Friendly Sagittarians, celebrating their birthday on December 2nd, have a kind heart and are excellent at reconciling conflicting sides. The passionate, open nature of this sign is complemented by empathy and a desire to help, characteristic of the birth number.
Health of those born on December 2nd is largely contributed by their worthy self-belief. However, they still need to undergo regular medical check-ups with their trusted family doctor. Otherwise, they risk neglecting minor ailments (infections, various types of pain, migraines, stomach disorders) which, without proper diagnosis and treatment, can turn into major problems.
Those born on December 2nd should pay special attention to their circulatory system — particularly, the blood vessels of their legs. By deepening their interest in cooking, they can positively influence their appetite and the balance of their diet.
As for physical exercise, only moderate loads are recommended. Sleep (at least ten hours) is very important for maintaining peace and mental comfort, as those born on December 2nd need plenty of time for dreams and reverie.
Born on December 2, they have a truly immense reserve of spiritual strength. Regardless of their physical build, they have a powerful impact on their surroundings, which often surprises people. Only those born on December 2 are capable of shining in the rush.
The effect of their presence and influence on what is happening can be so magical that it creates the impression that they are messengers from heaven. Born on December 2 are demanding and instructive – for better or for worse. Based on the ideals of goodness and honor, they are usually fair in their judgments, but at the same time they can express their dissatisfaction by condemning those who do not meet their standards of decency.
Less enlightened individuals sometimes cause significant harm to others by making knowingly impossible demands. Making mistakes born on this day, they remain convinced of their own rightness until much time has passed and they can admit that they were wrong.
Those born on December 2 not only discover their own strong character, but also appreciate its presence in others. They are certainly not among those complacent sheep who obediently follow stronger leaders, but they can submit to those who are recognized as such. Belief in universal human values is characteristic of those born on this day.
They are interested in the entire kaleidoscope of human emotions, actions, thoughts, and feelings – from basic to the most sublime. Life is their god, but a life filled with faith and bold actions. As a rule, those born on December 2 may confront provocation, but aggression is generally foreign to them.
Since they rarely retreat or surrender, a fighting spirit becomes an almost manic idea for them. Often, those born on December 2 see life as a struggle in which they must simply achieve victory. However, the goal of their struggle is not necessarily related to personal well-being; more often, they fight for common ideals – as they imagine them.
Along with character and honesty, they also value the integrity of nature. Thus, when they realize that they have acted unjustly, they begin to torment themselves with guilt. The feeling of guilt sometimes becomes predominant in their lives.
For those born on December 2, the main life goals are the development of their own individuality, the search for and following of their spiritual path. However, they often deviate from the chosen course, especially in times of trial.
In the complex and difficult life they lead, they need above all to learn to distinguish true and false values, illusions and significant categories.