Aries Character

  • Ruling planet – Mars.
  • Opposite sign – Libra.
  • Element – fire.
  • Category – cardinal.
  • Influence – head, face, brain, upper jaw, eyes.
  • Diseases – sinusitis, headache, rhinitis, seizures, fever, eye diseases.
  • Need – for food containing potassium phosphate.
  • Herbs – mustard, aloe, garlic, capers.
  • Vitamins – A, B1, C.
  • Mineral – organic iron.
  • Recommended diet – beets, celery, carrots, spinach, dates, walnuts.
  • Should develop – patience and moderation.
  • Avoid wasting life energy, stubbornness, and alcohol.

m-oven-2The main qualities of Aries are a tendency to take risks, courage, self-will, impartiality, optimism, self-confidence, brilliance, variability, easy excitability, enterprise, sharpness, idealism, generosity, and sometimes insane bravery.

The desire to protect the offended and insulted sometimes leads to excessive loss of time, energy, and money in vain. Aries is happy only when he feels like a master of the situation and can go his chosen path. Nothing diminishes him as much as orders from a person whom he considers beneath him (and a large part of the work is distributed among all colleagues).

Although Aries’ range of interests is wide and he is an avid reader, his thirst for knowledge often lacks direction and therefore ends up as a mishmash of different data. He should occasionally ask himself: where am I going?

Maybe I am deceiving myself or people are deceiving me, to whom I have attributed qualities and merits they do not possess? Am I not undermining my health with zealous diligence? Exceptional mental abilities and a strong constitution can allow Aries to prove to himself that he is wrong, if only he takes the time to seriously think about it.

The Sun enters the constellation of Aries on the day of the spring equinox. The Zodiacal year begins. During this period, all of nature in the Northern Hemisphere strives for active activity.

Through the moist soil, green sprouts break through, and buds open up towards the light. This is the magical time of blooming and bird singing. Perhaps that is why the ancient Chinese believed that the constellation of Aries reached the center of the sky on the Day of Creation.

With the first breath, the thirst for creative activity penetrated the body of Aries, which will remain with him forever. Despite the dynamism and boldness of character, the seemingly boundless energy of Aries is not unlimited in reality.

Tendency to overestimate it leads to overstrain of forces. Since the most active part is the brain, he is convinced that everything else can withstand a large number of plans and events in which a typical Aries is constantly involved.

Enthusiasm and striving for primacy sometimes lead to an unreasonable expenditure of energy reserves. If the position of celestial bodies at the time of birth was favorable, the Sun in Aries endows the newborn with the ability to resist ailments.

Very rarely can one find disabled people – carriers of this sign. The will to overcome illness and the fervent desire to “engage in active activity” proves stronger than the disease. But contempt for ailments also has a negative side.

Sometimes Aries returns to heavy loads instead of lying in bed. It is necessary to listen to the advice of doctors, friends or relatives.

Special danger to Aries’ health can be represented by the negative arrangement of planets at the moment of birth. In general, however, all those born under this sign should avoid colds and eye strain, visit the dentist more often, as well as avoid quarrels and mental overexertion that may arise from their temperament.

Aries are prone to headaches, fever, skin diseases, memory disorders, head and facial neuralgia, dizziness and nervous exhaustion.

Many, if not all, claim that they could have avoided this if they had followed a regimen, diet, and self-discipline. Over the years, Aries should find a hobby that helps them avoid a depressed state.

Since this is an intellectual sign, there are many activities (reading, club activities, creative expression in any form of art) that will take up all his time and allow him to apply his abilities.

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