Born on November 3 Scorpio

3-3Intelligent, witty conversationalists born on this day work well in a team. You love bright effects and intense sensations, and your energetic, irresistible personality easily captures the attention of others.

You can be stubborn and unrestrained when it comes to your ideas, but you love sharing knowledge and information with others. While Scorpio strives for a position where you can clandestinely influence what is happening, the number 3 propels you to the forefront.

Those born on November 3rd should be wary of their tendency to suffer and suppress their emotions at any cost. Such behavior can lead to various psychological and physical problems, so it is important to avoid stress and self-destructive impulses.

From the point of view of physical ailments, it is necessary to know that the most vulnerable organs are the digestive organs (especially the intestines). In extreme cases, malignant neoplasms can appear there, and urolithiasis and ulcerative diseases can develop.

Most of those born on November 3rd love to eat and, as a rule, do not pay attention to excess weight, consuming a lot of alcohol and fats – until they begin to suffer from serious consequences of these excesses.

Therefore, they need to regulate their diet or alternate pleasure with physical exertion. Born on November 3rd are real fighters, demonstrating extraordinary perseverance and endurance, no matter what they do.

They are driven by a spirit of competitiveness, and even if they do not challenge others, they still strive to achieve their own goals. The thought of the need to improve their position and take a higher place seems completely natural to them.

In difficult situations, they are usually calm, although those around them clearly feel their explosive potential. In moments of risk, they are deadly calm, which, however, does not bode well for their opponents.

Attacking their enemies, whether men or women, born on this day can become absolutely ruthless. Those born on November 3rd know how to wait. They do not like haste and are always confident that time is on their side.

It may seem to others that those born on this day show indecision, but in reality they are just waiting for the most suitable moment to take action.

Therefore, those born on November 3 rarely risk losing due to impulsive or premature steps. Their tactics can catch opponents off guard, but not because of their unpredictability or intuition, but thanks to precise calculation.

Those born on this day do not like to lose. Their manic desire to be ahead can cost them too much if luck is not on their side.

It happens that a wave of financial or emotional failures washes away their moral strength, giving rise to despair, and in extreme cases, a tendency towards suicide.

Therefore, those born on November 3 are not only winners, but also sufferers who can get deeply entangled in their own misfortunes, close themselves off, which others will only suspect from a devastated look.

On the other hand, when those born on this day are in a good mood (usually thanks to the luck that accompanies them), they can become the life of the party. On an emotional high, they can even become impulsive and unpredictable.

Those born on November 3rd have a remarkable ability to concentrate, as well as a high degree of mental and physical development, but they often limit the expression of their emotions.

They are able to erect a wall in the path of those who try to penetrate their intimate thoughts and experiences, resisting any invasion of the deeply personal realm. At the same time, they can sympathize and warm up to those around them, willingly delving into the problems of other people.

Those born on this day are truly deep individuals, but often unable to realize the attractive integrity of their own personality.

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