Born on December 26 Capricorn

26-4 Capricorns born on December 26th feel indebted to society. Despite your respect for law and tradition, you have a spirit of disobedience and resistance. You are bold enough to face difficulties that others can’t handle, and openly criticize deceit and falsehood.

Your inner nature is not characterized by flexibility: you demand sincerity and integrity from those around you, rejecting anything that you deem unfair or unethical.

Those born on December 26th often have problems with their digestive system. If their digestion process is too slow, they may need to consult with a homeopath or dietitian.

As a rule, it is useful to introduce fibrous and herbal food into the daily diet, excluding flour and sugar. Regular visits to the dentist will help to eliminate dental problems.

The lack of calcium is partially replenished by vitamin therapy. Menopause is quite sensitive for women, so it is important to timely seek help from a doctor during this period.

Men may experience exacerbation of prostatitis, so observation by a urologist will not be superfluous. Since problems with the skeletal system often occur with age, moderate physical exercises are recommended, which will not only have a beneficial effect on the overall condition, but also help to increase body flexibility.

Those born on December 26th are distinguished by their incredible persistence in all their endeavors. It is simply impossible to make them deviate from the path they have chosen once. Often, especially in youth, they are supporters of revolutionary ideas.

In general, they are prone to “living on the edge,” or at the very least, they simply do not accept the norms and stereotypes of life in their modern society. For this reason, it is believed that they create troubles and attract negative energy.

As a rule, as they age, their views become more conservative, restrained, and orderly. However, in the case that they spend their whole life “on the outskirts of society,” without the opportunity for self-expression and remaining unrecognized, this might not happen.

The most developed among them are capable of surviving their fascination with politics and power issues over time and becoming more open and tolerant towards the world around them. Those born on December 26 are accustomed to bravely facing any challenges of fate. They are ready to consider and objectively evaluate every life situation, separating the good from the bad, the truth from the falsehood.

They are not inclined to pass the decision to someone else or avoid the problem for their own convenience. Born on this day, they have enough courage to intervene in such spheres of social life that others prefer to stay away from.

In all situations, whether in the family, social group, or at work, they are uncompromising critics of human indifference and do not tolerate flattery or lies. Most often, their interests lie in the realm of everyday concerns, “here and now.” Questions of metaphysics and the supernatural rarely interest them.

Being convinced realists, they are firmly grounded. The danger for people born on December 26th is that, taking into account all their inclinations, they risk becoming excessively dry and rigid towards others, like a stone that year after year resists the influence of winds and rains and only remains intact thanks to its strength.

To avoid turning into an insensitive mass, those born on December 26th must constantly consciously develop their best human qualities. They also need to learn to acknowledge their mistakes, not deny opposing points of view, and sometimes even admit defeat.

In addition, it is very important for them (especially in their thirties and forties) to be open not only to new material experiences for them, but also to higher spiritual impulses. People born on December 26th rarely do anything in a hurry. They tend to slowly and cautiously bring their ideas to life, carefully calculating their strength and not overexerting themselves.

At the same time, they possess an impressive ability to concentrate all their energy in one particular area, which, unfortunately, almost always generates resistance from opponents and even enemies.

Love relationships for these people are built very intensively, but also difficult, as they strive to take on a leading role in this sphere as well. Attempts to deprive them of their primacy usually end in failure or lead to a complete break in relationships.

Thus, one of the main challenges of fate that those born on December 26th have to face is the need to learn how to show tenderness and kindness in their relationships with loved ones, as well as to love them without demanding or expecting anything in return.

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