Scorpio third decade November 14-November 22

w-skorp-6The third decade of the sign of Scorpio is influenced by Venus. People born during this period are frivolous, emotional, and romantic, possessing the ability for creativity, artistic talent, and strong passions.

Scorpios of the third decade are known for their early development and great charm, understanding love from childhood.

The parents of a child born in the third decade of Scorpio should always remember that any behavior that undermines their authority in the eyes of the child is absolutely unacceptable. Children born under other zodiac signs love their parents regardless of their personal qualities, but the love of a Scorpio child constantly needs nourishment: they need to see that their parents are the best in the world and deserving of respect.

At a time when adults do not even think that their actions or conversations may be of interest to their beloved child, a Scorpio child not only observes everything they see and hear, but also draws the appropriate conclusions.

The mind of a Scorpio child born in the last decade is more developed than that of their peers, so they quickly lose interest in their peers and begin to feel out of place in the children’s society with its simple games and conversations. A Scorpio child born in the third decade strives to communicate with people who are older than them.

It often happens that a Scorpio child born in the third decade does poorly in school. Parents should not scold or punish the child, but instead listen to what the stars say and understand that the child is simply bored.

What is the use of memorizing the rules and solving quadratic equations if he is completely unrelated to his future? There’s no point in appealing to his reason. The simplest way out of the situation is to try to influence his feelings.

Scorpions of the third decade are artistic natures with talents and abilities in almost all areas of creativity. Scorpio accumulates creative energy and knows how to create a special, refined atmosphere.

Always striving for harmony in everything, which he loves to enjoy. If a child is immersed in an atmosphere of creativity from childhood, and parents do not hinder this, then he can become an outstanding director, writer, musician, artist, designer, fashion designer.

Many Scorpios born in the third decade have problems with hygiene from childhood – it is very difficult for them to wash their hands before meals. As a result, representatives of this sign suffer from infectious diseases, which is why Scorpio’s parents need to teach him daily hygiene from childhood.

The age period from 17 to 25 years is a time of almost limitless energy for Scorpio born in the third decade. There is nothing special about it – Scorpio puts all his strength into achieving his goals.

However, the characteristics of Scorpio’s energy are such that it carries a destructive element. Like a small key, it can be unwanted and even dangerous to others. The thing is, Scorpio, especially at this age, acts on the principle of “the end justifies the means”.

Almost all Scorpios want to succeed in life, but only some manage to do so, because before they can have the laurels of a winner, inner harmony, the love of others, and material wealth, they must first conquer themselves – only then will Scorpios achieve what they strive for.

Unfortunately, Scorpios, born under the sign of Venus, prefer the outer world so much over their inner world that they often withdraw into themselves and cannot establish themselves in life. By the age of 50-60, they are overtaken by the unpleasant feeling that not everything in life has turned out as they would have liked.

Those born during this period are characterized by refined sensuality, exceptional magical attraction, and internal warmth. The opposition between consciousness and subconsciousness in Scorpios of the third decade is so strong that it eliminates any possibility of restraining passions.

Scorpio-Venusians are characterized by mystical impulses, the struggle between flesh and reason, sensuality and religiosity. Hence, either the imprudence of people who fall under the power of all temptations, or excessive idealism. This division usually occurs between the ages of 14 and 21.

Venusian subtlety of perception and a craving for high love can turn into debauchery and a thirst for sensual, animal pleasures; charm turns into eccentricity, extravagance, reaching hysteria; instead of hard work and altruism – self-indulgence, laziness and boundless selfishness.

The general corruption of nature often leads to vice. But here there can be changes in direction and a splitting of personality – secret life, public life (in society).

If Scorpios do not succumb to their own sensuality and passions, which lead to mistakes, they will make their life as they dream.

A Scorpio child can go one of two ways – dark or light, and it is only up to the parents which one they will choose. Parents who are too soft, compliant and indecisive are doomed to failure from the very beginning.

With Scorpio children, parents need to learn to show extraordinary firmness and kindness. Scorpio will only respect someone whom he feels superior to. The parent of a Scorpio must be strong and calm – if the child detects both of these qualities in him, he will allow him to be his mentor.

The most sensual sign, Scorpio approaches sex with ease and usually starts engaging in it quite early. From the age of 25 to 40, the third decade Scorpio finds it difficult to cope with their insatiable sexuality, they are driven by sensual desires.

Third decade Scorpios are easily carried away, but they also cool down easily – they have left many broken hearts in their wake. Scorpio is not one of those people who are quickly forgotten. They will be remembered either as pleasant and fun, or as perverted and passionate individuals. The problem is that they are both…

Love for Venus Scorpios is a force, at the same time dangerous and exciting. Early marriages are not the happiest. However, if a representative of the third decade of the sign gets married after the age of 21, choosing a life partner who is willing to adapt to Scorpio, it is quite possible that an ideal family life will be achieved, full of passion and tenderness.

The subconscious of this person gravitates towards idealism. Altruism and kindness to the point of self-sacrifice are characteristic of adult Scorpios, but under bad influences, these qualities can lead to gluttony and useless self-deprecation.

Scorpios of the third decade are also prone to mystical impulses and a tendency towards occultism. These are gloomy people who live in accordance with the impulses of their subconscious.

Generally, Scorpio is more susceptible to the unconscious influences of their own brain than other signs. This sign helps the person born under it penetrate into the depths of various secrets; they are also destined for tact and diplomacy. Such a person can become an expert in human nature and acquire magical abilities.

The most important years in the life of Scorpio of the third decade are: 15, 25, 30, 45, 60 years.

Horoscope by decades of other zodiac signs

  • Scorpio – first decade (October 24 – November 3)
  • Scorpio – second decade (November 4 – November 13)
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