but in some other incarnation. She loves history and among all books, she will definitely prefer historical ones, especially those that describe actions from a hundred years ago.

In addition, in the interior of her dwelling you will find only old-fashioned things. She is attracted to portraits of the beginning of the century, which depict elegant ladies in beautiful dresses. For her, there is simply no present life, she lives somewhere where the old century began.

The Cancer woman loves her home and is ready to decorate it for hours. It is worth noting that she has a good decorator’s gift, albeit a bit old-fashioned, but it is definitely not devoid of taste.

Whoever visits her possession will never leave hungry. After all, the Cancer woman not only cooks deliciously, but also loves to spend hours at the stove. After eating, her second passion is money.

No, she is not stingy, but she will always set aside money for a rainy day. Only in one case she can willingly part with her hard-earned money – when expenses become a balm for her wounded soul.

Strangely enough, extravagance helps many people heal their emotional wounds. But even in this case, Cancer Woman will try to spend money on things of material value, for example, on diamonds, as they are a great investment.

You can’t call her a gossip, so you can share with her even the most intimate secrets, and rest assured that your secrets or fears will not be betrayed.

But at the same time, Cancer Woman is an excellent storyteller. You will be ready to sit for hours and listen to her tell stories from her past life or the life of her relatives.

But it has one drawback – it won’t be able to tell a funny story without laughing. Because if something makes her laugh, she can’t hold back her laughter. It would be fine, but her laughter has a silly, or rather half-historical tone.

Cancer Woman is very loyal, and she will never be able to cheat, whether it’s to her friends or her chosen one. But sometimes her loyalty can become too obsessive.

Due to this characteristic of her personality, Cancer Woman will also demand the same from her lover. She simply needs someone to take care of her and worry about her, to praise her and constantly fuss over her. Therefore, if her life partner turns out to be too aggressive, she will leave him without thinking twice.

Woman-Cancer attracts men with her charm, modesty, and ability to feel and understand their personal problems. If you want to win her heart, be sure to give her roses, arrange a romantic candlelit dinner, and don’t forget to dedicate her a love sonnet.

But still, victory for you will not be too quick, as the courtship period may stretch until a situation arises where you will balance between life and death, between a breakup or continuing the relationship.

Woman-Cancer must definitely have both love and confidence at the same time. She will always strive for a love that is more than just sexual attraction.

For her, love is associated with home, children, and a stable position. You won’t be able to get into bed with her until you can convince her of the seriousness of your intentions. She will never let you play with her emotions.

As soon as the Cancer Woman finds her true love, she will be ready to do anything for her chosen one. She will never fake her sexual feelings in any way.

If she takes on obligations towards a man, she will be passionately devoted to him until the end of her days. Any man who decides to take her as his mistress would be advised to marry her, only if you are absolutely sure that you will not lose this treasure.

Woman-Cancer will always be by her loved one’s side, and will always support him, even if he is a drug addict, an alcoholic, or a hooligan. However, unfortunately, such all-consuming love of a Cancer woman can suppress many men.

Psychoanalysts unanimously claim that this is a subconscious fear of a Cancer Woman, she thinks that she is not worthy of her partner and, therefore, is not able to demand fair relationship in love from him.

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