Without partnership, money is out of sight. The article of your income largely depends on your social status. Alone, you will spend more than you will earn. For you, finances are a measure of social relations. You want to enjoy sitting in the theater, greet respected members of the city administration, casually invite yourself to a formal dinner, buying an elaborate gift with meaning on occasion.
Politeness, as cheap as it is valued by those around you, costs its owner dearly, i.e. you. Literally, everything has to be paid for. Therefore, look for a sponsor partner. Only with them will you taste material pleasures. When you part ways seriously, start investing in art, culture.
They say true beauty does not fade over time, so buy a couple of factories for the production of cosmetics and other fashionable accessories. Even if you fail, the image of a beautiful venture is guaranteed. Money is nothing, image is everything… You will earn more with it.
Favorable business areas
Companies in the creative field – art, show business, makeup, advertising, journalism. Watch manufacturing and jewelry, hotel service. Security and detective activities, justice, healthcare, culinary.
Risk zone
It is determined by the sign itself intuitively, and it never makes a mistake…