Sophisticated Sagittarians born on November 27 are incredibly sensitive to the needs and desires of those around them. You are intelligent and insightful, but you can also be impatient and impulsive.
The dreamer living inside you wants to exist in an idyllic, utopian reality where everyone has everything they need. However, if you let your heart govern your practical mind, you can become so immersed in other people’s problems that your potential as a helper in a difficult moment will be lost in aimless dreaming.
Since those born on November 27 are prone to strong emotions, their nervous and muscular systems periodically become strained and exhausted. Therefore, it is extremely important to maintain a reasonable lifestyle rhythm, especially as you age.
It is recommended to find a permanent understanding partner, but for the reasons mentioned above, this task becomes difficult to fulfill. It is necessary to eat slowly, in a calm and relaxing atmosphere.
Regular sleep, emotional warmth and care can work wonders with those who were born on this day. Coarse food is recommended (root vegetables, bread, brown rice and other grains, pasta, carefully selected varieties of meat or poultry).
People born on November 27th either generate excitement, or find themselves in exciting situations, or combine both of these qualities. They are easy to get up and can electrify everything they touch.
Those born on this day can be extremely impulsive and rarely stop to make sure they are moving in the right direction. Often, their intuition does not let them down, but sometimes they can quickly get themselves into trouble.
Born on November 27, people often surprise others with their nervousness – both internally and externally, they are constantly in some continuous motion.
They are capable of incredibly energetically striving to complete a task on time, being indispensable in any work group. In addition, they instinctively feel what their colleagues need in technical and emotional terms, so they make excellent leaders; however, being absolutely non-authoritarian by nature, they equally protest against restrictions imposed on them by others and feel discomfort from the necessity of limiting anyone.
Their main need is absolute freedom of action, and those who understand this will live with them in complete harmony. If they come across people with inflexible psyches or overly moral partners, born on November 27th, they are capable of experiencing deep disappointment.
Such disappointment can have an unexpected outcome in the form of outbursts of irritation and anger. In general, anger, both overt and covert, can become a serious problem for many of them.
In cases of hidden manifestations of anger, suppressed emotions can easily lead to depression and low self-esteem. The highs for those born on November 27th are cosmic, and the lows are catastrophic. Usually, the life of those born on November 27th resembles a pendulum – good and bad periods continue for quite a long time.
However, those born on November 27th have a hard time dealing with hopeless situations; fortunately, the bright periods in their lives are still longer. Family life for those born on November 27th is surprisingly successful, as they love children and adore making their home cozy and reliable.
They are most happy when they can combine their love for family with the freedom of movement – unfortunately, such a combination rarely happens in reality. Due to the non-authoritarian nature of their character, they treat children as friends or brothers/sisters.
This attitude leads to serious problems for those children who need a strong parental figure – not finding it at home, they start looking elsewhere. Cruelty is closely related to the lives of those born on November 27th.
Either they themselves are often subjected to cruelty, or inexplicably become cruel towards their surroundings. The most important spiritual task for them is to restrain their energy, to be able to cope with failures and changes. The improvement of their personality is usually directly related to their ability to understand and direct their energy in the right direction.