Zodiac Sign Scorpio feature

m-skorp-7Deep, nervous, persistent, and jealous – these are the key words describing Scorpio. It is a very contradictory character, strong and weak at the same time, the most mysterious sign of the Zodiac. These people have an amazing ability to rise, shake off, and move on. Like real scorpions, they have a sting, but they only use it when there is no alternative.

Scorpio’s appearance perfectly reflects his deep inner world. Although Scorpios are very proud and resolute, they can be reckless and impulsive. Sometimes they do listen to common sense, but unfortunately not as often as they should. Scorpios are fully aware of what they want. Enthusiastic speeches are not their style. They rarely confront others.

Strong determination and complete focus allow them to achieve what they want. They have sharp minds and strong characters, although they are familiar with periods of uncertainty and anxiety. But they try their best not to show it. If they are happy, everyone sees it, but Scorpios’ despair runs deep and is uncontrollable. But how else can this amazing sign live?

People don’t always realize how straightforward Scorpio is. If Scorpio gives his word, he will never go back on it. You can rely on him in any situation. If Scorpio said “yes,” he meant “yes.” It is very difficult to make Scorpios change their minds. Sometimes their straightforwardness borders on sarcasm. When they are angry, they let their sharp, biting tongue loose. But those who love them know that this flaw can be reconciled. And in difficult moments, you can always rely on good old Scorpio.

Friends are very important for Scorpios, but family comes first for them. They always think about the future and are not interested in petty intrigues. If they don’t like someone, they simply won’t spend any more time with them. Their thoughts are always written on their faces. They don’t want to be rude. I would call Scorpios honest. That’s why you can always rely on them. After all, it’s always better to know what to expect than to constantly face unpleasant surprises, right?

Scorpions are very jealous. They can live happily with a partner for a long time, and then something clicks in their head, and they start accusing old friends of all mortal sins. And the most offensive thing is that such a moment cannot be predicted. The scorpion instantly raises its stinging sting into the air at the first signs of danger, real or imagined. As soon as the scorpion feels safe, realizing that their partner and their possessions will remain with them, they immediately calm down and forget about their jealousy.

Scorpions are generous by nature. They are willing to give their last penny to someone in need if they feel that person needs it more than they do. However, they are well aware of the value of money. They rarely find themselves in a situation of financial difficulty, but at the same time, they are capable of finding joy in the simplest pleasures of life. Luxury is, of course, nice, but sincerity and loyal friends are much more important to Scorpios.

Scorpions need friends and know how to appreciate their friendship. They always pay love in return for love. If someone is dear to them, they will not hesitate to use their strength and resources to help them in a difficult situation. They are ready to make any sacrifices for that person.

I have a friend who is a Scorpio, and she loves to spend Christmas at home with her family. When she found out that her friend had no family and no plans for Christmas, she immediately canceled all her plans to make her friend happy, even though it was a big sacrifice on her part. Instead of a quiet Christmas with her family, she threw a loud party, invited a lot of people, and made it the happiest Christmas her friend had had in years.

The most important thing for a Scorpio is to find a suitable partner, someone who would make their life meaningful and stimulate their ambition. Love is essential for close relationships, without it, there’s nothing to talk about. Scorpios are wise and clever, emotional and magnetically attractive. But I can bet my head on it, they can’t figure out their own feelings.

Julia Roberts is a typical Scorpio. She has tried many times to create a family with her loved one, but each time she faced failure. The only time she was able to say the coveted “yes” was her marriage to Scorpio Lyle Lovett. They rushed into this marriage headlong, as Scorpios often do, and when it was all over, they remained close friends, ready to help each other.

If Scorpios want something, they want it so passionately that they can literally taste their desire. It turns into an obsessive thought, and no advice or notation will make them change their mind. They can sit for hours and listen to your instructions. You will think you have succeeded, but they will go out and do things their way. If they decide to have fun, they can be mistaken for madmen, but when they decide to go to bed early, you will think you have ended up in a nursing home – cocoa before bed, warm slippers, and a calm TV show.

No other friend can compare to a Scorpio friend. All others will support you in difficult times and are willing to make sacrifices for you, but in any case, they will always think about themselves first. Scorpio never hesitates. Caution is foreign to them, they will turn heaven and earth upside down just to help you.

When Scorpios find an interesting job, they are willing to work day and night. You won’t find a more hardworking person in any other Zodiac sign. But if they don’t like something, you won’t convince them to try it again for anything. If a Scorpio child doesn’t like bananas, accept it and just don’t buy them anymore. If a Scorpio husband doesn’t like doing housework, it’s useless to buy hammers and nails and scatter them everywhere, hoping that his conscience will wake up.

Scorpions are not prone to melancholy, they cannot stand being sick. They simply do not have time for that. They have so many ambitious plans that require realization, but they will not tell you about them out loud. They prefer to be guided by the hand of fate, and they believe that they are doing good, even if unconsciously. Actresses Meg Ryan, Demi Moore and Jodie Foster were born under this sign – and they all knew that they would be famous, even in early childhood, although they did not talk about it. These actresses received their “Oscars”. Do not doubt, any Scorpio is capable of entertaining their friends with no less talent – but they do not give “Oscars” for that.

When Scorpio is in a bad mood, it is immediately noticeable. Scorpio is ruled by two planets – Mars and Pluto. This sign does not recognize half measures. If Scorpio becomes an alcoholic or a drug addict, it is forever, and it will require good professional help for them to get out of this state. But don’t think that every Scorpio who reaches for a glass automatically becomes an alcoholic. It’s just that an angel and a devil sit on the shoulders of this person, and each one pushes them in their own direction. If Scorpio decides to lead a healthy lifestyle, they also do not recognize any compromises. Less decisive friends begin to feel embarrassed about their bellies when standing next to a fit and toned Scorpio. Scorpios are very perceptive, rarely anything can be hidden from their gaze. They immediately recognize lies and do not know how to lie themselves. But their love is pure and sincere.

Love Scorpios, and they will repay you with love. Scorpios are wonderful friends, spouses, mothers-in-law, and grandmothers. Just don’t be dishonest with them – they can’t stand that. And don’t forget to occasionally inquire about their affairs. You have no idea how important this is to them. Offer them your support, and together you will be able to work wonders.

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