Born on July 16 Cancer

16-10Cancers born on July 16 embody both shyness and sociability. Beneath the veneer of politeness lies determination and a deep sense of chosenness.

You possess the ability to have vivid insights thanks to your common sense and lively imagination. You have big dreams and all the necessary abilities to bring them to life.

You work best when there are no bosses above you. You require extended periods of solitude to make plans and recharge, and therefore your powerful potential often goes unnoticed by friends and acquaintances.

The main danger to the health of those born on July 16 lies in their misconception that the strength of the spirit can overcome any physical ailment.

However, they should remember that serious illnesses require the intervention of doctors or at least experienced consultants.

Of course, it can’t be denied that positive thinking is very beneficial for those born on July 16 and can even work miracles. However, an individual approach to diet and physical exercise would be highly desirable for them.

Those born on July 16 are constantly under the influence of romantic impulses related to love, adventures, fantastic events, and unusual people.

They strive to bring diversity into their lives and fill it with enthusiasm; routine and boredom irritate them. The passionate energy they direct towards realizing their projects sets them apart from other people.

As idealists at heart, those born on this day must believe in what they do, and their activities are often comparable to a crusade.

Moreover, there is another characteristic feature inherent in these romantics, namely: highly developed mental ability.

Many of them firmly believe that the power of the spirit prevails over matter and generally consider themselves to be highly logical thinking beings.

However, there is a certain difference between their statements and actions. If you had to read their remarks, you would acknowledge their logic, yet listening to the speech of those born on July 16, one cannot fail to notice that emotions prevail in it.

Indeed, the means of self-expression used by those born on July 16 is very similar to a preaching style, especially when it comes to convincing others of the unquestionable practicality of good endeavors.

For those born on July 16, conflicts between reason and emotions are inevitable. Let’s say they may be too concerned about their own passions, and to calm them down, they may resort to certain strict disciplines capable of regulating the flow of energy.

Unfortunately, such an approach often causes irritation, and this already leads to the distancing of those born on July 16 from others.

Many of those born on July 16 cannot resist the temptation to attract as many fans and followers as possible. However, here one needs to be particularly careful, as there is a risk of depriving others of the opportunity for spiritual growth based on their own experience and knowledge.

The most conservative individuals born on July 16 are engaged in ordinary work and lead, as it may seem at first, a quite cloudless life. But if you look at the books they read, the movies and TV programs they prefer, you can only be amazed at how their lives are filled with fantasies.

However, in all their fantasies, there is an obvious desire not only to truly indulge themselves, but also to involve others, and this becomes the main driving force in their lives.

Love can be a deep shock to those born on July 16 – either because of its depth or because of its frequency of repetition.

Anyway, it is almost impossible to tear those born on July 16 away from the object of their love, even if they have too little chance of winning the heart of their beloved.

Barriers, difficulties, irritation, anger – all these are components, invariably necessary for romantic relationships in the understanding of those who were born on this day.

Enthusiastic about their illusions, they can commit seemingly incredible acts. If the object of their love is inanimate (say, a place, a thing, an unattainable desire), it can forever remain a cherished dream.

In this sense, those born on July 16th always prefer immaterial dreams to active action.

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