Aquarius second decade February 2-February 11

m-vodolei-7People born between February 2 and 11 are one hundred percent Aquarians, so they most closely correspond to their sign in character, and the events of their lives unfold in the sequence predetermined by the stars.

The birth of Aquarians of the second decade and their appearance usually occur without any complications and are not accompanied by any painful sensations or losses in the family.

In addition, children-Aquarians born into troubled families are capable of bringing clarity to parental relationships and contribute to the establishment of peace and harmony in the home. So Aquarians born in the second decade have a very positive influence on those around them from early childhood.

Already in early childhood, they attract and amaze others with their humanity, thoughtful calmness, tactfulness in behavior. From a very young age, Aquarius children behave very intelligently, modestly, unobtrusively, and show interest in everything related to people.

The character of such a child depends on how positive and kind the family atmosphere in which he grows up and is brought up is, so relationships between close relatives are very important for him and shape his worldview and his own attitude towards life.

As a rule, as the Aquarius child grows up, he becomes too vulnerable and closed, realizing that the world is not as ideal as it seemed to him in early childhood, and people combine both positive and negative traits.

However, in most cases, Aquarius of the second decade quickly adapt to adult life, full of sharp contrasts and contradictions, and prefer to take the position of an impartial observer of human destinies, adhering to the famous “golden mean” in everything.

Aquarius of the second decade are distinguished by a lively, precise, scientifically oriented mind, meticulousness in research, and a tendency towards statistics.

Born during this period, they early ponder over the questions of human happiness and the essence of human existence as a whole, so they often reach the peaks of philosophical thought, devoting their entire lives to this field of knowledge and striving for their work to be maximally useful to people.

Many Aquarians of the second decade have a “spiritual gift” – a certain type of psychic energy that allows them to apply their abilities in a wide range of humanitarian fields.

They feel a sense of great responsibility and happy satisfaction while working in organizations or groups whose activities are related to the social sphere.

Therefore, it can be confidently said that Aquarians are capable of achieving great success if they dedicate their lives to spiritual healing (psychology) and the upbringing of the younger generation (pedagogy).

On the other hand, Aquarians of the second decade are very curious people interested in travel, space exploration, music, and love taking risks.

They are sociable and generate a lot of ideas, although they don’t always implement them. Therefore, they can sometimes engage in incompatible activities and have several completely different professions, handling any job well.

High erudition allows Aquarians born during this period to easily climb the corporate ladder and hold high positions at a fairly young age.

In addition, thanks to their analytical thinking combined with intuition, Aquarians rarely make mistakes, so they can confidently participate in various enterprises where lightning-fast reaction is required. Undoubtedly, they will be lucky in various intellectual games, contests, lotteries.

Despite their interest in the fate of others, Aquarians have a calm, thoughtful perception of others’ misfortunes. However, when it comes to their own personal lives, Aquarians are too emotionally sensitive, so they take their own family crises and disharmony in their home to heart (even if it goes unnoticed by others).

As a result, Aquarians are prone to various hidden nervous disorders that can lead to psychosomatic illnesses.

Due to their heightened sensitivity on one hand, bright individuality on the other, and conflicting life views on the third (referring to a combination of relative unpretentiousness in expectations with exaggerated idealization, pessimism with optimism, constancy with inconstancy), Aquarians enter into marriages late, as in their youth they are even more prone to various doubts and mood swings, which prevents them from being understood by representatives of other signs, let alone the opposite sex.

But let them meet the only close person (inevitably – with a kindred spirit and similar interests) late, but still, Aquarians can become the happiest family members and will be forever grateful to fate for generously endowing them.

With age, Aquarians of the second decade have their reason prevailing over emotions, and eloquent statements from an early age hit not only the target but also allow them to easily win in any argument, in any discussion.

Therefore, Aquarians have excellent chances of making a successful career in politics. Aquarians born in the second decade have excellent aesthetic taste, so they can make a successful career in various forms of art (in film, music, architecture, painting, and others).

A rich imagination makes Aquarians creative individuals capable of bringing their unique touch, something new and interesting to those around them, into any business.

People born during this period do not like uniformity and adhere to their own opinion in everything, so they approach every life question with their own individual point of view, without fear of making mistakes and being misunderstood.

This trait creates conflicting attitudes towards Aquarius from other people: while some admire them, appreciate their intellectual abilities, kindness, and integrity, others consider them to be eccentrics who are actually foolish and selfish.

For this reason, depending on the people surrounding Aquarians, their fate can be different: some easily find their circle of friends and enjoy respect, admiration, and success in their work, while others remain misunderstood, distancing themselves from society and preferring to live and work in solitude, in modest seclusion.

Horoscope by decades of other zodiac signs

  • Aquarius – first decade (January 21 – February 1)
  • Aquarius – third decade (February 12 – February 20)
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