Aries Business Horoscope


Money represents primarily an ideological rather than a material interest. The burning desire to always take first place sets a high bar for financial achievements – to be no worse than others! Keeping and multiplying capitals is a problem, but it’s so easy to spend! Not sparing for oneself. We only live once. Sometimes just one day, because there is not enough money anymore. …

However, it is also earned quickly, impulsively and hotly. Favorite style: “work hard, party hard.” Special pride – “drink on one’s own dime”. And then – on to the next adventure for a “small ruble”. For example, a wild night out. Interestingly, the principle does not waver: “to earn – a million, to possess (probably in a wife) – a queen”. It is recommended to start with a million.

Favorable business areas

This sign is very suitable for banking, cash operations, currency and securities. Undoubtedly lucky in road construction, transportation (especially transportation), procurement and sales of alcoholic beverages and confectionery products, optics and optical instruments.

Risk zone

Renting and exchanging housing, production and sale of chemical reagents, varnishes, paints, underwear, dishes, fur products, procurement and sale of “gifts of the sea”.

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