Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac cycle, and therefore its representatives have traits of all the other zodiac signs to some extent. Hence the contradictory and uncertain nature of Pisces.
Most Pisces are more willing to go with the flow than to fight against the obstacles of a turbulent river. This life position is especially characteristic of Pisces born in the first decade.
These people are not capable of making life decisions, they are willing to let everything go with the flow, choosing the motto of their life as the phrase “Whatever will be, will be.” The critical years in the life of Pisces born in the first decade are 15, 26, 41, and 59 years old.
At this time, the old system of values, which Pisces have been guided by until now, is breaking down, and they once again reflect on the meaning of their own life and try to find their place in the world.
Children born in the first decade of the sign are cute, carefree beings, although behind their external carefreeness hides real laziness.
They will not throw a tantrum, begging their parents for another toy, being quite satisfied with the promise to buy it next time. But this is by no means a display of manners and tact, as others might think, it is simply a reluctance to fight, a reluctance to invite conflict.
When raising a Pisces child improperly, parents can end up with a real Oblomov, capable of lying on the couch for their entire life. Little Pisces have a huge amount of complexes, and if parents don’t come to their aid in time, their life becomes simply unbearable. In school, Pisces born in the first decade have a hard time finding friends, usually being teased as “crybabies” or “whiners.”
Indeed, unable to make decisions on their own, they become “doormats” in adult life, mommy’s boys and girls, holding on to their parents’ apron strings until old age. This quality manifests throughout their entire life.
When falling in love for the first time, a representative of the Pisces sign born in the first decade is likely to miss the opportunity to be with their loved one. Unable to deal with life’s collisions and fight for their beloved girl or boy, they often become victims of betrayal and deceit.
It happens that after finishing school and university, getting a prestigious profession, adult Pisces cannot find a job. Despite the vast knowledge that representatives of this decade possess, they do not know how to present themselves, which often leads to them being considered primitive people.
Even in childhood, their ambitious parents were disappointed to see that the child did not strive for any heights and was often indifferent to education, although it cannot be denied that Pisces are endowed with extraordinary abilities.
They have a hard time in a new team as well. Closed-off and overly calm, Pisces often become typical “subordinates” unable to refuse: they do all the hardest work, which their colleagues often take advantage of.
It should be noted that representatives of this sign need to learn to constantly control themselves, constantly work on their own image, otherwise they will never be able to find their place in society, choose the right, the only correct life path.
Pisces born in the first decade, despite their outward calmness and composure, are prone to stress and nervous disorders. This is primarily due to their closed-off nature and inability to express themselves.
Representatives of this category of Fish are very self-critical, they are prone to self-doubt and self-criticism, which often leads them to nervous breakdowns, due to the accumulation of unexpressed emotions.
It is difficult not to notice that the Fish of the first decade are not concerned about critical judgments of other people, they pass by these individuals without affecting them. But if a Fish born in the first decade of the cycle believes in someone else’s accusations, she is capable of driving herself not only to a nervous breakdown, but also to death, like the official Chervyakov from the famous story by Anton Chekhov “The Death of a Government Clerk”.
A Female-Fish is charming, she enjoys great success with men. Representatives of this sign in the first decade are extremely feminine and charming, their attractiveness lies in a certain mystery, which distinguishes them favorably from representatives of other zodiac signs.
The main problem of women-Pisces born in the first decade is inconsistency, indecisiveness, which often repels men.
Men do not always understand the whims of a Pisces woman, sometimes interpreting her behavior as capriciousness, artificiality, and even duplicity. It is very important for these women to learn to manage their mood, their emotions.
As for Pisces men, it is much more difficult for them than women. Usually, a woman, when choosing a life partner, looks for masculinity, self-confidence, she intuitively wants to rely on the strong shoulder of her chosen one.
A man born under the sign of Pisces, especially in the first decade of this sign, is not able to give his partner this. He is indecisive, modest, closed in himself, and it is very difficult for him to make decisions.
If in childhood parents could not develop in a Pisces boy the skills of firmness, strong will, such a man is doomed to loneliness.
In old age, Pisces do not change at all, despite the assertion of psychologists that character and temperament can be adjusted, improved. Pisces is probably the only sign that can refute this opinion.
These people do not change their indecisive character with age, especially in the case of Pisces born in the first decade.
Pisces men become grumpy and petty, and women become nervous and more irritable. Most likely, this is due to the still undeveloped ability to communicate, to vent their emotions.
They will never waste their precious time on idle talk with neighbors about news, gossip about residents of the house and other such trifles, better they will sit in front of the TV with a book or newspaper in their hands.
The fate of a Pisces born in the first decade largely depends on the zodiac sign of their parents and life partner.
Pisces of the first decade should beware of people born under the sign of fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), because these people will simply “overwhelm” Pisces with their unstoppable temperament and character. Next to such a person, modest and indecisive Pisces feel insecure and lonely, as they do not feel support and understanding.
Horoscope by decades of other zodiac signs
- Pisces – second decade (March 2 – March 10)
- Fishes – the third decade (March 11 – March 20)