Born on October 7 Libra

7-4Libras born on October 7th are intelligent, witty, charming, and look at life from a philosophical point of view. You understand people and can grasp complex technical details. Your analytical mind and delicate intuition allow you to quickly and accurately assess any situation.

A tactful approach and knowledge of human nature make you an excellent manager. A professional career in the fields of art, journalism, science, education, law, or politics will channel the full range of your intellectual and creative talents in the right direction.

Those born on October 7 may have difficulties working day in and day out for a long period of time. These difficulties may be caused by disappointment or pent-up anger, which often leads to anxiety or even depression.

Those born on October 7 should be especially careful to avoid the occasional false sense of threat and the desire to preemptively strike back in response to it, like “get him before he gets you.” A stable eating and sleeping routine can have a calming effect, so it should be given a lot of attention.

Those born on October 7 should also avoid foods that are too obvious expressions of “yang” or “yin,” such as red meat on one hand, and sugar on the other. Moderate physical exercises are recommended.

Born on October 7, they have an unruly character that will sooner or later manifest in their lives. Those born on this day are convinced of the correctness of their own views, which often contradict the norms of society or their environment.

Their desire to protest is usually accompanied by a desire to change things for the better as they understand it. Accordingly, they persistently strive for a leadership position that gives them the right to make such changes.

However, those born on this day do not suffer from personal ambition, they need power to achieve social ideals. The rebellious nature of those born on October 7 is not always evident at first sight, as they usually have absolutely charming manners.

It seems that they live in the center of their own world. However, those who communicate with them cannot help but acknowledge the sharp insight of their thoughts. Typically, they do not hold back, saying what they think, although they can spice up any pill with humor and some tact.

They have a great understanding of human emotions and quickly assess the personal psychological qualities of the person they are dealing with. Born on this day often do not waste time justifying their actions, but simply do what they consider necessary.

Those born on October 7 always think decisively, so when they join an organization, problems often arise. Although the whole group as a whole may embody the ideals they share, those born on October 7 still need to determine their role in this organization.

And since their own principles and political views are constantly evolving, issues of leadership, collaboration, and loyalty become important. Another contradiction in the nature of those born on October 7th is the conflict between moral and amoral behavior.

Those born on this day are not amoral, when they sin, they fully understand what they are doing. In their world of changing norms, they themselves sometimes cannot draw a clear line between what they consider bad and good.

Therefore, they should not glorify their rebellion and condemn those who hold different views, as later they may come to understand and take the opposite point of view.

Those born on October 7th most of all want to be left alone. However, no matter how lonely they want to be or how they imagine themselves, fate again and again brings them into contact with other people.

But since they are often considered “black sheep,” society may unfairly reject them. Therefore, those born on this day should expand their social connections, actively trying to find not only truly respectable people, but also those who can become close to them.

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