Born on March 27 Aries

27-2 Flexible Aries born on this day possess unusual tastes and a wide range of interests. An idealist and a humanitarian, you cannot tolerate injustice and fear nothing, representing a warrior with a poet’s soul. Allowing the heart to prevail over the mind even in the face of common sense, you are carried away into the realm of impractical ideas. If this happens, the potential to do good deeds can be lost in aimless daydreaming.

Born on March 27th are prone to injury. That is why they should be extremely cautious behind the wheel and in other situations, where even a momentary lapse of vigilance can lead to an accident or a catastrophe. Those born on this day suffer from frequent colds, chronic diseases of the bones, joints, or teeth – all due to their own carelessness.

Being impulsive individuals, they can run out in the rain without a coat or tinker with the engine of a car in severe frost. Working for years in an unfavorable environment, they risk acquiring chronic illnesses. Often the very mechanisms with which they have to deal with (machines, cars, chemicals) can be a source of physical injuries.

Those who are not passionate about cooking have to be persuaded to sit at the table. And it’s not that food doesn’t bring them pleasure – they simply forget about it, too absorbed in their work.

Those born on March 27th are highly individualistic. Like children, they easily assimilate knowledge, but once they have mastered certain basics, these people will follow their own ideas about the expediency of their implementation. Their behavior style is unique, based on impeccable technique of using the accumulated scientific baggage acquired over the years of study.

The most talented individuals born on this day are initiators – they are the first to come up with brilliant and bold ideas, but even those who have more modest talents are able to make their own contribution to a particular undertaking. Despite their tendency to experiment, those born on March 27 remain realists, and they are difficult to fool.

Indeed, many of them have a strong emotional resilience acquired through years of struggle on the path to success. As a rule, these people are not particularly sensitive or sentimental, and they do not always empathize with the problems of others. In fact, the concept of a “soulful” person is not applicable to them, as their attention is fully absorbed by work, often of a technical nature.

Born on this day, they have an inventive streak – very often you can find them at home surrounded by various household appliances that they repair or simply dig into their insides, studying the construction. Sometimes these brilliant technical abilities serve as a kind of refuge, a barrier to emotional self-expression. However, sometimes there may be outbursts of accumulated energy that take on the character of an explosion, with those around them becoming victims.

Those born on March 27 are sensitive to any trends in secular life. Whether they are people of art or business, simple workers, most of them have a keen sense of what will work in public and what is absolutely unpromising in this regard. And it’s not about knowledge of human psychology, but about a purely intuitive understanding of society, its values and desires.

Those born on this day surprisingly easily establish and maintain contacts with social groups rather than individual individuals. Often, human experiences put them at a loss, but being objective personalities, they easily diagnose the sources of emerging problems. Although most of them do not appear to be emotional people externally, those born on March 27 are by no means devoid of passion, and it is this quality that adds brightness to their work.

With their straightforward approach to solving various tasks, they infect those around them. Those born on this day are influenced by the purity of lines and sharp contrasts. Like children, their reaction is determined only by the black and white sides of the situation – they hate compromises and vagueness. Lies (or hiding the truth) are unacceptable to them.

Honesty born on March 27 is objective and extends to everyone without exception, including themselves, which is why they realistically assess their abilities. It may be difficult to live with such people because sometimes they are too absorbed in their concerns and unable to respond to the feelings of others.

In addition, being demanding people, they have very high expectations not only of themselves but also of friends and companions. Although, as a rule, most of them know how to be friends, due to their uncompromisingness and sincerity, they never stoop to flattery and sycophancy. But even with this in mind, those born on March 27 remain a support for those who are dear to them.

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