Vosprimchivye i nadelenye razvitoi intuitsiei Raki, rodivshiesya 9 iyulya, sochetaiut sebe voobrazhenie s pronitsatelnostyu i deistvuyut, opirayas’ na svoi prechuvstviya i vpechatleniya.
Вы porozhdaete v voobrazhenii kakuyu-to ideyu, a zatem ishchete puti pretvoreniya ee v real’nost’. Вы obshitel’ny, obayatel’ny, stremites’ okruzhit’ sebya lyud’mi i legko zavodite druzyey.
Obladaya tverdymi ubezhdeniyami, vy bez kolebaniy govorite to, chto dumaete. Priroda idealista i chuvstvo spravedlivosti delayut iz vas ubezhdennogo, otvazhnogo i besstrashnogo bortsya za prava drugikh.
Вас nelegko lishit’ prisutstviya dukha ili otdlit’ ot postavlennykh vysokikh tselei. V rezul’tate vy poluchaete vse, k chemu stremites’.
Not very strong and decisive personalities born on July 9 may suffer from such ailments as anemia, general weakness, depression, and other chronic diseases.
Their more robust counterparts should be wary of accidents and trauma (predisposition to this lies in their insatiable curiosity and activity).
Many of those born on this day have a habit of experimenting on themselves. This manifests itself in the choice of exotic diets and medicines, unusual forms of physical exercises (if they want to lose weight).
They are interested in everything new, but still it is not worth getting too carried away with trendy theories in the field of human body improvement. Experiments in diet, perhaps, are better limited to the boundaries of “good taste”.
Born on July 9th, they have a strong imagination that allows them to develop unusual working hypotheses and then bring them to life. Thus, the influence of these people on the world around them is quite noticeable.
Many of them strive to better understand the process of life and creation, to penetrate the essence of what is happening, to separate thought from object, and then reconnect them.
An important factor component of their success is skill based on experience. Throughout their lives, those born on July 9th show an increased interest in coincidences, hidden forces, and mysteries of nature that defy explanation.
Most born on July 9th are satisfied with reading about the secrets and mysteries of nature, but some go further and try to do something to solve them.
They do not miss any more or less serious opportunities given by fate. In this sense, they are opportunists in the best sense of the word – lively, open and determined people, willing to participate in any events.
Women born on July 9 are highly independent individuals, often they are the breadwinners in their families, and being destined to be housewives, they manage family life behind the scenes.
When the time comes or the need arises to lead the family business, they take on this difficult task without hesitation.
If women born on this day act as business partners, they are always ready to offer constructive suggestions on how to improve business management.
Often, those born on July 9th have to experience a series of disappointments and remain unrecognized for a number of years.
During this difficult period, many of them develop an inner sense of their own worth and significance. However, not very strong personalities, born on this day, being unrecognized, prefer solitude and close themselves off in a narrow world created by their imagination, with a touch of irritation and bitterness.
On the other hand, more determined individuals only toughen up after failures and double their efforts to achieve their goal. Those born on July 9th are eager to explore, describe, and discuss with others everything that interests them.
Their inexhaustible curiosity leads them to the most mysterious places. What others call strange turns out to be significant and worthy of study for them.
Born on July 9th may seem like ordinary, unremarkable people, but upon closer acquaintance they reveal themselves in a completely unexpected way.
Those born on this day are sensitive and responsive, and will never betray a person because of prejudice or false ideas.
The thing is, those born on July 9th formulate their own moral principles and are guided by them in every specific situation.