Aries-Goat (Sheep)Horoscope

Aries-Goat (Sheep) has predominantly masculine character traits. She is independent and stubborn by nature. Such a person often gets offended even by trifles, and in some cases can ruthlessly retaliate.

These personalities love freedom in everything – thoughts and actions. Aries-Goats are open to communication, charming, and truthful from birth. They have a sincere attitude towards people, which sets them apart from other signs. Aries-Goat is a fair, sensitive, and sentimental person. They sometimes experience fits of apathy, but it is only a temporary phenomenon.

Aries-Goats do not isolate themselves from everyday worries. They enjoy being in a noisy company and easily find common ground with people of all kinds. Such people turn out to be loyal and reliable friends who will come to help in any difficult situation. Calm by nature, Aries-Goats (Sheep) cannot stand lies, so they value honesty and sincerity in any relationship.

They tend to “fly” in their fantasies. But when it comes to concentration, Aries-Goat instantly switches from dreams to swift actions.
Aries-Goats, not devoid of creative impulses, always build friendly relationships in a team. They are not afraid of work and sincerely care about the people around them. Such individuals become excellent speakers, unless shyness takes over.

Aries-Goat knows how to relax fully in order to burst into active work again. They prefer to relax at home, among friends, or in cafes. Such people mostly adore resting in nature or in a small village.

Aries-Goat (Sheep) does not accept lies, deceit, or betrayal under any circumstances. Especially if it comes from close friends or a loved one. They cannot forgive an offense quickly and sometimes even prepare a cunning plan for revenge. There is never a dull moment in family relationships with Aries-Goat.

Aries-Goat is characterized by stubbornness and self-will. She tends to be either completely free or fully submissive to a person. The third option is not acceptable to her during close communication.

She has an unpleasant character trait. She loves to “stick her nose” into other people’s lives. She wants to participate in all the affairs of people around her. Sometimes Aries-Goat (Sheep) can be meek and modest. In other cases, she can be aggressive and assertive. For her, such emotional states are a normal part of life and they help greatly in implementing creative ideas.

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