Usually Tiger women are beautiful and attractive. It is every man’s dream – strong and intelligent, sexy and exciting. Her energy and beauty leave no one indifferent. By the way, Marilyn Monroe, the American sex symbol of the 20th century, was born in the Year of the Tiger. Men were drawn to her like moths to a flame.
Daring and strong, the Tiger woman values her friends and loved ones. Young people pursue her, and she always has many lovers. She loves children and instinctively knows how to connect with them. Most likely, she will have many of them.
She strives to be honest and open with others and doesn’t consider whether her words are appropriate or not. She is fair, noble, and stands her ground when she feels she is right. Although she doesn’t like being subordinate herself, she enjoys giving instructions to colleagues.
A typical Tiger woman is direct, independent, smart, ambitious, and attractive. She doesn’t hesitate to use any means if it allows her to achieve her goals. She doesn’t beat around the bush and openly states what she needs. She doesn’t pay attention to fashion, confidently chooses her own clothes and creates her own unique style.
Thanks to their abilities and perseverance, Tiger women achieve a lot even in their youth. They love adventures and usually do not make plans for the future. They are ambitious and often start their own business. Although money is not the main thing for her, she is never in need – fortune is always on her side, and the wallet of a Tiger woman is never empty.
A Tiger woman does not change – not because she cannot, but because she does not feel the need. And yet she needs to understand that she cannot always remain a stubborn predator. You cannot be so arrogant and constantly criticize the actions of others. You need to keep yourself in check, and then life will become easier.