Capricorn born in the third decade is a very complex personality. He is both very romantic and pragmatic. It is not easy for him to find a common language with others, as he has quite high demands and expectations.
But at the same time, he attracts the attention of everyone around him with his extraordinary nature and charming appearance, so he involuntarily finds himself in the center of events without actually participating in them.
In childhood, third decade Capricorns are characterized by great stubbornness and sensitivity. They often have major conflicts with their parents, which negatively affects the formation of their character.
In childhood, Capricorn needs the tender and affectionate attitude of elders. But his stubbornness and waywardness lead to the fact that he rarely gets what he wants.
Strictness and constant punishment shape his character, so by adolescence Capricorn becomes almost completely uncontrollable. However, he does not cause any problems for his parents.
Capricorn of the third decade is very calculating, so he will often think before doing something that would harm him.
Capricorn of the third decade is very intelligent, he has no problems with academic performance at school. It can even be assumed that his school and then university achievements will earn him respect from both peers and teachers.
But Capricorn himself, as a rule, is very critical of his achievements. He constantly wants to achieve more, so he never allows himself to relax.
In youth, Capricorns have an eventful life. They easily start romances with representatives of the opposite sex. But all relationships are not very strong, and usually Capricorn himself is the initiator of the breakup.
Male and female Capricorns are prone to mood swings, they often have bouts of melancholy. In their youth, they try to fight bad mood with alcohol.
That is why it often happens that all week a young or young Capricorn works, and on weekends tries to relax invariably with alcohol. As a result, he never gets a full rest. And the mood of Capricorn becomes even worse.
Capricorns of the third decade are very hardworking. They do not spare themselves, spending tremendous energy on the most difficult work. At the same time, they strive for significant financial prosperity, but luck is not always on their side.
The period from 27 to 31 years is very difficult for Capricorn. During this time, they have to face very serious financial problems. This applies especially to those who are involved in business.
Despite all caution and hard work, Capricorn cannot protect themselves from life’s failures. The body of a representative of the third decade is prone to various chronic diseases.
Nervous system, bone, joint, and cardiovascular diseases often occur. At the same time, Capricorn tries to avoid visits to doctors by all possible means. Of course, it is much more difficult to treat a disease in an advanced stage.
Therefore, by the age of 30, Capricorn already has a strong illness with which he or she has to fight.
The illness often becomes the cause of severe depression, which in rare cases can lead the patient to suicide. But at the same time, most Capricorns find enough strength in themselves to cope with difficulties and continue living.
Capricorns enter into marriage very late. Sometimes a marriage arises in early youth, but it soon falls apart. However, they are able to create a sufficiently strong union by the age of 35.
The age of 37 is dangerous for Capricorns of the third decade. At this time, it is especially important to closely monitor their own health, avoiding excessive stress and exertion.
At the age of 37, it makes sense to pay special attention to the state of the immune system in order to avoid flu and colds. Engaging in sports and strengthening procedures are very important, as they help to boost immunity and protect the body from adverse effects.
By the age of 40, Capricorn becomes more self-confident than in youth. Throughout their life, they steadily work for their own well-being, so by the age of 30, they occupy a significant place in society. And by the age of 40, their financial situation becomes quite enviable.
Capricorn women usually have children either very early or after the age of 30. Men try not to rush into fatherhood because they believe it is necessary to financially provide for themselves and their future child. Capricorns of the third decade make excellent fathers.
The period from 40 to 50 years old for Capricorns is calm and stable. They do not try to change the established way of life, so they simply enjoy the familiar comfort and conveniences. Capricorns face difficulties around the age of 60.
Most of them at this stage of life lose their spouse. Widowhood is characteristic of them. After the death of a spouse, relationships with their own children or grandchildren become of particular importance to Capricorns.
In old age, Capricorns of the third decade try to avoid loneliness, and good relationships with their children and grandchildren become a true salvation for them.
After losing their life partner, Capricorns prefer not to enter into long-term relationships anymore. At the same time, they present their own family life as an example of ideal and peaceful relationships to their children and grandchildren.
Meanwhile, in reality, the family life of Capricorn was not like that primarily because of the selfishness of the representative of this sign, consciously or unconsciously suppressing their partner.
In old age, Capricorn becomes a true philosopher, trying to teach others how to live, forgetting about their own mistakes made throughout life.
Despite weak health, significantly undermined by chronic ailments, Capricorns of the third decade usually live to a ripe old age.
Horoscope by decades of other zodiac signs
- Capricorn – first decade (December 22 – January 2)
- Capricorn – second decade (January 3 – January 12)