Pisces man characteristic – passionate, unbalanced and emotional. Being next to him, always be prepared for surprises. He is driven by contradictory impulses, as the symbol of this zodiac sign is two fish swimming in opposite directions. Pisces man can be so contradictory that while deciding to do one thing, he actually does something completely different.
He relates to people with extraordinary sensitivity. That is why he sometimes doesn’t even notice how much attention he attracts to himself.
By his nature, Pisces man is very responsive and sees the people around him not as they really are. For sensitive women, Pisces man can be very attractive, especially if they are inclined to dominate.
The Pisces man will idealize the woman he loves. Even if she behaves terribly, he will still accept it because he sincerely believes that she can do no wrong.
The Pisces man is constantly tempted by excitement and change, but in reality, his only desire is to strive for stability. He loves to dream, but usually only unattainable desires swirl in his head.
For him, love is not just romance, but also satisfaction, home, and security. Making love for the Pisces man is something intimate and personal, but sometimes it can also become a public affair.
The Pisces man is overly responsive, so he can easily be influenced by others. Fidelity is not his strong suit. Therefore, getting along with such a man can sometimes be very difficult.
To stay with such a man for a long time, you must be particularly sensitive to his rapidly changing moods. In addition, you must always be prepared to prove your love to him.
A Pisces man dreams of stability, so if you are confident that you can provide it to him, be sure that despite disagreements in something, he will definitely come back to you.
Pisces men cannot be classified as the type of men who can easily get married. If he is pulled towards the altar, sooner or later he will definitely find another one. A Pisces man does not respect promises to enter into a legal marriage, neither his own nor a woman’s, even if she is very attractive.
Male Pisces is a wonderful companion, smart and remarkably hardworking. He loves to travel first class and spend money without thinking about tomorrow.
But he also loves to bring pleasure not only to himself, but also to his partner. He is ready to shower her with gifts, furs, and precious jewels.
Since Male Pisces is very impressionable, he easily adapts to the habits and views of others. If they are decent, then he will be the same, but if they abuse alcoholic beverages, it is best to lock the bar.
Male Pisces can be idealistic, charming, and self-sacrificing. The talent of a creator manifests itself in him in music, painting, literature, and other forms of art.
Pisces man cannot expect grandiose success in business. First of all, he prefers to work alone, and secondly, he does not like hard work.
As a rule, in order to achieve something in a certain field, it is necessary to work hard, and Pisces does not like it. The peculiarity of such a man is that he prefers to choose easy ways to achieve his goal. He lacks organizational skills, practicality, and dynamism.
Pisces man belongs to the type of people who prefer to be in contemplation rather than in action. Well, if there is such a need, he will try to postpone the time in every way possible, from the outside it may seem that he is not even able to move from his place.
When a Pisces man expresses his own thoughts, he will not call things by their names. In order to avoid direct declarative statements, he will use all his eloquence.
A Pisces man seldom has the ability to offend others, but sometimes it can be very difficult to determine how exactly he feels about people. You will never be able to recognize the duality of a man of this sign, as he can be very secretive.
Basically, a Pisces man is not very confident in himself and he draws his life force from the support of the people around him, like water from a well. Pisces is one of the few zodiac signs that can be said to be a sign of sadness.
Another characteristic of a Pisces man: Pisces Man