Born on November 1 Scorpio

1-2 Energetic Scorpios born on this day passionately love life. Restless spirit and bright, determined character make you a true warrior. However, in your ambitious and dignified nature there are two different sides.

You can be cheerful, sociable and open, but at the same time have a tendency towards melancholy, secrecy and cunning. Your strength lies in the ability to withstand challenges, combining the strategic approach of Scorpio and the aggression of the birth number.

It is not surprising that those born on November 1st are prone to accidents. They need to use common sense for daily care of their health.

For such energetic people, active physical exercises, playing sports, and other types of sports are recommended. People born on November 1 are attracted to martial arts, but they need to be practiced with great caution and not exceed reasonable limits.

As for diet, those born on November 1 do not have any particular fussiness, but at the same time, they may actively resist attempts to organize their eating system. Alcohol consumption should be strictly limited.

Active people born on November 1 generously devote their energy to the business they have chosen. This day is associated with obvious attractiveness of dangerous activities.

People born on November 1 not only consciously strive to feel this danger, but also may unknowingly find themselves in its networks.

For those born on this day, the opportunity to experience nerve-wracking excitement is the most important requirement they have for their profession.

Engaging in monotonous work for a long time can lead them to a state of complete apathy. Their life remains unrealized until they find a way to satisfy their thirst for intense experiences.

An aggressive inclination of such a personality usually finds an outlet. However, the assertiveness of people born on November 1st is never offensive to others, as they are known for their directness and naivety.

And yet, many of them are capable of covert actions. Therefore, it is almost never possible to fully recognize their character.

Those born on November 1st are characterized by incredible self-confidence, however, this trait often leads to physical and psychological traumas for them.

Another distinguishing feature is a tendency to underestimate their opponents and a desire to dismiss those who urge them to be more cautious.

Those born on November 1st need to not only realistically assess the capabilities of others, but also learn to be more objective in evaluating reality as a whole.

They need to start, and the sooner the better, listening to advice and following it more often. Those born on November 1st are truly happy in the moment of attacking on their chosen field.

Whatever the object of such an attack may be (office work, a device, an opponent in a sports competition, or an object of passionate love), it is extremely difficult to stop them in this impulse. Their style of work is lightning-fast onslaught, not cautious steps and half-hearted blows. The emergency nature of their actions makes it necessary to take them into account, but in combat they are often vulnerable to dangerous counterattacks.

Those born on this day usually have a good and even brilliant understanding of technique and other people, but at the same time they are often unable to understand themselves.

They need a lot of time to understand the deep layers of their nature. In addition, as we have already said, those born on November 1st will benefit from less aggressiveness and more caution.

The development of a sober mind and common sense will help them achieve a lot in their life.

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