Monkey Horoscope years of birth and elements

Years of the Monkey 1908, 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028

m-obezayna-1In some cultures, the Monkey is considered reckless and curious. Indeed, this animal is characterized by a mischievous, impulsive nature, as well as a passion for luxury and harmful habits.

Not without self-love, and because of instinctive behavior, it attracts a lot of trouble. A person born in the year of the Monkey is stingy and envious. In Buddhist culture, this animal is not favored, as it constantly boasts of its abilities and desires for earthly pleasures.

Symbol of the Eastern Calendar Animal

The Monkey sign in China is a symbol of agility and self-confidence. This animal takes all the bad things from the surrounding environment and projects them onto itself. It is characterized by high energy, loves games, entertainment, and everything that can bring personal gain.

What is the Year of the Monkey

During the Year of the Monkey, there will be ambiguous events in all countries, leading to adventures, intrigues, and complexities. This will affect both the political and social spheres.

After all, monkeys are naturally restless and anxious. Heads of state will be subject to popular unrest, but will pursue “politics” in their own interests. It is enough to remember the situation with Iraq, when America and its allies mercilessly attacked the country. This happened precisely in the Year of the Monkey.

But in personal life, many people will experience radical changes for the better. Someone will make a career they dreamed of. Well, for financial success, qualities such as agility and logical thinking will be needed.

It is necessary to “turn on” not only the mind but also the imagination in order to overcome all obstacles on the way to achieving goals.


One family bought a Monkey cheaply so that the animal could help with household chores. In order to teach it, the hostess deliberately dressed herself as a maid and began to teach her domestic skills.

After all, this animal has a talent for imitation. The self-absorbed Monkey “learned” a lesson, but not that one. She quickly understood how to powder her nose, steal a kimono, and clown around.

The animal misbehaved throughout the house, breaking dishes and tearing clothes into pieces. Of course, the family quickly concluded that a cheap purchase does not guarantee usefulness. The same can be said about the prankster and troublemaker Monkey, who only knows how to cause mischief and create chaos.

Monkey sign characteristics

Inconstancy and swiftness are associated with the Monkey. It is a nimble, agile, and talkative animal. If a person is born in the year of the Monkey, stability in relationships and quality work should not be expected from them.

They will do everything to benefit themselves, but not others. They are true schemers, easily forming friendships and “playing” with emotions. Although, interacting with such a person is always pleasant and fun.

She demonstrates her talents on people, puts on real performances. She likes to be amazed and amaze others, as well as distract those who she meets from the true path.

Provocations and adventures are what this person likes. He rarely thinks about what he is going to do. Although, this opinion may be mistaken.

The Monkey is a skillful manipulator, so she uses people for her own purposes and interests. She is not one of the weak, so she can stand up for herself, speak sarcastically, and still achieve her goal without any problems.

Such a person “works” for the public, independent, cunning. He always knows what he needs and how to easily get it.

Monkey’s character traits

If a person is born in the year of the Monkey, they are an optimistic, cheerful, and outgoing individual. They rarely feel sad or frown because they love making a good impression on others.

However, they are also adept at deception and cunning. This cute and charming creature can easily manipulate those who they need on their side. Intrigue, gossip, and emotional manipulation are things that the Monkey enjoys.

They may lie for their own benefit, as they not only want to be a winner but also to get what they desire. This includes power, finances, and the recognition of the people. Fate generously presents them with temptations that they cannot resist.

They are lively and carefree individuals who prioritize entertainment and their own pleasures.

For her, “the law is not written”, she is confident in her beauty, intelligence, and talent. But she won’t go out of her way to show all that. Because it’s already clear that her best cannot be found. Her lively, nimble mind helps her in many areas.

She knows how to focus on what matters most. Usually, it’s both a great artist and a scientist, and a practitioner. By the way, she has quite a few envious people, but she often has bad luck in love affairs. She gets disappointed in her chosen one as quickly as she falls in love.

Character of the Water Monkey

Years of birth:
6.02.1932 – 25.01.1933,
4.02.1992 – 22.01.1993

Those who were born in the Year of the Water Monkey are cautious, emotionally balanced individuals. The main thing is not to offend or criticize them, otherwise there will be a universal flood.

No, she won’t cry, it will be those who dared to offend her. Well, and advice from others is not acceptable for such a person. She prefers admiration, applause, which she has loved since childhood.

She rarely takes an impulsive step and says something “out of place”. Everything is planned in advance, carefully thought out, and plans and goals are kept strictly confidential.

She has a secretive, reserved character, so many doubt her sincere feelings. Sweet and polite in communication, she can conceive anything her soul desires. However, in a work environment, she is a responsible and sociable employee. She is valued and respected for her quality work.

Character of the Wooden Monkey

Years of birth:
25.01.1944 – 12.02.1945,
20.01.2004 – 80.01.2005

Rich imagination, curiosity – that’s what characterizes a person born in the year of the Wooden Monkey. He is constantly inventing something, striving for novelty, and capable of realizing the boldest fantasies.

In his work, such a person is tireless and impatient, so he often abandons things halfway.

He values friends more than family. She is ready for any sacrifices and feats for the sake of her friends. Naturally, this kind of attitude does not allow her to create a happy, strong family.

Character of the Fiery Monkey

Years of birth:
12.02.1956 – 30.01.1957,
6.02.2016 – 27.01.2017

An active and respected person is considered to be someone who was born in the year of the Fire Monkey. They strive to learn everything that is happening around them. If they get involved in adventures or intrigues, it is only out of interest, not for their own benefit.

They do not like competition or rivals, especially if they are smarter or more agile than them. They are sociable and well-rounded individuals. They can be immediately recognized by their bright appearance and original manner of behavior.

In love, they are passionate individuals who adore flirting and casual relationships. But if they start a family, it is for life. Of course, this is if their chosen partner can overlook the Monkey’s infidelities.

Character of the Earth Monkey

Years of birth:
2.02.1908 – 21.01.1909,
30.01.1968 – 16.02.1969

High intelligence, principled personality is characteristic of a person born in the year of the Earth Monkey. There is always something to talk about with her. She will give advice on any topic and provide moral support.

For such a person, life is a constant learning experience, a striving for new things. They choose a profession that suits them – doctors, educators, economists. She doesn’t rush, but gradually and confidently builds her career. If the goal is high, then the profit is no less than a million.

She can become truly prosperous financially. She is not greedy, but practical. She often engages in charity work and becomes an honest leader. It is reliable to work with her, engage in business. In family relationships, they are not too faithful to their spouse, as they love to flirt.

Character of the Metal Monkey

Years of birth:
20.02.1920 – 7.02.1921,
16.02.1980 – 4.02.1981

True workaholic is a person born under the sign of the Metal Monkey. He is always busy, but even when he rests, he still manages to make useful connections.

After all, important people will come in handy for him in the future and in achieving personal goals.

He strives for financial stability with all his might. To do this, such a person works at ten enterprises, finds part-time jobs, and communicates with influential individuals.

He will not squander money, although he may splurge for entertainment with friends. This causes problems in family life. Still, he often tries to save honestly earned funds, rather than squander them.


Everyone simply adores a woman born in the year of the Monkey, eagerly awaiting to communicate with her. She is a charming, attractive individual who is confident in what she says and does.

She also has a sense of humor, as this quality helps her succeed in society and with men.

By the way, she doesn’t mind flirting even when she’s married. Hence the jealousy, arguments, and sad breakups. Oh, but don’t feel sorry for the Monkey. She quickly finds a new suitor and falls in love just as passionately.

She is a curious, hardworking individual who can shine both on stage and in a confectionery factory.

Her intuition is well developed, so you can’t fool her. She is an independent lady who won’t work for peanuts without further prospects.

In love, she is romantic, passionate, but fickle. But, once she creates a family, you will see in her a dutiful wife and caring mother.


A brave, intelligent, resourceful man-Monkey. It is difficult to use him for one’s own interests and “control” him. Outwardly, he is well put together, and his internal strength and energy are palpable.

An incredibly self-assured and charming personality, admired not only by women, but also by male friends.

By the way, about love affairs. He is a real charmer. He is able to persuade any Lady who will be endlessly grateful to him for it. Witty, fun, generous cavalier.

In general, a prince on a white horse, whom all ladies dream of. In reality, you won’t get fidelity from him. He values freedom and friends.

There is another passion in his life – gambling. Well, and racing cars, which he is truly proud of. You won’t get bored with him, but if Luck turns away from him, then everything falls under the “hot” hand.

How to recognize a Monkey person

Externally, it is an elegant, charming person who loves to chat and invite guests. Cheerful, positive, lively in communication, a person with a sense of humor. Where there are intrigues, gossip, you can always meet a Monkey.

If she likes her job, she does everything with enthusiasm and genuine interest. Therefore, she chooses various professions for herself – from a doctor to an energy specialist. Such a person is similar to a propeller on Carlson.

After all, this is a very mobile, initiative, busy person. This is a real unique person who exists in nature in only one variant.

Positive Aspects of Monkey’s Character

Monkey is distinguished by excellent memory, intelligence, and a thirst for knowledge. It seems that such a person knows almost everything, can solve any crossword puzzle, and learn Hindi in a couple of hours.

Education is a top priority for them, and career achievement comes second. After all, one cannot exist without the other. They grasp everything quickly, remember on the fly, so they can easily reproduce even small moments from their past.

Negative Aspects of Monkey’s Character

In pursuit of their own goals and benefits, a person born in the year of the Monkey will use any tricks and cunning. They are an ambitious personality who can easily deceive, manipulate, and even betray others in order to achieve their goals. They do not like being under the control of others, but it’s great to be in command themselves.

It is important that she is always first in everything. Outwardly, she is a cute and somewhat naive person, but inside she has one desire – to prove her superiority by any means.

A person born in the Year of the Monkey is a bright individuality who only does what she wants. Usually, she achieves success faster than others. In love, the Monkey behaves according to circumstances. At first, she loves, and then her feelings fade away and she leaves. In search of new and passionate feelings.

Interests of a person born in the Year of the Monkey

What does such a person love most in the world? Of course, fun, noisy companies and parties until dawn. For her, society and social gatherings are more important than a homey and peaceful atmosphere.

Travel, holidays and even political debates – she needs all of this like air. After all, it is so interesting to be in the thick of events, gossip and learn something fresh.

To live in a luxurious house, drive an expensive car, and furnish the interior with luxurious things, she is ready to do anything. After all, she wants to impress those around her.

Well, another important point is the best conditions at work or in the office. A person born in the Year of the Monkey is not willing to work where they are poorly paid and mentally uncomfortable. Moreover, they will not go to a place where there is no room for intellectual growth and career advancement.

The Monkey in everyday life

Everything that is beautiful, expensive, and luxurious is a priority for them. This applies to the interior of the house, clothing, and jewelry. Don’t think that someone like this would go to work in a factory for three shifts just for the sake of all these benefits.

No, of course not. They have friends, relatives, and simply adoring fans. They will surely help financially, just to make sure that they are happy and satisfied with everything.

After all, a person born in the Year of the Monkey is so charming and cute, isn’t he? Don’t even remind her of conscience and shame. She is ready to “pay off” everyone with her smile, politeness and love.

Business Qualities of the Monkey

Organizational skills and the ability to lead effectively – that’s what sets her apart. She is ready to do a lot to achieve her goals. Colleagues and business partners respect her for this quality.

It’s not surprising that even those who work with her are willing to go along with manipulations and adventures.

Intellectually developed and agile people are born in the Year of the Monkey. They know perfectly well how to start their own business and achieve success. However, vanity can hinder her, so ambitions should be tempered.

After all, when such a person becomes a leader or a wealthy individual, they immediately forget about a soft tone and friendliness. This can lead to conflicts with colleagues and high-ranking people. Although, caution in communication is inherent to her. »

Love of those born in the Year of the Monkey

Attractive, charming, and sociable… Well, how can you not fall head over heels for someone born in the Year of the Monkey? In clothing – style, and in behavior – politeness. And, to top it off, a deep understanding. Such a person does not go without a group of admirers. After all, she smiles at everyone and gives hope for true love.

But even if she starts a family, she still doesn’t go unnoticed on the side. Yes, she wouldn’t mind having an affair herself. Her spouse is constantly jealous and creates scandals, but can’t even imagine losing his chosen one forever. Especially since he does everything to hide his numerous affairs from his loved one.

Monkey-born families

Sacrifice is in her blood, especially when it comes to doing something for her family and parents. This person will easily give up personal pleasures and accumulated money if she finds out that someone close needs help or an urgent operation.

If a person has Monkey in their horoscope, there is no doubt about their good intentions and selfless support. Parents are always first for them, followed by their spouse and children. Without hesitation, they will risk their health or even their life, just to make their loved ones feel good and comfortable.

Not just a husband or wife, but a true head of the family – that’s what Monkey is. They will provide their family with everything they need – money, household conveniences, and travels. It’s not surprising that they are loved and appreciated by both their spouse and children.

Just remember one thing – you should not anger or provoke aggression in a person born in the Year of the Monkey. They can get angry over little things if they are tired or nervous. Therefore, they need to be given the opportunity to be alone, to rest mentally and gather strength for new accomplishments. ”
Monkey Marriage

Health of those born in the Year of the Monkey

A person born in the Year of the Monkey cannot boast of strong health and a strong immune system. Typically, problems start in childhood – tonsillitis, bronchitis, fractures.

Often they end up in the hospital with food poisoning or stomach ailments. As they age, the body becomes stronger and more resilient, but they need to pay close attention to their condition.

It is advisable to avoid risks, extreme sports, as well as limit alcohol consumption and not start smoking. In addition, they should avoid consuming flour and sweets. Otherwise, in old age, they are likely to develop diabetes and obesity.

Inner conflicts of the Monkey

They love to talk and show off their talents. But it should be in a small company of friends or acquaintances, not in a large group with many competitors. That’s where they can truly shine.

Smart, resourceful Monkey will answer all questions that have not yet been asked.

She loves to argue, prove her opinion. But if she loses, beware. Her vindictiveness knows no bounds, and revenge is like the eruption of Vesuvius.

Even when a person born in the Year of the Monkey starts a family, they never stop and remain impulsive. Inside, a hurricane rages, both of passions and desires to implement past ideas.

Combining the Monkey horoscope with the zodiac signs


This person reacts instantly to everything and does not keep feelings hidden. A straightforward, lively, straightforward person who is not devoid of pretense. It is not characteristic for her to sit in one place, she is constantly on the move. She loves to take the lead, both in a team and in the family.


A flexible mind, foresight helps this person implement brilliant ideas in life. Although, often lazy to even do profitable work. Everything depends on the mood, the environment that she carefully chooses herself. Loves fun, entertainment, and making new acquaintances. Outwardly playful and attractive.


Such a person will not miss any intrigue or adventure. He loves himself, boasts achievements and talents. Although, it is almost impossible to understand what is in his head. He is a real magician who is used to surprising and shocking those around him. You need to be careful with him not to be deceived.


What are money for? To spend them! Such a person walks with this conviction. Rich imagination helps to reach heights, but it can also fall from them in an instant. She takes on several tasks at once, artistic, ironic. There is a tendency towards alcohol addiction.


A person who loves experiments, experiments, novelty. Often sticks his nose where it is not necessary. Can be loyal in friendship, which can hardly be said about family life. It is almost impossible to offend this person. She is invincible, cheerful, rarely pays attention to “prickles”.


This person has their own action plan that helps them succeed. They carefully think everything through to avoid making mistakes. They often become successful, wealthy individuals and hold leadership positions. Intuition helps them find unconventional solutions to the few problems they encounter.


Polite, charming, and attractive, this individual knows how to make an impression on others. Cunning and sly, they rarely show sincerity in relationships. They fail to keep promises, leading to problems and breakups in their personal life.


This person rarely compromises and uses cunning tricks in communication. A dynamic and insightful individual, they love games, risky ventures, and entertainment. Their striking appearance is always on trend. They often cheat and lie to their partner in love. They are self-absorbed and arrogant in their interactions.


She can quickly organize any event or celebration. Active, initiative, meticulous. She deals with competitors in no time, having collected valuable information about them in advance. A real careerist who won’t miss her chance.


A personality that is not characterized by responsibility at work or loyalty to the family. She lives on her own wave – playing and having fun. Although, if she takes on a task, she will go all the way to the end. A cunning, clever person who rarely finds an explanation for her crazy antics. But does she need it?


A peculiar, intuitive, cautious personality that can be trusted, but with caution. She knows exactly what she needs, so she won’t let anyone take it away. She tries to find benefits in everything, conducts her own policy, and trusts chosen ones. In the intimate sphere, she seeks to accumulate experience rather than express emotions.


You won’t find a smarter, more educated person. He constantly learns, accumulates knowledge, and takes on everything new. Such a person becomes an excellent entrepreneur, politician, and artist. Usually, he has many families and children who are well provided for. Thanks to the caring parent.

Chinese Horoscope Compatibility: Monkey with other Eastern Signs

Monkey and Rat

There is no better and stronger union to be found. Rat is truly in love with their partner, even if they decide to go in different directions. This couple can also be friends, but the relationship will rely more on the patience of the Rat. If the Monkey, who is arrogant, takes control of the process, the working tandem will quickly fall apart. Therefore, there can be no talk of any prospects.

Monkey and Bull

A strong, harmonious marriage with room for understanding and passion. At first, she will be bored by Bull’s conversations, but then everything will fall into place. She will come to realize that he is honest, responsible, and most importantly, hardworking. In friendship, not everything is black and white. She will laugh and joke about Bull, which he will openly take offense to. Well, if this couple decides to enter into a business partnership, then Bull will definitely be the one to do the hard work. Well, if he is ready to carry the load, then good for him.

Monkey and Tiger

There will be many quarrels, conflicts, and even temporary separations in this marriage. Today they love each other, and tomorrow they hate. Yes, and physical violence is also present in this union. The Tiger will quickly get tired of the mockery and self-importance of the partner. After all, falling under his dependence is sad and undeserved. But if children appear in the family, the relationship will reach a more favorable level. Friendly connection is good, because they have fun and spend time peacefully together. In professional work, each will follow their own line. Advice to both – she needs to become more honest and persistent, and the Tiger needs to forget about aggression and anger.

Monkey and Rabbit

A happy and strong marriage is possible if she dares to become a mother of many children. Rabbit will never leave her for anything, and he will forget about his claims and grievances. They can be good friends, they have a complete understanding here. In joint work, the partner needs to trust the Rabbit more. Well, in turn, let him think about the prospects, implement the plans of the Monkey.

The Monkey and the Dragon

A quite tolerable alliance, which will become stronger and brighter over time. They understand each other, and that’s already good. Here everything is more based on the cunning and sense of humor of a person under the sign of the Monkey. About friendship, one can say briefly – excellent, and for many years. The Dragon does not impose any taboos, which she already likes. In terms of work, this couple will feel great. One creates ideas, finds financing for project implementation, and the other works from morning till night. As they say, everything is according to reason and needs.

Monkey and Snake

She can form an alliance with Snake, but only if he agrees to it. Otherwise, they both will get tired of frequent arguments and claims. The pride of the Snake and the superficiality of the partner cannot coexist in the same set. They can be friends harmoniously, especially if the meetings take place at social parties. If the Snake does not want to lose business, money, authority in society, then she should not plan a business partnership.

Monkey and Horse

An absolutely unsuccessful union that will fall apart in a couple of months. Maybe sooner. Levity, mockery annoys an independent, persistent Horse. If they become friends, it will only be for a short time. The Horse cannot fully trust such a person. Well, as for a working duo, it’s better not to speak.

Monkey and Goat

Goat, of course, will marry a partner born in the year of the Monkey, but only if they are wealthy and promising. By the way, a marriage based on calculation is also not excluded. These two will not get bored or sad in their friendship, which already speaks of sincere relationships. The talented Goat will work well with a person who has many influential and necessary contacts.

Monkey and Monkey

A harmonious, long-lasting marriage that will be the envy of many couples. They not only love each other, but also complement each other perfectly as intelligent, clever individuals. They will also have a sympathy in their friendship that they will offer to each other. Well, work will become successful if they find a third companion. So to speak, an implementer of their ideas and plans.

Monkey and Rooster

If they don’t live peacefully, they will inevitably form an alliance. Well, to experience all the problems, conflicts, and financial adversities firsthand. As for friendship and collaboration, it’s a no-go. The Rooster won’t be able to handle everything on its own if there’s a resourceful individual nearby.

Monkey and Dog

There are many differences between this pair that will negatively affect their marital union. The Monkey will use the Dog for its own purposes. Naturally, the second one won’t be pleased about it. They can become friends, of course. But there will be plenty of disputes and quarrels. The working tandem will quickly fall apart due to the deceit and dishonesty of the Monkey.

Monkey and Boar

She won’t be able to be happy in marriage with a Pig. There is no definite answer to the question, “Why?” She will simply want to deceive or stroke the Pig’s fur, to which he does not know how to react. But in friendly relationships there is complete harmony, flexibility, care. A business partnership will be successful and profitable, as they are ready for new projects and victories.

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