Let’s consider the movement of planets in 2024 and the spheres of life they influence.
Jupiter’s movement in 2024
In 2024, starting from May 25th, Jupiter moves into Gemini – the most communicative zodiac sign. This astrological event will increase the value of information, its processing and transmission methods.
Information technologies will develop with new force, penetrating into all spheres of life. More advanced computer programs and applications will arise, along with new forms of calculations and monetary transactions.
According to the predictions of the planetary movement calendar in 2024, Jupiter in Gemini will cause a surge in the popularity of social networks, remote work, and online learning. The market for goods and services will be inseparable from the Internet, creating new niches for businesses.
It will be easier to promote oneself and attract a wide audience in the World Wide Web. Entrepreneurs, politicians, public figures, and newcomers seeking fame can take advantage of this.
In the intellectual Gemini, Jupiter will lead to an expansion of knowledge and intellectual potential. This year is favorable for investing in education, learning, mastering new methods and professions, writing dissertations, and advancing scientific careers.
Favorites in Gemini will be scientists, programmers, and representatives of intellectual professions, whose main tools of earning are speech and writing. For example, teachers, translators, writers, journalists, bloggers.
From June 3, smart Jupiter in Gemini, in a trine to secretive Pluto, has a breakthrough power in search of answers to the most pressing questions.
It helps to clarify something important, or even completely changes opinions and views based on the received information.
The main thing is not to ignore it, analyze and draw conclusions. Competence and awareness will be the keys to self-sufficiency, success, power, and influence: “the one who possesses information, possesses the world!”
On August 19, 2024, the square of optimistic Jupiter to stern Saturn promises a challenge for those who are on the verge of grandiose plans and projects.
Jupiter opens wide horizons of prospects, while Saturn casts a shadow of doubts and a fog of skepticism over them, erecting mirages of impassable walls, entangled with barbed wire of risks and limitations on the path to the goal.
It is important to believe in your own strength and not give in to the pressure of temporary difficulties!
Pluto’s Movement in 2024
In the calendar of planetary movements in 2024, Pluto holds a special place, as it symbolizes great upheavals and transformations.
Pluto moves through the sign of Aquarius, returning to the abode of Capricorn during the retrograde phase. Only from November 19th will Pluto finally establish itself in Aquarius.
Aquarius is focused on the future, promising a lot of innovation and reform, while Capricorn is a follower of old rules and traditions in all areas: fluctuating between these two signs, rebellious Pluto will create contradictions between the past and the future, conservatism and progress. Gradually, it will destroy the old foundations, striving to establish a “new world order.”
From January 21 to September 1, Pluto in Aquarius will cause social and economic upheavals, introduce new technologies and methods, push for a change in ideologies, values, and even ways of thinking.
However, not many people will be ready to adapt to the ever-changing picture of the world, experiencing a great deal of excitement and uncertainty about the future.
On a global level, Pluto in Aquarius has more troubling and destructive tendencies than positive ones, at least in terms of harmony and stability in the surrounding world.
On an individual level, it promises a transformation of personality for those who strive for internal restructuring, self-development, improvement, and spiritual growth.
It will help to find new goals and meanings, to break oppressive ties with the past, to discover new abilities and talents within oneself.
The return of retrograde Pluto to Capricorn from September 1st will cause a temporary easing and “rollback” of the tsunami of changes.
Intermediate results will be summed up, plans will be adjusted, and mistakes will surface as a result of too abrupt changes. But already in November 2024, Pluto will continue its work in Aquarius, promising to radically transform the world.
Movement of Uranus in 2024
The movement of planets in 2024 will not change the location of Uranus – it will continue to reside in Taurus, the most material sign of the zodiac.
The explosive Uranian energy undermines the solid foundations of existence – sources of support, guarantees, reliability, and comfort. First and foremost, finances and legal regulation of all forms of property will undergo reforms and changes.
Instability in currency exchange rates, refinancing rates, interest rates on loans and deposits, real estate prices, goods, and services will lead to disorientation and the inability to plan the fate of money, investments, and savings in accounts.
Even experienced financial analysts will make mistakes in their forecasts.
In April 2024, Uranus will join Jupiter, provoking the emergence of new forms of money, calculations, taxes, and fines.
New types of earnings and professions related to advanced technologies will also appear. Many specialties will become hopelessly outdated due to the robotization and automation of production processes.
Uranus in Taurus, like a mad scientist in his laboratory, will generate new ideas, but they are more experimental in nature rather than a final introduction into society.
Due to the discrepancy between theory and practice, new laws and mechanisms for regulating the economy and finance will not be able to harmoniously fit into reality. Hence the great variability of the scenario for the development of events!
Saturn’s Movement in 2024
Saturn continues its transit through Pisces, representing the lord of time, fate, and karma in this sign.
Occasionally, it will push for very serious reflections based on life experience, and if it was negative, it will immerse you in a swamp of sadness and despair.
The fatal mistakes of the past years will make themselves known, and the inflicted harm can come back as a boomerang at the most unexpected moment.
The critical points will be the turns of Saturn in the retro-loop – June 29th and November 15th. Around these dates, important decisions must be carefully weighed and considered, as they will have long-lasting and fateful consequences.
Saturn prolongs and burdens the weight of taken obligations and responsibilities, not allowing to drop it whenever you want.
For example, a large monetary loan can lead to a debt pit, a new job can become disliked, a profitable cooperation risks turning into burdensome dependence, and a hasty marriage – into a yoke on the spouses’ neck.
Paying tribute to Saturn is similar to the conditions of a long-term contract signed with your own hand. Therefore, it is not worth implementing plans that cannot be canceled or adjusted.
Give yourself space for maneuvers and search for an alternative. Well, if you are absolutely confident in your decision, then Saturn will only play into your hands, sealing your wish with a “for eternity” stamp!
Neptune’s Movement in 2024
Neptune will continue its long journey through the sign of Pisces – its native habitat. It encourages irrational and imaginative thinking.
It draws attention to the non-material aspects of life, the mysteries of the universe, and the enigmas of existence. It increases interest in creativity, psychology, philosophy, religion, mysticism, magic, astrology, bioenergetics, and healing.
Occult movements will be reinterpreted in modern realities, dividing people into ordinary people and initiates.
Spiritually developed individuals, like fireflies, will appear more often in these dark times and help others establish a connection with Higher Powers.
Neptunian vibrations in Pisces sharpen intuition and insight. Naturally sensitive people can discover the gift of a wizard and a seer within themselves, experience mystical revelations and see the essence of things.
Inner voice will help avoid risks and troubles in everyday life.
At the same time, increased sensitivity leads to a painful perception of the surrounding reality, which is full of negativity.
In 2024, it is important to tune your “perception filter” in such a way as to protect yourself from dark and low vibrations, which become the cause of many sorrows and diseases.
Movement of Lilith in 2024
Lilith or Black Moon moves from Virgo to the sign of Libra on June 29, 2024. Lilith distorts the classical virtues of the sign in which it is located, exposes weaknesses and vices.
If in Virgo it led to pettiness, cynicism, and bureaucracy, then in Libra it will disrupt concepts of beauty and harmony, including in relationships.
The sense of measure, tact, conscience, and justice will dull. Unpleasant human traits will be more frequently manifested. Tastelessness, rudeness, vulgarity, bad intentions, and actions will become the norm.
In the second half of the year, it will be more difficult to find compromises, conduct discussions, and prove one’s righteousness by legitimate means.
The art of diplomacy will be depreciated, giving way to ridicule and insults. Lilith in Libra provokes intolerance, irreconcilability, and fuels conflicts, where the participants only hear themselves, pursue strictly personal interests, and ignore others.
Relationships between people will be tested for strength more often, but not always wanted to be preserved. After all, Lilith in Libra not only sows discord but also pushes for breakups due to the dishonesty of partners.
It generates lies, greed, cunning, betrayals, and treachery. Only relying on intuition is left, reevaluating the circle of communication, distancing oneself from hostile and toxic personalities.
Working with Lilith in Libra in 2024 leads to the ability to accept people as they are, not succumbing to illusions in an attempt to fit someone into one’s own standards and expectations.
It is important not to make mistakes when choosing friends and life companions, to break oppressive ties, to find more respectful and harmonious forms of cooperation. By parting with those who are not on the same path, you will make room for a loyal ally in the future!
Movement of planets in each month of 2024
Movement of planets in January 2024
The Sun enters Aquarius on the 20th.
Mars on January 4th, Mercury on the 14th, and Venus on January 23rd move into Capricorn.
Uranus goes into direct motion on January 27th.
On January 21st, Pluto moves into Aquarius.
Movement of planets in February 2024
On February 19, the Sun moves into Pisces.
On February 5, Mercury, on the 13th Mars, and on the 16th Venus move into Aquarius.
On February 23, Mercury transitions into Pisces.
Movement of planets in March 2024
On March 20, the Sun moves into Aries.
Mercury transitions into Aries.
On March 11, Venus, and on March 22, Mars move into Pisces.
Movement of planets in April 2024
On April 19, the Sun moves into Taurus.
Mercury is retrograde from the 1st to the 25th.
On April 5, Venus, and on April 30, Mars move into Aries.
On April 29, Venus moves into Taurus.
Movement of planets in May 2024
On May 20, the Sun moves into Gemini.
On May 15, Mercury moves into Taurus.
On May 23, Venus moves into Gemini.
On May 26, Jupiter moves into Gemini.
Pluto is retrograde from the 2nd onward.
Movement of planets in June 2024
On June 20, the Sun moves into the sign of Cancer
From June 3, Mercury in Gemini
From June 17, Mercury in the sign of Cancer
On June 17, Venus in Cancer
On June 9, Mars moves into Taurus
Saturn retrograde from the 29th
On June 29, Lilith enters Libra
Movement of planets in July 2024
On July 2, Mercury, on July 11, Venus, on July 22, the Sun move into the sign of Leo
On July 25, Mercury moves into Virgo
On July 20, Mars in Gemini
Neptune retrograde from July 2
Movement of planets in August 2024
On August 22, the Sun moves into Virgo
From August 5, Mercury retrograde
Mercury retrograde on the 15th stands out from Virgo
On August 5, Venus moves into Virgo
On August 29, enters Libra
Planetary movements in September 2024
The Sun enters Libra on September 22
Mercury moves into Virgo on September 9
Mercury moves into Libra on September 26
Venus transitions into Scorpio on September 23
Mars moves into Cancer on September 4
Uranus goes retrograde on September 1
Pluto returns to Capricorn on September 2
Planetary movements in October 2024
Mercury moves into Scorpio on October 13, the Sun enters Scorpio on October 22
Venus transitions into Sagittarius on October 17
Jupiter goes retrograde
Pluto starts moving direct on October 12
Movement of planets in November 2024
On November 2nd, Mercury, Sun 21 enter Sagittarius
Mercury retrograde from November 26th
On November 11th, Venus moves into Capricorn
On November 4th, Mars enters Leo
Starting from November 15th, Saturn begins to move direct
On November 19th, 2024, Pluto moves into Aquarius
Movement of planets in December 2024
On December 21st, the Sun moves into Capricorn
Mercury goes direct from December 15th
On December 7th, Venus in Aquarius
Mars retrograde from December 6th
Neptune moves direct from December 7th
Movement of planets in December 2024
On December 21st, the Sun moves into Capricorn
Mercury goes direct from December 15th
On December 7th, Venus in Aquarius
Mars retrograde from December 6th
Neptune moves direct from December 7th