Who is the best according to the horoscope

Who is the best according to the horoscopeIs there a best zodiac sign? Astrology does not provide a definitive answer to this question, as only an individual horoscope can provide a complete picture of a person, including all their strengths and weaknesses.

Nevertheless, representatives of each zodiac sign have some similarities in how they perceive themselves and what they see as their best and most wonderful qualities, even if this is not reflected or supported by others.

The zodiac sign influences self-esteem criteria and provides certain advantages in different areas of life.

Aries as the best zodiac sign

Aries is a typical individualist. He attaches great importance to himself, his image, and qualities, often believing that he can do something better than anyone else.

Aries, naturally endowed with stubbornness and determination, “does not hide in the shadows” and successfully overcomes difficulties.

Aries is the best zodiac sign for achieving goals, as well as one of the best for self-affirmation and self-expression.

However, Aries can overestimate his strength and abilities, sometimes acting too impulsively, thoughtlessly, and even on the principle of “I’ll show my mother”.

Well, the type of a typical braggart, show-off, and conceited person is more characteristic of Aries.

Taurus as the best zodiac sign

The best zodiac sign for Taurus can be considered the opposite of the Aries zodiac sign.

That is, Taurus wins in situations where caution, thoughtfulness, or the principle of “slow and steady wins the race” are necessary, and serves as a “brake” where speed and decisiveness are important, whether it be decision-making or a specific action.

Being born under the sign of Taurus also gives advantages in material terms: the ability to earn, derive practical benefits from everything, as well as save and accumulate.

But for this, Taurus, of course, should not “gather dust in the closet”, wasting energy in vain.

Gemini as the best zodiac sign

The most curious and sociable personalities are born under the sign of Gemini. This is the best zodiac sign for accumulating knowledge and exchanging information.

Under favorable conditions, the intelligence of Gemini develops above the average level.

Intelligence and quick thinking play an important role in the self-esteem of Gemini. They also use this criterion to evaluate others.

However, Gemini often make the mistake of considering themselves the smartest, despite having superficial knowledge.

Cancer as the best zodiac sign

If the Moon in the horoscope of Cancer is harmonious, then it can become the decoration of any society and any relationships.

Such a Cancer even creates a pleasant impression at first acquaintance, largely due to his emotional qualities, sensitivity, ability to empathize, understand the motives of people’s actions and behavior.

Often, Cancer considers himself the best psychologist.

It is known that astrology has a whole range of directions, so Cancer is the best zodiac sign in terms of astrological compatibility. He is able to find a common language with almost all signs.

However, from an astrological point of view, Leo is the best zodiac sign for satisfying career ambitions, achieving prosperity and well-being, gaining popularity or fame.

Virgo as the best zodiac sign

In many life situations and matters, carelessness and neglecting details can be too costly.

So Virgo handles such matters better than anyone else, thanks to their thoroughness and natural striving for perfection.

Often Virgo is similar to a jeweler, who tirelessly polishes and works on the tiniest details.

Virgo considers themselves the smartest, but here they lose to intellectual Geminis, as they are prone to dogmatism or overly down-to-earth understanding of a topic, subject, etc.

Scales as the best zodiac sign

Most Libras are attracted to beauty, which translates into refinement and elegance. Considering themselves the best connoisseurs of all things beautiful, Libras do not flatter themselves.

This sign is truly home to aesthetes – sometimes by vocation, so they often strive for the sphere of creativity and art.

However, in general, whatever Libras do, it should bring pleasure.

Libras can be characterized as the best zodiac sign for building harmonious relationships, for achieving a sense of social comfort, for enjoyment and pleasure.

Scorpio as the best zodiac sign

Scorpio is the most insightful of all, even its gaze sometimes shines through like an X-ray.

Scorpio perfectly understands human psychology and can easily identify human weaknesses, possesses a high level of intuition, and can predict the course of events. As a rule, his premonitions come true.

However, it is not easy for him to find a balance between himself and the external world, he can be excessively biased towards others and only see the negative aspects of existence.

Sagittarius as the best zodiac sign

The spheres that are under the control of this sign mainly regulate social relationships.

Therefore, Sagittarius is the best zodiac sign for interacting with society.

Being born under the sign of Sagittarius is very favorable for public activities, for increasing authority and respect in collectives and groups. It is not uncommon for
Sagittarius to consider himself the best leader.

It is also worth noting that, like all representatives of the fire element, Sagittarius tends to exaggerate his strengths.

He can consider himself the most wonderful and versatile, the most generous and noble, and not only.

Capricorn as the best zodiac sign

Capricorn largely mirrors Sagittarius’ aspirations but prefers to stay in the shadows rather than be in the spotlight.

He has leadership qualities and a strong need to build authority, but prefers to control processes in a hidden way, “behind the scenes”.

Capricorn is a natural “Gray Cardinal” and the best manipulator, regardless of whether he pursues noble or selfish goals.

Aquarius as the best zodiac sign

How boring it is to be like everyone else, stereotypes are blatant misconceptions, and prejudices are the prerogative of fools; these are the main theses of Aquarius.

Aquarius considers himself the most original, often has unconventional views and hobbies, and is irritated by established norms and rules.

Within ordinary society, these qualities can be harmful, but they are very valuable in terms of creative self-expression.

Aquarius is the best zodiac sign in areas where rich imagination and an unconventional view of the world are needed.

Pisces as the best zodiac sign

Pisces is the most unfathomable zodiac sign. A representative of this sign may seem strange and risks being misunderstood by others.

And like Aquarius, they believe that order was invented by nerds, and adhering to any standards is just dull and boring.

So, what do Pisces consider themselves the best at?.. Unfortunately, they are not accustomed to feeling superior, and rarely among Pisces will you find braggers and show-offs.

On the other hand, they are distinguished by a high level of empathy – the ability to sympathize and show compassion.

Pisces are capable of providing moral rather than practical support, but for many people, being able to empathize is more important than helping. Pisces is the most kind-hearted conversationalist!

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