The Rabbit Man

m-krolik-1The Rabbit Man is always happy and content. He has many friends who love and appreciate him. Most of the time he is well-dressed and has excellent manners.

However, his vibrant personality does not allow him to blindly follow the latest fashion, and he dresses the way he likes, maintaining his individual style.

He has a rich imagination and extraordinary creative abilities. He is always up to date with what is happening in the world of art and culture, loves visiting museums and looking at paintings.

The Rabbit friend is always ready to listen and sympathize, but do not expect him to offer help. He prefers not to give advice unless asked.

The Rabbit Man strives for a quiet, peaceful life. Unlike the Tiger, he does not seek adventures and is not as active and aggressive as the Rat. He is afraid of everything new and unexpected.

He values home and family very much, but he cannot be called a homebody. Rabbits have a stormy personal life, but if he decides to settle down and start a family, he immediately becomes a loving father and a faithful, reliable husband.

The Rabbit Man is very cautious with money. He does not make unreliable investments and spends money only when it is really necessary.

The only exception is the interior, on which he does not skimp. Home is his kingdom, and he does not spare money on luxury items.

He is a hardworking employee and a loyal friend. In his judgments, he is no different from most people and does not like changes.

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