Horoscope of trips and travels for 2024 takes into account the movement of planets in each month. It helps to choose the most favorable dates for departure and achieve goals far from home!
January 2024
January is one of the most favorable periods in 2024 for long-distance and overseas trips. The positive dynamics to processes and undertakings will be given by Mercury in Sagittarius, which will exit retrograde phase starting from January 2nd.
Encourages an active lifestyle, brings luck when traveling long distances, and helps break free from a repetitive cycle and end the recurring “Groundhog Day”!
Horoscope of trips and travels for 2024 says, if you are tired of the gray routine and monotony, then trips promise a colorful flow of new impressions and interesting events.
Under the patronage of the stars in January, your desire to broaden your horizons, get acquainted with other cultures and traditions, learn foreign languages, gain new knowledge and skills away from home, or even for a long time to stay in a new place.
The most grandiose prospects await people who go for education, work and business.
The best days for trips and tourism in January: 7, 8, 9, 16, 17, 21, 22, 26, 27.
February 2024
Trips in February will take place under the auspices of Aquarius – a lover of progress, innovation and steady movement into the future. The most important planets will have time to visit this sign.
Against the backdrop of such an astrological picture, it is not recommended to be captive of the past and “retreat” – return to previous activities and places, even if you are plagued by nostalgia.
It is favorable not only to travel, but to leave without looking back and start a new life, for example, when moving and immigrating. Changing your place of residence in February will have a positive impact on your future.
The most successful days in February for trips to any point in the country/world: 4, 5, 13, 17, 18, 22, 23.
March 2024
The travel horoscope for 2024 predicts that March is the time for brave and enduring travelers. The energy of Mars and Mercury in Aries will bring notes of extreme to long trips and travels.
It is not the safest period for traveling to unfamiliar places for relaxation, rest, and comfortable pastime.
But it is favorable for adventures, active tourism, hiking routes in nature, competitions, contests, and difficult undertakings, which temper the will and spirit.
The road in March will rather resemble a rocky winding path than a smooth obstacle-free track. It is not advisable to go on a trip if you feel weak and unwell in March.
Favorable days in March for setting off on a journey: 1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 15, 16, 20, 21, 30, 31.
April 2024
In this month, it will be difficult to sit still, but haste and hustle are contraindicated. Impulsive Mercury in Aries will become retrograde, urging for active actions and at the same time creating obstacles on the way.
For fans of high speeds, the risks of accidents will increase. Other unpredictable events are possible during spontaneous trips, so all of them should be carefully thought out and planned.
According to the horoscope of trips and travels for 2024, April is good for temporary entertainment to get away from home, take a break from daily worries and obligations.
But trips aimed at radical life changes, including moving to another country, are not recommended. It will be difficult to put down roots in a new place! Adaptation in new countries and cities will be slow, evoke regret or thoughts of returning.
Recommended days for trips in April: 1, 12, 13, 17, 18, 24, 25, 26, 27.
May 2024
May trips and travels will be under the patronage of Taurus, where Mercury and Venus will spend most of their time. In this sign, they promise a lot of earthly pleasures, as they often fulfill carnal and material desires.
This is a period of comfortable and respectable relaxation with elements of luxury. You can spare no money on trips, entertainment, and purchases away from home.
The horoscope of trips and travels for 2024 predicts that in May there will be an activation of financial flows and the opening of a money channel for those who are particularly eager for profit.
Therefore, it is favorable not only to spend, but also to earn, to go in search of income and cooperate with people from afar. Business trips, business travel, and business engagements will be productive.
The most harmonious and productive days for trips in May are: 5, 9, 10, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24.
June 2024
In the first month of summer 2024, the best reason for trips will be social contacts, the opportunity to freely communicate, exchange information and impressions.
The movement of Mercury and Venus from communicative Gemini to the cozy abode of Cancer contributes to strengthening connections with people. The most interesting and promising acquaintances will happen away from home.
You can find like-minded people, make friends, or meet a future life partner.
The horoscope of trips and travels for 2024 says that in the second half of June, being alone will be difficult, so trips and travels with a loved one, spouse, children, or the whole family will become an additional factor of luck.
It is important not to lose touch with loved ones. Trips to areas with Water energy (presence of large rivers, lakes, seas), as well as river and sea cruises, are especially favorable.
June days that are good for long journeys: 2, 7, 10, 11, 18, 19, 20, 21, 29.
July 2024
Mid-summer is the brightest and most promising period in the calendar of trips and travels in 2024. The movement of Venus and Mercury in the sign of Leo brings an aura of celebration and a fireworks of positive emotions.
Planets in Leo do not tolerate half-tones and restrictions, so they promise not only the fulfillment of wishes, but also a full-fledged life away from home. Trips for entertainment and pleasure, flirting and love will not disappoint!
Travel and Trips Horoscope for 2024 predicts that if the trip in July is related to work and finances, it will bring luck to people who are going on a journey of their own free will, rather than out of duty and under the burden of strict obligations.
A good reason for the trip may be the establishment of your own business and relationships with business partners.
The most favorable dates in July for travel/trip: 3, 7, 8, 15, 16, 17, 18, 30, 31.
August 2024
August is a calm and safe month in the 2024 travel calendar. During this period, the risks and unpredictability factors on the road and in unfamiliar places are minimized.
Diligent Mercury and Venus in Virgo will sharpen attention, allowing you to think through every little detail, not lose vigilance on the road, and even during the most leisurely vacation.
However, the most important topic on the agenda this month will be the health of the soul and body. Trips and travels should improve your well-being, not drain your energy.
The effectiveness of trips for recovery, restoration of vitality, and prevention of diseases will increase.
The horoscope of trips and travels for 2024 says that this is the best month of the year for rest and treatment at sanatoriums and rehabilitation centers, for cosmetic procedures, enjoying peace and nature, visiting power places and meditations.
Lucky travel days in August: 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 26, 27, 31.
September 2024
Planets in September will continue the trends of the previous month, which are favorable for sanatorium and resort vacations. However, there will be an increased need for internal harmony and the beauty of the surrounding space.
It is undesirable to go to a place that promises an increase in physical and psychological stress, causes anxiety, or depression. If thoughts about the trip evoke positive emotions, then it is time to go!
Venus in Libra in September will be a star matchmaker and patroness of lovers. The most dizzying love affairs will be tied far from home.
Lovers who are separated by countries and cities will finally be able to meet. And constant partners will be able to freshen up their feelings. This is also the best month of the year for a honeymoon.
Happy travel days in September: 1, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 19, 23, 27, 28.
October 2024
The horoscope of trips and travels for 2024 predicts that October is a neutral month for trips and travels for leisurely entertainment and relaxation. Another matter is meaningful trips.
A more serious and weighty reason for going on a trip will be a guarantee of success! For example, an important contract, a business deal, a major purchase, a project, a seminar, a conference, training, or a meeting with a dear person to the heart.
And if important matters can wait, then Venus in Scorpio and Sagittarius in October will be patrons of pilgrims, philosophers, and seekers of new meaning in life. Traveling with the aim of personal change, spiritual growth, and transformation is favorable.
Successful days for long journeys in October: 5, 6, 7, 8, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26.
November 2024
The stars in November will not let you deviate from the path and will lead you directly to your destination. This is one of the most successful months of the year for trips and travels, especially on land.
Fast Mercury in Sagittarius will increase the speed of movement, provide accurate guidance for expanding horizons, gaining new experiences and knowledge.
Strong Mars in Leo will give courage and endurance on the journey. The travel horoscope for 2024 predicts that you can go to the most distant and exotic places on the planet, enjoy the sights and learn a lot of new things.
Success of business trips is obvious for representatives of science and art. The seal of luck will touch any venture aimed at showcasing talent away from home: creative performances, scientific reports, presentations, castings.
Favorable days for covering long distances in November: 2, 3, 4, 5, 16, 17, 21, 22, 30.
December 2024
December is a universal month for trips and travels. On favorable days, trips for rest and entertainment, study and professional development, work and business are relevant.
The pitfalls in the first part of the month will be excessive optimism and stubbornness. It is not recommended to go on a previously postponed trip and to places associated with past failures and disappointments.
Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius until December 15th can lead to stepping on “old rakes”!
The most optimal dates of December for traveling and trips: 2, 3, 10, 14, 18, 19, 26, 27, 28.