Born on April 22, Taurus

22-4People born on April 22 are enterprising, ambitious, and realistic. You know exactly what you want and have enough determination to bring your plans to life. You love the beauty of nature, art, and music, although your solid, practical approach to the world focuses on practical life tasks.

Despite your artistic temperament, you are much more interested in preserving traditions than implementing innovations. You are as solid as the Rock of Gibraltar and stubbornly hold on to your beliefs: what you agree with today, you will defend tomorrow.

Those born on April 22 may experience problems related to the physical condition of the throat and neck, although their voice is good – suitable for both oratorical and vocal arts. The desire to develop vocal cords should be accompanied by an understanding that the voice is vulnerable, like any other instrument, and therefore it cannot be exploited ruthlessly.

For those born on April 22, physical love is extremely important, including any forms of sensual manifestations. Massage is another source of pleasure. Special joy is derived from being in the kitchen, where they can freely experiment with new dishes. Moderate physical exercises will be beneficial, supporting a healthy weight, but excessive loads are best avoided.

Born on April 22, they are strong not only in initiating and implementing their ideas, but also in creating successfully functioning enterprises. Organizing and maintaining the proper condition – whether it’s a family, a restaurant, a school, or any social unit – is their strong point. Paradoxically, these people cannot be classified as socially active individuals, they are rather hermits.

Many of them are inconspicuous, quiet people who do not strive to attract attention to themselves; but they possess secret knowledge of how to do hard work without straining. Nevertheless, the great talent of an organizer lives in them, and sooner or later it spills out.

Even if this talent is not manifested in professional activities, it will still find application in everyday life – for example, in organizing family celebrations. Those born on April 22nd would not be wrong to try themselves in commerce. Sometimes their organizational abilities can annoy those they have to work with.

For example, they are invited to manage a company that belongs to someone else. Having brilliantly completed the assigned task, they receive an unusually critical review of it from the owner of the enterprise. This can lead to depression or refusal to continue cooperation. On the other hand, those born on April 22nd hardly have conflicts with colleagues at work; those who work under their leadership respect them for their strong will, practicality, and humanity.

Regardless of their physique, the physical presence of those born on April 22 is always noticeable and often serves as a guarantee of the success of an enterprise. The biggest problem for these people is the ability to control powerful internal impulses. The most enlightened individuals are very modest in assessing their abilities; their less gifted counterparts can be excessively ambitious and even cunning towards others – like “dark horses.”

Those born on April 22 should strive to direct their organizational abilities towards serving justice and honor. Although they may be fascinated by money, it is not worth blindly worshiping the golden calf. It is much more useful to learn from the business experience and skills of major financiers, rejecting methods that are incompatible with the concept of morality.

Creating a family, business, or organization, after some time people born on April 22nd will inevitably ask themselves how successfully their brainchild is functioning. They will have to decide for themselves whether it is worth developing the started business in the same direction, adjust the course taken, or leave a futile enterprise and move on to a more enticing project.

Realizing the fact of renouncing their own idea (as well as contemplating the tactics of retreat from the taken positions) is always painful for them and fraught with a state of anxiety and excitement; at this stage it is important to listen to the inner voice. And finally: those born on April 22nd need to develop spirituality in themselves and avoid being enslaved by material values.

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