Born on October 12 Libra

12-2Born on this day are bright, sociable, cheerful and energetic people. Thanks to your mobile, receptive mind, you easily absorb new information. Self-expression is your strong point, and you are also an excellent orator.

Extensive knowledge allows you to accurately and correctly answer most questions and make witty improvised comments. Eloquence, humor, and the ability to tactfully present your thoughts make you a natural-born trader.

You could sell tons of snow to Eskimos, but you won’t do it because a sense of fairness prevents you from exploiting others.

Those born on October 12th should not consider their good health permanent. Regular check-ups with a family doctor are mandatory. Those born on October 12th usually enjoy the good things in life, so their diet may be abundant in fatty and delicious food, not always beneficial for the body.

Daily moderate physical activity is recommended – from walking to more energetic types such as swimming or tennis. Both men and women born on October 12th should be wary of problems with the spine, kidneys, and lower digestive tract, while women should also be aware of issues with the ovaries and urinary bladder.

Those born on October 12th love to dominate, to be in the center of attention. They have good communication skills and feel comfortable in different environments – from ordinary people to the elite. Since those born on this day take pride in the quality of their work, they want to be appreciated by the best of the best, regardless of social status.

Those born on October 12th have excellent financial instincts; they are touchingly willing to share money with family members and friends who are in need. Those born on this day hate stinginess and pettiness, preferring to make noble gestures without condescension.

Born on October 12, they behave in such a way that others can easily accept from them what they give, although it may be difficult for them to receive the same help from others. It is important for them to learn as early as possible to give easily and take just as easily. Although those born on this day value traditions, they cannot be called conservatives in their thoughts, words, or actions.

They are extravagant, endowed with humor, and love excess. This is evident in all areas of their lives – from sexual adventures to social nonconformity. For them, the world is a stage on which their own tragedy is played out.

However, at the same time, they manage to be quite natural and rarely give the impression of people deliberately seeking attention. On the other hand, those born on this day should beware of arrogance, which can lead to their downfall if they ignore the influence of their actions on the lives of those around them.

Although they usually have a good knowledge of society’s traditions, they sometimes feel that they can put themselves above existing rules, especially in their private lives. Those born on this day can be a curious mixture of selfless and selfish inclinations.

Their inclination to push their own interests and needs can cause frustration for partners.

In love, they can be “dangerous”. When a break occurs in a relationship, these people usually react fairly easily and quickly recover, which, unfortunately, cannot often be said of their partners.

Thanks to their competence and social experience, those born on this day can become a support for their colleagues, friends, and family. At the same time, fulfilling their duties with due attention to the interests of other people requires serious efforts from them.

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